package; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache implements RemoteDocumentCache { private final SQLitePersistence db; private IndexManager indexManager; private final LocalSerializer serializer; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache(SQLitePersistence sQLitePersistence, LocalSerializer localSerializer) { this.db = sQLitePersistence; this.serializer = localSerializer; } @Override // public final void add(MutableDocument mutableDocument, SnapshotVersion snapshotVersion) { Assert.hardAssert(!snapshotVersion.equals(SnapshotVersion.NONE), "Cannot add document to the RemoteDocumentCache with a read time of zero", new Object[0]); DocumentKey key = mutableDocument.getKey(); Timestamp timestamp = snapshotVersion.getTimestamp(); MaybeDocument encodeMaybeDocument = this.serializer.encodeMaybeDocument(mutableDocument); this.db.execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO remote_documents (path, path_length, read_time_seconds, read_time_nanos, contents) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", EncodedPath.encode(key.getPath()), Integer.valueOf(key.getPath().length()), Long.valueOf(timestamp.getSeconds()), Integer.valueOf(timestamp.getNanoseconds()), encodeMaybeDocument.toByteArray()); this.indexManager.addToCollectionParentIndex(mutableDocument.getKey().getCollectionPath()); } @Override // public final void removeAll(Collection collection) { if (collection.isEmpty()) { return; } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); ImmutableSortedMap emptyDocumentMap = DocumentCollections.emptyDocumentMap(); for (DocumentKey documentKey : collection) { arrayList.add(EncodedPath.encode(documentKey.getPath())); emptyDocumentMap = emptyDocumentMap.insert(documentKey, MutableDocument.newNoDocument(documentKey, SnapshotVersion.NONE)); } SQLitePersistence.LongQuery longQuery = new SQLitePersistence.LongQuery(this.db, "DELETE FROM remote_documents WHERE path IN (", arrayList, ")"); while (longQuery.hasMoreSubqueries()) { longQuery.executeNextSubquery(); } this.indexManager.updateIndexEntries(emptyDocumentMap); } @Override // public final MutableDocument get(DocumentKey documentKey) { return getAll(Collections.singletonList(documentKey)).get(documentKey); } @Override // public final Map getAll(Iterable iterable) { final HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); for (DocumentKey documentKey : iterable) { arrayList.add(EncodedPath.encode(documentKey.getPath())); hashMap.put(documentKey, MutableDocument.newInvalidDocument(documentKey)); } SQLitePersistence.LongQuery longQuery = new SQLitePersistence.LongQuery(this.db, "SELECT contents, read_time_seconds, read_time_nanos FROM remote_documents WHERE path IN (", arrayList, ") ORDER BY path"); final BackgroundQueue backgroundQueue = new BackgroundQueue(); while (longQuery.hasMoreSubqueries()) { longQuery.performNextSubquery().forEach(new Consumer(this, backgroundQueue, hashMap) { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda2 public final SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache f$0; public final BackgroundQueue f$1; public final Map f$2; @Override // public final void accept(Object obj) { this.f$0.m215xca14d1c3(this.f$1, this.f$2, (Cursor) obj); } { this.f$0 = this; this.f$1 = backgroundQueue; this.f$2 = hashMap; } }); } backgroundQueue.drain(); return hashMap; } @Override // public final Map getAll(String str, FieldIndex.IndexOffset indexOffset, int i) { List collectionParents = this.indexManager.getCollectionParents(str); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(collectionParents.size()); Iterator it = collectionParents.