package; import; import o.vAr; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class InvalidProtocolBufferException extends IOException { public boolean b; public vAr c; public InvalidProtocolBufferException(String str) { super(str); this.c = null; } public InvalidProtocolBufferException(IOException iOException) { super(iOException.getMessage(), iOException); this.c = null; } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException h() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("While parsing a protocol message, the input ended unexpectedly in the middle of a field. This could mean either that the input has been truncated or that an embedded message misreported its own length."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException i() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("CodedInputStream encountered an embedded string or message which claimed to have negative size."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException a() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("CodedInputStream encountered a malformed varint."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException c() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero)."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException e() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag."); } public static InvalidWireTypeException d() { return new InvalidWireTypeException("Protocol message tag had invalid wire type."); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class InvalidWireTypeException extends InvalidProtocolBufferException { public InvalidWireTypeException(String str) { super(str); } } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException g() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Protocol message had too many levels of nesting. May be malicious. Use CodedInputStream.setRecursionLimit() to increase the depth limit."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException f() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Failed to parse the message."); } public static InvalidProtocolBufferException b() { return new InvalidProtocolBufferException("Protocol message had invalid UTF-8."); } }