package; import com.airbnb.deeplinkdispatch.UrlTreeKt; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import o.C16063kpL; import o.ldG; import o.sbb; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class ObjectValue implements Cloneable { private final Map overlayMap; private sbb partialValue; public static ObjectValue fromMap(Map map) { return new ObjectValue(sbb.d().d(ldG.a().a(map)).build()); } public ObjectValue(sbb sbbVar) { this.overlayMap = new HashMap(); Assert.hardAssert(sbb.HBt.c(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_) == sbb.HBt.MAP_VALUE, "ObjectValues should be backed by a MapValue", new Object[0]); Assert.hardAssert(!ServerTimestamps.isServerTimestamp(sbbVar), "ServerTimestamps should not be used as an ObjectValue", new Object[0]); this.partialValue = sbbVar; } public ObjectValue() { this(sbb.d().c(ldG.d()).build()); } public final Map getFieldsMap() { ldG d; sbb buildProto = buildProto(); if (buildProto.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) buildProto.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(d.fields_); } public final FieldMask getFieldMask() { ldG d; sbb buildProto = buildProto(); if (buildProto.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) buildProto.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } return extractFieldMask(d); } private FieldMask extractFieldMask(ldG ldg) { ldG d; HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); for (Map.Entry entry : Collections.unmodifiableMap(ldg.fields_).entrySet()) { FieldPath fromSingleSegment = FieldPath.fromSingleSegment((String) entry.getKey()); if (Values.isMapValue((sbb) entry.getValue())) { sbb sbbVar = (sbb) entry.getValue(); if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } Set mask = extractFieldMask(d).getMask(); if (mask.isEmpty()) { hashSet.add(fromSingleSegment); } else { Iterator it = mask.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { hashSet.add(fromSingleSegment.append(; } } } else { hashSet.add(fromSingleSegment); } } return FieldMask.fromSet(hashSet); } public final sbb get(FieldPath fieldPath) { return extractNestedValue(buildProto(), fieldPath); } private sbb extractNestedValue(sbb sbbVar, FieldPath fieldPath) { ldG d; ldG d2; if (fieldPath.isEmpty()) { return sbbVar; } for (int i = 0; i < fieldPath.length() - 1; i++) { if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d2 = (ldG) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { d2 = ldG.d(); } String segment = fieldPath.getSegment(i); C16063kpL c16063kpL = d2.fields_; sbbVar = c16063kpL.containsKey(segment) ? c16063kpL.get(segment) : null; if (!Values.isMapValue(sbbVar)) { return null; } } if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } String lastSegment = fieldPath.getLastSegment(); C16063kpL c16063kpL2 = d.fields_; if (c16063kpL2.containsKey(lastSegment)) { return c16063kpL2.get(lastSegment); } return null; } private sbb buildProto() { synchronized (this.overlayMap) { ldG applyOverlay = applyOverlay(FieldPath.EMPTY_PATH, this.overlayMap); if (applyOverlay != null) { this.partialValue = sbb.d().c(applyOverlay).build(); this.overlayMap.clear(); } } return this.partialValue; } public final void delete(FieldPath fieldPath) { Assert.hardAssert(!fieldPath.isEmpty(), "Cannot delete field for empty path on ObjectValue", new Object[0]); setOverlay(fieldPath, null); } public final void set(FieldPath fieldPath, sbb sbbVar) { Assert.hardAssert(!fieldPath.isEmpty(), "Cannot set field for empty path on ObjectValue", new Object[0]); setOverlay(fieldPath, sbbVar); } public final void setAll(Map map) { for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { FieldPath key = entry.getKey(); if (entry.getValue() == null) { delete(key); } else { set(key, entry.getValue()); } } } private void setOverlay(FieldPath fieldPath, sbb sbbVar) { Map hashMap; ldG d; Map map = this.overlayMap; for (int i = 0; i < fieldPath.length() - 1; i++) { String segment = fieldPath.getSegment(i); Object obj = map.get(segment); if (obj instanceof Map) { hashMap = (Map) obj; } else { if (obj instanceof sbb) { sbb sbbVar2 = (sbb) obj; if (sbb.HBt.c(sbbVar2.valueTypeCase_) == sbb.HBt.MAP_VALUE) { if (sbbVar2.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) sbbVar2.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } HashMap hashMap2 = new HashMap(Collections.unmodifiableMap(d.fields_)); map.put(segment, hashMap2); map = hashMap2; } } hashMap = new HashMap<>(); map.put(segment, hashMap); } map = hashMap; } map.put(fieldPath.getLastSegment(), sbbVar); } private ldG applyOverlay(FieldPath fieldPath, Map map) { ldG.RVV a; ldG d; sbb extractNestedValue = extractNestedValue(this.partialValue, fieldPath); if (Values.isMapValue(extractNestedValue)) { if (extractNestedValue.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) extractNestedValue.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } a = d.toBuilder(); } else { a = ldG.a(); } boolean z = false; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof Map) { ldG applyOverlay = applyOverlay(fieldPath.append(key), (Map) value); if (applyOverlay != null) { a.b(key, sbb.d().c(applyOverlay).build()); z = true; } } else { if (value instanceof sbb) { a.b(key, (sbb) value); } else if (Collections.unmodifiableMap(((ldG) a.instance).fields_).containsKey(key)) { Assert.hardAssert(value == null, "Expected entry to be a Map, a Value or null", new Object[0]); a.e(key); } z = true; } } if (z) { return; } return null; } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj instanceof ObjectValue) { return Values.equals(buildProto(), ((ObjectValue) obj).buildProto()); } return false; } public final int hashCode() { return buildProto().hashCode(); } public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("ObjectValue{internalValue="); sb.append(Values.canonicalId(buildProto())); sb.append(UrlTreeKt.componentParamSuffixChar); return sb.toString(); } /* renamed from: clone, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public final ObjectValue m234clone() { return new ObjectValue(buildProto()); } }