package; import; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class CodedOutputStream implements Flushable { public static final int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN_32_SIZE = 4; public static final int LITTLE_ENDIAN_64_SIZE = 8; private final byte[] buffer; private final int limit; private final OutputStream output; private int position; public static int computeBoolSizeNoTag(boolean z) { return 1; } public static int computeDoubleSizeNoTag(double d) { return 8; } public static int computeFixed32SizeNoTag(int i) { return 4; } public static int computeFixed64SizeNoTag(long j) { return 8; } public static int computeFloatSizeNoTag(float f) { return 4; } static int computePreferredBufferSize(int i) { if (i > 4096) { return 4096; } return i; } public static int computeRawVarint32Size(int i) { if ((i & (-128)) == 0) { return 1; } if ((i & (-16384)) == 0) { return 2; } if (((-2097152) & i) == 0) { return 3; } return (i & (-268435456)) == 0 ? 4 : 5; } public static int computeRawVarint64Size(long j) { if (((-128) & j) == 0) { return 1; } if (((-16384) & j) == 0) { return 2; } if (((-2097152) & j) == 0) { return 3; } if (((-268435456) & j) == 0) { return 4; } if (((-34359738368L) & j) == 0) { return 5; } if (((-4398046511104L) & j) == 0) { return 6; } if (((-562949953421312L) & j) == 0) { return 7; } if (((-72057594037927936L) & j) == 0) { return 8; } return (j & Long.MIN_VALUE) == 0 ? 9 : 10; } public static int computeSFixed32SizeNoTag(int i) { return 4; } public static int computeSFixed64SizeNoTag(long j) { return 8; } public static int encodeZigZag32(int i) { return (i << 1) ^ (i >> 31); } public static long encodeZigZag64(long j) { return (j << 1) ^ (j >> 63); } private CodedOutputStream(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { this.output = null; this.buffer = bArr; this.position = i; this.limit = i + i2; } private CodedOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream, byte[] bArr) { this.output = outputStream; this.buffer = bArr; this.position = 0; this.limit = bArr.length; } public static CodedOutputStream newInstance(OutputStream outputStream) { return newInstance(outputStream, 4096); } public static CodedOutputStream newInstance(OutputStream outputStream, int i) { return new CodedOutputStream(outputStream, new byte[i]); } public static CodedOutputStream newInstance(byte[] bArr) { return newInstance(bArr, 0, bArr.length); } public static CodedOutputStream newInstance(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { return new CodedOutputStream(bArr, i, i2); } public final void writeDouble(int i, double d) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 1); writeDoubleNoTag(d); } public final void writeFloat(int i, float f) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 5); writeFloatNoTag(f); } public final void writeUInt64(int i, long j) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeUInt64NoTag(j); } public final void writeInt64(int i, long j) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeInt64NoTag(j); } public final void writeInt32(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeInt32NoTag(i2); } public final void writeFixed64(int i, long j) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 1); writeFixed64NoTag(j); } public final void writeFixed32(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 5); writeFixed32NoTag(i2); } public final void writeBool(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeBoolNoTag(z); } public final void writeString(int i, String str) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 2); writeStringNoTag(str); } public final void writeBytes(int i, ByteString byteString) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 2); writeBytesNoTag(byteString); } public final void writeUInt32(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeUInt32NoTag(i2); } public final void writeEnum(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeEnumNoTag(i2); } public final void writeSFixed32(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 5); writeSFixed32NoTag(i2); } public final void writeSFixed64(int i, long j) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 1); writeSFixed64NoTag(j); } public final void writeSInt32(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeSInt32NoTag(i2); } public final void writeSInt64(int i, long j) throws IOException { writeTag(i, 0); writeSInt64NoTag(j); } public final void writeRawMessageSetExtension(int i, ByteString byteString) throws IOException { writeTag(1, 3); writeUInt32(2, i); writeBytes(3, byteString); writeTag(1, 4); } public final void writeDoubleNoTag(double d) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian64(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); } public final void writeFloatNoTag(float f) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); } public final void writeUInt64NoTag(long j) throws IOException { writeRawVarint64(j); } public final void writeInt64NoTag(long j) throws IOException { writeRawVarint64(j); } public final void writeInt32NoTag(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { writeRawVarint32(i); } else { writeRawVarint64(i); } } public final void writeFixed64NoTag(long j) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian64(j); } public final void writeFixed32NoTag(int i) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian32(i); } public final void writeBoolNoTag(boolean z) throws IOException { writeRawByte(z ? 1 : 0); } public final void writeStringNoTag(String str) throws IOException { byte[] bytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8"); writeRawVarint32(bytes.length); writeRawBytes(bytes); } public final void writeBytesNoTag(ByteString byteString) throws IOException { writeRawVarint32(byteString.size()); writeRawBytes(byteString); } public final void writeUInt32NoTag(int i) throws IOException { writeRawVarint32(i); } public final void writeEnumNoTag(int i) throws IOException { writeInt32NoTag(i); } public final void writeSFixed32NoTag(int i) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian32(i); } public final void writeSFixed64NoTag(long j) throws IOException { writeRawLittleEndian64(j); } public final void writeSInt32NoTag(int i) throws IOException { writeRawVarint32(encodeZigZag32(i)); } public final void writeSInt64NoTag(long j) throws IOException { writeRawVarint64(encodeZigZag64(j)); } public static int computeDoubleSize(int i, double d) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeDoubleSizeNoTag(d); } public static int computeFloatSize(int i, float f) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeFloatSizeNoTag(f); } public static int computeUInt64Size(int i, long j) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeUInt64SizeNoTag(j); } public static int computeInt64Size(int i, long j) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeInt64SizeNoTag(j); } public