package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import o.AQX; import o.QwV; import o.jrE; import o.ldG; import o.sbb; import o.uOO; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class UserDataWriter { private final FirebaseFirestore firestore; private final DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior serverTimestampBehavior; public UserDataWriter(FirebaseFirestore firebaseFirestore, DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior serverTimestampBehavior) { this.firestore = firebaseFirestore; this.serverTimestampBehavior = serverTimestampBehavior; } public Object convertValue(sbb sbbVar) { AQX c; QwV qwV; jrE a; jrE a2; uOO e; ldG d; switch (Values.typeOrder(sbbVar)) { case 0: return null; case 1: return Boolean.valueOf(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 1 ? ((Boolean) sbbVar.valueType_).booleanValue() : false); case 2: if (sbb.HBt.c(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_).equals(sbb.HBt.INTEGER_VALUE)) { return Long.valueOf(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 2 ? ((Long) sbbVar.valueType_).longValue() : 0L); } return Double.valueOf(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 3 ? ((Double) sbbVar.valueType_).doubleValue() : 0.0d); case 3: if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 10) { c = (AQX) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { c = AQX.c(); } return convertTimestamp(c); case 4: return convertServerTimestamp(sbbVar); case 5: return sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 17 ? (String) sbbVar.valueType_ : ""; case 6: if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 18) { qwV = (QwV) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { qwV = QwV.a; } return Blob.fromByteString(qwV); case 7: return convertReference(sbbVar); case 8: if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 8) { a = (jrE) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { a = jrE.a(); } double d2 = a.latitude_; if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 8) { a2 = (jrE) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { a2 = jrE.a(); } return new GeoPoint(d2, a2.longitude_); case 9: if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 9) { e = (uOO) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { e = uOO.e(); } return convertArray(e); case 10: if (sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 6) { d = (ldG) sbbVar.valueType_; } else { d = ldG.d(); } return convertObject(Collections.unmodifiableMap(d.fields_)); default: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Unknown value type: "); sb.append(sbb.HBt.c(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_)); throw, new Object[0]); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public Map convertObject(Map map) { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { hashMap.put(entry.getKey(), convertValue(entry.getValue())); } return hashMap; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from:$1, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass1 { static final int[] $SwitchMap$com$google$firebase$firestore$DocumentSnapshot$ServerTimestampBehavior; static { int[] iArr = new int[DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior.values().length]; $SwitchMap$com$google$firebase$firestore$DocumentSnapshot$ServerTimestampBehavior = iArr; try { iArr[DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior.PREVIOUS.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) { } try { $SwitchMap$com$google$firebase$firestore$DocumentSnapshot$ServerTimestampBehavior[DocumentSnapshot.ServerTimestampBehavior.ESTIMATE.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) { } } } private Object convertServerTimestamp(sbb sbbVar) { int i = AnonymousClass1.$SwitchMap$com$google$firebase$firestore$DocumentSnapshot$ServerTimestampBehavior[this.serverTimestampBehavior.ordinal()]; if (i != 1) { if (i != 2) { return null; } return convertTimestamp(ServerTimestamps.getLocalWriteTime(sbbVar)); } sbb previousValue = ServerTimestamps.getPreviousValue(sbbVar); if (previousValue == null) { return null; } return convertValue(previousValue); } private Object convertTimestamp(AQX aqx) { return new Timestamp(aqx.seconds_, aqx.nanos_); } private List convertArray(uOO uoo) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(uoo.values_.size()); Iterator it = uoo.values_.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(convertValue(; } return arrayList; } private Object convertReference(sbb sbbVar) { DatabaseId fromName = DatabaseId.fromName(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 5 ? (String) sbbVar.valueType_ : ""); DocumentKey fromName2 = DocumentKey.fromName(sbbVar.valueTypeCase_ == 5 ? (String) sbbVar.valueType_ : ""); DatabaseId databaseId = this.firestore.getDatabaseId(); if (!fromName.equals(databaseId)) { Logger.warn("DocumentSnapshot", "Document %s contains a document reference within a different database (%s/%s) which is not supported. It will be treated as a reference in the current database (%s/%s) instead.", fromName2.getPath(), fromName.getProjectId(), fromName.getDatabaseId(), databaseId.getProjectId(), databaseId.getDatabaseId()); } return new DocumentReference(fromName2, this.firestore); } }