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(; } if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } if (arrayList.size() * 9 < 900) { return getAll(arrayList, indexOffset, i); } HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); int i2 = 0; while (i2 < arrayList.size()) { int i3 = i2 + 100; hashMap.putAll(getAll(arrayList.subList(i2, Math.min(arrayList.size(), i3)), indexOffset, i)); i2 = i3; } return Util.firstNEntries(hashMap, i, FieldIndex.IndexOffset.DOCUMENT_COMPARATOR); } private Map getAll(List list, FieldIndex.IndexOffset indexOffset, int i) { Timestamp timestamp = indexOffset.getReadTime().getTimestamp(); DocumentKey documentKey = indexOffset.getDocumentKey(); StringBuilder repeatSequence = Util.repeatSequence("SELECT contents, read_time_seconds, read_time_nanos, path FROM remote_documents WHERE path >= ? AND path < ? AND path_length = ? AND (read_time_seconds > ? OR ( read_time_seconds = ? AND read_time_nanos > ?) OR ( read_time_seconds = ? AND read_time_nanos = ? and path > ?)) ", list.size(), " UNION "); repeatSequence.append("ORDER BY read_time_seconds, read_time_nanos, path LIMIT ?"); Object[] objArr = new Object[(list.size() * 9) + 1]; int i2 = 0; for (ResourcePath resourcePath : list) { String encode = EncodedPath.encode(resourcePath); objArr[i2] = encode; objArr[i2 + 1] = EncodedPath.prefixSuccessor(encode); objArr[i2 + 2] = Integer.valueOf(resourcePath.length() + 1); objArr[i2 + 3] = Long.valueOf(timestamp.getSeconds()); objArr[i2 + 4] = Long.valueOf(timestamp.getSeconds()); objArr[i2 + 5] = Integer.valueOf(timestamp.getNanoseconds()); objArr[i2 + 6] = Long.valueOf(timestamp.getSeconds()); objArr[i2 + 7] = Integer.valueOf(timestamp.getNanoseconds()); objArr[i2 + 8] = EncodedPath.encode(documentKey.getPath()); i2 += 9; } objArr[i2] = Integer.valueOf(i); final BackgroundQueue backgroundQueue = new BackgroundQueue(); final HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); this.db.query(repeatSequence.toString()).binding(objArr).forEach(new Consumer(this, backgroundQueue, hashMap) { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda1 public final SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache f$0; public final BackgroundQueue f$1; public final Map f$2; @Override // public final void accept(Object obj) { this.f$0.m216xbda45604(this.f$1, this.f$2, (Cursor) obj); } { this.f$0 = this; this.f$1 = backgroundQueue; this.f$2 = hashMap; } }); backgroundQueue.drain(); return hashMap; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r8v2, types: [java.util.concurrent.Executor] */ /* renamed from: processRowInBackground, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] and merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public void m216xbda45604(BackgroundQueue backgroundQueue, final Map map, Cursor cursor) { final byte[] blob = cursor.getBlob(0); final int i = cursor.getInt(1); final int i2 = cursor.getInt(2); BackgroundQueue backgroundQueue2 = backgroundQueue; if (cursor.isLast()) { backgroundQueue2 = Executors.DIRECT_EXECUTOR; } backgroundQueue2.execute(new Runnable(this, blob, i, i2, map) { // from class:$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0 public final SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache f$0; public final byte[] f$1; public final int f$2; public final int f$3; public final Map f$4; @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { this.f$0.m217x16ef698(this.f$1, this.f$2, this.f$3, this.f$4); } { this.f$0 = this; this.f$1 = blob; this.f$2 = i; this.f$3 = i2; this.f$4 = map; } }); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: lambda$processRowInBackground$2$com-google-firebase-firestore-local-SQLiteRemoteDocumentCache, reason: not valid java name */ public final /* synthetic */ void m217x16ef698(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2, Map map) { MutableDocument decodeMaybeDocument = decodeMaybeDocument(bArr, i, i2); synchronized (map) { map.put(decodeMaybeDocument.getKey(), decodeMaybeDocument); } } @Override // public final Map getAll(ResourcePath resourcePath, FieldIndex.IndexOffset indexOffset) { return getAll(Collections.singletonList(resourcePath), indexOffset, Integer.MAX_VALUE); } private MutableDocument decodeMaybeDocument(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { try { return this.serializer.decodeMaybeDocument(MaybeDocument.parseFrom(bArr)).setReadTime(new SnapshotVersion(new Timestamp(i, i2))); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw"MaybeDocument failed to parse: %s", e); } } @Override // public final void setIndexManager(IndexManager indexManager) { this.indexManager = indexManager; } }