package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NavigableMap; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.RandomAccess; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class Synchronized { private Synchronized() { } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedObject implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; final Object delegate; final Object mutex; SynchronizedObject(Object obj, Object obj2) { this.delegate = Preconditions.checkNotNull(obj); this.mutex = obj2 == null ? this : obj2; } public String toString() { String obj; synchronized (this.mutex) { obj = this.delegate.toString(); } return obj; } private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream) throws IOException { synchronized (this.mutex) { objectOutputStream.defaultWriteObject(); } } Object delegate() { return this.delegate; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static Collection collection(Collection collection, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedCollection(collection, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedCollection extends SynchronizedObject implements Collection { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; private SynchronizedCollection(Collection collection, Object obj) { super(collection, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Collection delegate() { return (Collection) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.Collection public boolean add(E e) { boolean add; synchronized (this.mutex) { add = delegate().add(e); } return add; } @Override // java.util.Collection public boolean addAll(Collection collection) { boolean addAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { addAll = delegate().addAll(collection); } return addAll; } @Override // java.util.Collection public void clear() { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().clear(); } } public boolean contains(Object obj) { boolean contains; synchronized (this.mutex) { contains = delegate().contains(obj); } return contains; } public boolean containsAll(Collection collection) { boolean containsAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsAll = delegate().containsAll(collection); } return containsAll; } @Override // java.util.Collection public boolean isEmpty() { boolean isEmpty; synchronized (this.mutex) { isEmpty = delegate().isEmpty(); } return isEmpty; } public Iterator iterator() { return delegate().iterator(); } public boolean remove(Object obj) { boolean remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(obj); } return remove; } public boolean removeAll(Collection collection) { boolean removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = delegate().removeAll(collection); } return removeAll; } public boolean retainAll(Collection collection) { boolean retainAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { retainAll = delegate().retainAll(collection); } return retainAll; } @Override // java.util.Collection public int size() { int size; synchronized (this.mutex) { size = delegate().size(); } return size; } public Object[] toArray() { Object[] array; synchronized (this.mutex) { array = delegate().toArray(); } return array; } public T[] toArray(T[] tArr) { T[] tArr2; synchronized (this.mutex) { tArr2 = (T[]) delegate().toArray(tArr); } return tArr2; } } static Set set(Set set, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedSet(set, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedSet extends SynchronizedCollection implements Set { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedSet(Set set, Object obj) { super(set, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public Set delegate() { return (Set) super.delegate(); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static SortedSet sortedSet(SortedSet sortedSet, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedSortedSet(sortedSet, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedSortedSet extends SynchronizedSet implements SortedSet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedSortedSet(SortedSet sortedSet, Object obj) { super(sortedSet, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //,, public SortedSet delegate() { return (SortedSet) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.SortedSet public Comparator comparator() { Comparator comparator; synchronized (this.mutex) { comparator = delegate().comparator(); } return comparator; } public SortedSet subSet(E e, E e2) { SortedSet sortedSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedSet = Synchronized.sortedSet(delegate().subSet(e, e2), this.mutex); } return sortedSet; } public SortedSet headSet(E e) { SortedSet sortedSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedSet = Synchronized.sortedSet(delegate().headSet(e), this.mutex); } return sortedSet; } public SortedSet tailSet(E e) { SortedSet sortedSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedSet = Synchronized.sortedSet(delegate().tailSet(e), this.mutex); } return sortedSet; } @Override // java.util.SortedSet public E first() { E first; synchronized (this.mutex) { first = delegate().first(); } return first; } @Override // java.util.SortedSet public E last() { E last; synchronized (this.mutex) { last = delegate().last(); } return last; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static List list(List list, Object obj) { if (list instanceof RandomAccess) { return