static int computeInt32Size(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeInt32SizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeFixed64Size(int i, long j) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeFixed64SizeNoTag(j); } public static int computeFixed32Size(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeFixed32SizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeBoolSize(int i, boolean z) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeBoolSizeNoTag(z); } public static int computeStringSize(int i, String str) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeStringSizeNoTag(str); } public static int computeBytesSize(int i, ByteString byteString) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeBytesSizeNoTag(byteString); } public static int computeUInt32Size(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeUInt32SizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeEnumSize(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeEnumSizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeSFixed32Size(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeSFixed32SizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeSFixed64Size(int i, long j) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeSFixed64SizeNoTag(j); } public static int computeSInt32Size(int i, int i2) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeSInt32SizeNoTag(i2); } public static int computeSInt64Size(int i, long j) { return computeTagSize(i) + computeSInt64SizeNoTag(j); } public static int computeRawMessageSetExtensionSize(int i, ByteString byteString) { return (computeTagSize(1) << 1) + computeUInt32Size(2, i) + computeBytesSize(3, byteString); } public static int computeUInt64SizeNoTag(long j) { return computeRawVarint64Size(j); } public static int computeInt64SizeNoTag(long j) { return computeRawVarint64Size(j); } public static int computeInt32SizeNoTag(int i) { if (i >= 0) { return computeRawVarint32Size(i); } return 10; } public static int computeStringSizeNoTag(String str) { try { byte[] bytes = str.getBytes("UTF-8"); return computeRawVarint32Size(bytes.length) + bytes.length; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("UTF-8 not supported.", e); } } public static int computeBytesSizeNoTag(ByteString byteString) { return computeRawVarint32Size(byteString.size()) + byteString.size(); } public static int computeUInt32SizeNoTag(int i) { return computeRawVarint32Size(i); } public static int computeEnumSizeNoTag(int i) { return computeInt32SizeNoTag(i); } public static int computeSInt32SizeNoTag(int i) { return computeRawVarint32Size(encodeZigZag32(i)); } public static int computeSInt64SizeNoTag(long j) { return computeRawVarint64Size(encodeZigZag64(j)); } private void refreshBuffer() throws IOException { OutputStream outputStream = this.output; if (outputStream == null) { throw new OutOfSpaceException(); } outputStream.write(this.buffer, 0, this.position); this.position = 0; } @Override // public final void flush() throws IOException { if (this.output != null) { refreshBuffer(); } } public final int spaceLeft() { if (this.output == null) { return this.limit - this.position; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("spaceLeft() can only be called on CodedOutputStreams that are writing to a flat array."); } public final void checkNoSpaceLeft() { if (spaceLeft() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not write as much data as expected."); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class OutOfSpaceException extends IOException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6947486886997889499L; OutOfSpaceException() { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space."); } } public final void writeRawByte(byte b) throws IOException { if (this.position == this.limit) { refreshBuffer(); } byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i = this.position; this.position = i + 1; bArr[i] = b; } public final void writeRawByte(int i) throws IOException { writeRawByte((byte) i); } public final void writeRawBytes(ByteString byteString) throws IOException { writeRawBytes(byteString, 0, byteString.size()); } public final void writeRawBytes(byte[] bArr) throws IOException { writeRawBytes(bArr, 0, bArr.length); } public final void writeRawBytes(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { int i3 = this.limit; int i4 = this.position; int i5 = i3 - i4; if (i5 >= i2) { System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.buffer, i4, i2); this.position += i2; return; } System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.buffer, i4, i5); int i6 = i + i5; int i7 = i2 - i5; this.position = this.limit; refreshBuffer(); if (i7 <= this.limit) { System.arraycopy(bArr, i6, this.buffer, 0, i7); this.position = i7; } else { this.output.write(bArr, i6, i7); } } public final void writeRawBytes(ByteString byteString, int i, int i2) throws IOException { int i3 = this.limit; int i4 = this.position; int i5 = i3 - i4; if (i5 >= i2) { byteString.copyTo(this.buffer, i, i4, i2); this.position += i2; return; } byteString.copyTo(this.buffer, i, i4, i5); int i6 = i + i5; int i7 = i2 - i5; this.position = this.limit; refreshBuffer(); if (i7 <= this.limit) { byteString.copyTo(this.buffer, i6, 0, i7); this.position = i7; return; } InputStream newInput = byteString.newInput(); long j = i6; if (j != newInput.skip(j)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Skip failed."); } while (i7 > 0) { int min = Math.min(i7, this.limit); int read =, 0, min); if (read != min) { throw new IllegalStateException("Read failed."); } this.output.write(this.buffer, 0, read); i7 -= read; } } public final void writeTag(int i, int i2) throws IOException { writeRawVarint32(WireFormat.makeTag(i, i2)); } public static int computeTagSize(int i) { return computeRawVarint32Size(WireFormat.makeTag(i, 0)); } public final void writeRawVarint32(int i) throws IOException { while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { writeRawByte((i & 127) | 128); i >>>= 7; } writeRawByte(i); } public final void writeRawVarint64(long j) throws IOException { while (((-128) & j) != 0) { writeRawByte((((int) j) & 127) | 128); j >>>= 7; } writeRawByte((int) j); } public final void writeRawLittleEndian32(int i) throws IOException { writeRawByte(i & 255); writeRawByte((i >> 8) & 255); writeRawByte((i >> 16) & 255); writeRawByte(i >>> 24); } public final void writeRawLittleEndian64(long j) throws IOException { writeRawByte(((int) j) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 8)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 16)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 24)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 32)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 40)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 48)) & 255); writeRawByte(((int) (j >> 56)) & 255); } }