package; import android.util.SparseArray; import; import; import; import com.huawei.hms.framework.common.ContainerUtils; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class FirebaseFirestoreException extends FirebaseException { private final Code code; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public enum Code { OK(0), CANCELLED(1), UNKNOWN(2), INVALID_ARGUMENT(3), DEADLINE_EXCEEDED(4), NOT_FOUND(5), ALREADY_EXISTS(6), PERMISSION_DENIED(7), RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED(8), FAILED_PRECONDITION(9), ABORTED(10), OUT_OF_RANGE(11), UNIMPLEMENTED(12), INTERNAL(13), UNAVAILABLE(14), DATA_LOSS(15), UNAUTHENTICATED(16); private static final SparseArray STATUS_LIST = buildStatusList(); private final int value; Code(int i) { this.value = i; } private static SparseArray buildStatusList() { SparseArray sparseArray = new SparseArray<>(); for (Code code : values()) { Code code2 = sparseArray.get(code.value()); if (code2 != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Code value duplication between "); sb.append(code2); sb.append(ContainerUtils.FIELD_DELIMITER); sb.append(; throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } sparseArray.put(code.value(), code); } return sparseArray; } public static Code fromValue(int i) { return STATUS_LIST.get(i, UNKNOWN); } public final int value() { return this.value; } } public FirebaseFirestoreException(String str, Code code) { super(str); Preconditions.checkNotNull(str, "Provided message must not be null."); Assert.hardAssert(code != Code.OK, "A FirebaseFirestoreException should never be thrown for OK", new Object[0]); this.code = (Code) Preconditions.checkNotNull(code, "Provided code must not be null."); } public FirebaseFirestoreException(String str, Code code, Throwable th) { super(str, th); Preconditions.checkNotNull(str, "Provided message must not be null."); Assert.hardAssert(code != Code.OK, "A FirebaseFirestoreException should never be thrown for OK", new Object[0]); this.code = (Code) Preconditions.checkNotNull(code, "Provided code must not be null."); } public Code getCode() { return this.code; } }