new SynchronizedRandomAccessList(list, obj); } return new SynchronizedList(list, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedList extends SynchronizedCollection implements List { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedList(List list, Object obj) { super(list, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public List delegate() { return (List) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.List public void add(int i, E e) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().add(i, e); } } @Override // java.util.List public boolean addAll(int i, Collection collection) { boolean addAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { addAll = delegate().addAll(i, collection); } return addAll; } @Override // java.util.List public E get(int i) { E e; synchronized (this.mutex) { e = delegate().get(i); } return e; } @Override // java.util.List public int indexOf(Object obj) { int indexOf; synchronized (this.mutex) { indexOf = delegate().indexOf(obj); } return indexOf; } @Override // java.util.List public int lastIndexOf(Object obj) { int lastIndexOf; synchronized (this.mutex) { lastIndexOf = delegate().lastIndexOf(obj); } return lastIndexOf; } @Override // java.util.List public ListIterator listIterator() { return delegate().listIterator(); } @Override // java.util.List public ListIterator listIterator(int i) { return delegate().listIterator(i); } @Override // java.util.List public E remove(int i) { E remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(i); } return remove; } @Override // java.util.List public E set(int i, E e) { E e2; synchronized (this.mutex) { e2 = delegate().set(i, e); } return e2; } @Override // java.util.List public List subList(int i, int i2) { List list; synchronized (this.mutex) { list = Synchronized.list(delegate().subList(i, i2), this.mutex); } return list; } @Override // java.util.Collection, java.util.List public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // java.util.Collection, java.util.List public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedRandomAccessList extends SynchronizedList implements RandomAccess { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedRandomAccessList(List list, Object obj) { super(list, obj); } } static Multiset multiset(Multiset multiset, Object obj) { return ((multiset instanceof SynchronizedMultiset) || (multiset instanceof ImmutableMultiset)) ? multiset : new SynchronizedMultiset(multiset, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedMultiset extends SynchronizedCollection implements Multiset { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient Set elementSet; transient Set> entrySet; SynchronizedMultiset(Multiset multiset, Object obj) { super(multiset, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public Multiset delegate() { return (Multiset) super.delegate(); } @Override // public int count(Object obj) { int count; synchronized (this.mutex) { count = delegate().count(obj); } return count; } @Override // public int add(E e, int i) { int add; synchronized (this.mutex) { add = delegate().add(e, i); } return add; } @Override // public int remove(Object obj, int i) { int remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(obj, i); } return remove; } @Override // public int setCount(E e, int i) { int count; synchronized (this.mutex) { count = delegate().setCount(e, i); } return count; } @Override // public boolean setCount(E e, int i, int i2) { boolean count; synchronized (this.mutex) { count = delegate().setCount(e, i, i2); } return count; } @Override // public Set elementSet() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.elementSet == null) { this.elementSet = Synchronized.typePreservingSet(delegate().elementSet(), this.mutex); } set = this.elementSet; } return set; } @Override // public Set> entrySet() { Set> set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.entrySet == null) { this.entrySet = Synchronized.typePreservingSet(delegate().entrySet(), this.mutex); } set = this.entrySet; } return set; } @Override // java.util.Collection, public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // java.util.Collection, public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static Multimap multimap(Multimap multimap, Object obj) { return ((multimap instanceof SynchronizedMultimap) || (multimap instanceof BaseImmutableMultimap)) ? multimap : new SynchronizedMultimap(multimap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedMultimap extends SynchronizedObject implements Multimap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient Map> asMap; transient Collection> entries; transient Set keySet; transient Multiset keys; transient Collection valuesCollection; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Multimap delegate() { return (Multimap) super.delegate(); } SynchronizedMultimap(Multimap multimap, Object obj) { super(multimap, obj); } @Override // public int size() { int size; synchronized (this.mutex) { size = delegate().size(); } return size; } @Override // public boolean isEmpty() { boolean isEmpty; synchronized (this.mutex) { isEmpty = delegate().isEmpty(); } return isEmpty; } @Override // public boolean containsKey(Object obj) { boolean containsKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsKey = delegate().containsKey(obj); } return containsKey; } @Override // public boolean containsValue(Object obj) { boolean