package; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.JsonWriter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class JsonValueObjectEncoderContext implements ObjectEncoderContext, ValueEncoderContext { private final ObjectEncoder fallbackEncoder; private final boolean ignoreNullValues; private final JsonWriter jsonWriter; private final Map, ObjectEncoder> objectEncoders; private final Map, ValueEncoder> valueEncoders; private JsonValueObjectEncoderContext childContext = null; private boolean active = true; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public JsonValueObjectEncoderContext(Writer writer, Map, ObjectEncoder> map, Map, ValueEncoder> map2, ObjectEncoder objectEncoder, boolean z) { this.jsonWriter = new JsonWriter(writer); this.objectEncoders = map; this.valueEncoders = map2; this.fallbackEncoder = objectEncoder; this.ignoreNullValues = z; } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(String str, Object obj) throws IOException { if (this.ignoreNullValues) { return internalAddIgnoreNullValues(str, obj); } return internalAdd(str, obj); } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(String str, int i) throws IOException { maybeUnNest();; return add(i); } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(String str, long j) throws IOException { maybeUnNest();; return add(j); } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(String str, boolean z) throws IOException { maybeUnNest();; return add(z); } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(String str) throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); this.jsonWriter.value(str); return this; } public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(int i) throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); this.jsonWriter.value(i); return this; } public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(long j) throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); this.jsonWriter.value(j); return this; } @Override // public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(boolean z) throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); this.jsonWriter.value(z); return this; } public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(byte[] bArr) throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); if (bArr == null) { this.jsonWriter.nullValue(); } else { this.jsonWriter.value(Base64.encodeToString(bArr, 2)); } return this; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext add(Object obj, boolean z) throws IOException { int i = 0; if (z && cannotBeInline(obj)) { Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; objArr[0] = obj == null ? null : obj.getClass(); throw new EncodingException(String.format("%s cannot be encoded inline", objArr)); } if (obj == null) { this.jsonWriter.nullValue(); return this; } if (obj instanceof Number) { this.jsonWriter.value((Number) obj); return this; } if (obj.getClass().isArray()) { if (obj instanceof byte[]) { return add((byte[]) obj); } this.jsonWriter.beginArray(); if (obj instanceof int[]) { int length = ((int[]) obj).length; while (i < length) { this.jsonWriter.value(r6[i]); i++; } } else if (obj instanceof long[]) { long[] jArr = (long[]) obj; int length2 = jArr.length; while (i < length2) { add(jArr[i]); i++; } } else if (obj instanceof double[]) { double[] dArr = (double[]) obj; int length3 = dArr.length; while (i < length3) { this.jsonWriter.value(dArr[i]); i++; } } else if (obj instanceof boolean[]) { boolean[] zArr = (boolean[]) obj; int length4 = zArr.length; while (i < length4) { this.jsonWriter.value(zArr[i]); i++; } } else if (obj instanceof Number[]) { for (Number number : (Number[]) obj) { add((Object) number, false); } } else { for (Object obj2 : (Object[]) obj) { add(obj2, false); } } this.jsonWriter.endArray(); return this; } if (obj instanceof Collection) { this.jsonWriter.beginArray(); Iterator it = ((Collection) obj).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { add(, false); } this.jsonWriter.endArray(); return this; } if (obj instanceof Map) { this.jsonWriter.beginObject(); for (Map.Entry entry : ((Map) obj).entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); try { add((String) key, entry.getValue()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new EncodingException(String.format("Only String keys are currently supported in maps, got %s of type %s instead.", key, key.getClass()), e); } } this.jsonWriter.endObject(); return this; } ObjectEncoder objectEncoder = this.objectEncoders.get(obj.getClass()); if (objectEncoder != null) { return doEncode(objectEncoder, obj, z); } ValueEncoder valueEncoder = this.valueEncoders.get(obj.getClass()); if (valueEncoder != null) { valueEncoder.encode(obj, this); return this; } if (obj instanceof Enum) { add(((Enum) obj).name()); return this; } return doEncode(this.fallbackEncoder, obj, z); } final JsonValueObjectEncoderContext doEncode(ObjectEncoder objectEncoder, Object obj, boolean z) throws IOException { if (!z) { this.jsonWriter.beginObject(); } objectEncoder.encode(obj, this); if (!z) { this.jsonWriter.endObject(); } return this; } private boolean cannotBeInline(Object obj) { return obj == null || obj.getClass().isArray() || (obj instanceof Collection) || (obj instanceof Date) || (obj instanceof Enum) || (obj instanceof Number); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void close() throws IOException { maybeUnNest(); this.jsonWriter.flush(); } private void maybeUnNest() throws IOException { if (! { throw new IllegalStateException("Parent context used since this context was created. Cannot use this context anymore."); } JsonValueObjectEncoderContext jsonValueObjectEncoderContext = this.childContext; if (jsonValueObjectEncoderContext != null) { jsonValueObjectEncoderContext.maybeUnNest(); = false; this.childContext = null; this.jsonWriter.endObject(); } } private JsonValueObjectEncoderContext internalAdd(String str, Object obj) throws IOException, EncodingException { maybeUnNest();; if (obj == null) { this.jsonWriter.nullValue(); return this; } return add(obj, false); } private JsonValueObjectEncoderContext internalAddIgnoreNullValues(String str, Object obj) throws IOException, EncodingException { if (obj == null) { return this; } maybeUnNest();; return add(obj, false); } }