containsValue; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsValue = delegate().containsValue(obj); } return containsValue; } @Override // public boolean containsEntry(Object obj, Object obj2) { boolean containsEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsEntry = delegate().containsEntry(obj, obj2); } return containsEntry; } public Collection get(K k) { Collection typePreservingCollection; synchronized (this.mutex) { typePreservingCollection = Synchronized.typePreservingCollection(delegate().get(k), this.mutex); } return typePreservingCollection; } @Override // public boolean put(K k, V v) { boolean put; synchronized (this.mutex) { put = delegate().put(k, v); } return put; } @Override // public boolean putAll(K k, Iterable iterable) { boolean putAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { putAll = delegate().putAll(k, iterable); } return putAll; } @Override // public boolean putAll(Multimap multimap) { boolean putAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { putAll = delegate().putAll(multimap); } return putAll; } public Collection replaceValues(K k, Iterable iterable) { Collection replaceValues; synchronized (this.mutex) { replaceValues = delegate().replaceValues(k, iterable); } return replaceValues; } @Override // public boolean remove(Object obj, Object obj2) { boolean remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(obj, obj2); } return remove; } public Collection removeAll(Object obj) { Collection removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = delegate().removeAll(obj); } return removeAll; } @Override // public void clear() { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().clear(); } } @Override // public Set keySet() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.keySet == null) { this.keySet = Synchronized.typePreservingSet(delegate().keySet(), this.mutex); } set = this.keySet; } return set; } @Override // public Collection values() { Collection collection; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.valuesCollection == null) { this.valuesCollection = Synchronized.collection(delegate().values(), this.mutex); } collection = this.valuesCollection; } return collection; } @Override // public Collection> entries() { Collection> collection; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.entries == null) { this.entries = Synchronized.typePreservingCollection(delegate().entries(), this.mutex); } collection = this.entries; } return collection; } @Override //, public Map> asMap() { Map> map; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.asMap == null) { this.asMap = new SynchronizedAsMap(delegate().asMap(), this.mutex); } map = this.asMap; } return map; } @Override // public Multiset keys() { Multiset multiset; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.keys == null) { this.keys = Synchronized.multiset(delegate().keys(), this.mutex); } multiset = this.keys; } return multiset; } @Override //, public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static ListMultimap listMultimap(ListMultimap listMultimap, Object obj) { return ((listMultimap instanceof SynchronizedListMultimap) || (listMultimap instanceof BaseImmutableMultimap)) ? listMultimap : new SynchronizedListMultimap(listMultimap, obj); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static class SynchronizedListMultimap extends SynchronizedMultimap implements ListMultimap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection get(Object obj) { return get((SynchronizedListMultimap) obj); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection replaceValues(Object obj, Iterable iterable) { return replaceValues((SynchronizedListMultimap) obj, iterable); } SynchronizedListMultimap(ListMultimap listMultimap, Object obj) { super(listMultimap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public ListMultimap delegate() { return (ListMultimap) super.delegate(); } @Override //, public List get(K k) { List list; synchronized (this.mutex) { list = Synchronized.list(delegate().get((ListMultimap) k), this.mutex); } return list; } @Override //, public List removeAll(Object obj) { List removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = delegate().removeAll(obj); } return removeAll; } @Override //, public List replaceValues(K k, Iterable iterable) { List replaceValues; synchronized (this.mutex) { replaceValues = delegate().replaceValues((ListMultimap) k, (Iterable) iterable); } return replaceValues; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static SetMultimap setMultimap(SetMultimap setMultimap, Object obj) { return ((setMultimap instanceof SynchronizedSetMultimap) || (setMultimap instanceof BaseImmutableMultimap)) ? setMultimap : new SynchronizedSetMultimap(setMultimap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedSetMultimap extends SynchronizedMultimap implements SetMultimap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient Set> entrySet; /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection get(Object obj) { return get((SynchronizedSetMultimap) obj); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection replaceValues(Object obj, Iterable iterable) { return replaceValues((SynchronizedSetMultimap) obj, iterable); } SynchronizedSetMultimap(SetMultimap setMultimap, Object obj) { super(setMultimap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public SetMultimap delegate() { return (SetMultimap) super.delegate(); } @Override //, public Set get(K k) { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { set = Synchronized.set(delegate().get((SetMultimap) k), this.mutex); } return set; } @Override //, public Set removeAll(Object obj) { Set removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = delegate().removeAll(obj); } return removeAll; } @Override //, public Set replaceValues(K k, Iterable iterable) { Set replaceValues; synchronized (this.mutex) { replaceValues = delegate().replaceValues((SetMultimap) k, (Iterable) iterable); } return replaceValues; } @Override //, public Set> entries() { Set> set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.entrySet == null) { this.entrySet = Synchronized.set(delegate().entries(), this.mutex); } set = this.entrySet; } return set; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static SortedSetMultimap sortedSetMultimap(SortedSetMultimap sortedSetMultimap, Object obj) { return sortedSetMultimap instanceof SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap ? sortedSetMultimap : new SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap(sortedSetMultimap, obj); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static class SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap extends SynchronizedSetMultimap implements SortedSetMultimap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection get(Object obj) { return get((SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap) obj); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Set get(Object obj) { return get((SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap) obj); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Collection replaceValues(Object obj, Iterable iterable) { return replaceValues((SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap) obj, iterable); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override //,, public /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ Set replaceValues(Object obj, Iterable iterable) { return replaceValues((SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap) obj, iterable); } SynchronizedSortedSetMultimap(SortedSetMultimap sortedSetMultimap, Object obj) { super(sortedSetMultimap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //,, public SortedSetMultimap delegate() { return (SortedSetMultimap) super.delegate(); } @Override //,, public SortedSet get(K k) { SortedSet sortedSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedSet = Synchronized.sortedSet(delegate().get((SortedSetMultimap) k), this.mutex); } return sortedSet; } @Override //,, public SortedSet removeAll(Object obj) { SortedSet removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = delegate().removeAll(obj); } return removeAll; } @Override //,, public SortedSet replaceValues(K k, Iterable iterable) { SortedSet replaceValues; synchronized (this.mutex) { replaceValues = delegate().replaceValues((SortedSetMultimap) k, (Iterable) iterable); } return replaceValues; } @Override // public Comparator valueComparator() { Comparator valueComparator; synchronized (this.mutex) { valueComparator = delegate().valueComparator(); } return valueComparator; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static Collection typePreservingCollection(Collection collection, Object obj) { if (collection instanceof SortedSet) { return sortedSet((SortedSet) collection, obj); } if (collection instanceof Set) { return set((Set) collection, obj); } if (collection instanceof List) { return list((List) collection, obj); } return collection(collection, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static Set typePreservingSet(Set set, Object obj) { if (set instanceof SortedSet) { return sortedSet((SortedSet) set, obj); } return set(set, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedAsMapEntries extends SynchronizedSet>> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedAsMapEntries(Set>> set, Object obj) { super(set, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from:$SynchronizedAsMapEntries$1, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class AnonymousClass1 extends TransformedIterator>, Map.Entry>> { final SynchronizedAsMapEntries this$0; /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ AnonymousClass1(SynchronizedAsMapEntries synchronizedAsMapEntries, Iterator it) { super(it); this.this$0 = synchronizedAsMapEntries; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Map.Entry> transform(Map.Entry> entry) { return new ForwardingMapEntry>(this, entry) { // from class: final AnonymousClass1 this$1; final Map.Entry val$entry; { this.this$1 = this; this.val$entry = entry; } @Override //, java.util.Map.Entry public Collection getValue() { return Synchronized.typePreservingCollection((Collection) this.val$entry.getValue(), this.this$1.this$0.mutex); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ @Override //, public Map.Entry> delegate() { return this.val$entry; } }; } } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Set public Iterator>> iterator() { return new AnonymousClass1(this, super.iterator()); } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public Object[] toArray() { Object[] arrayImpl; synchronized (this.mutex) { arrayImpl = ObjectArrays.toArrayImpl(delegate()); } return arrayImpl; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public T[] toArray(T[] tArr) { T[] tArr2; synchronized (this.mutex) { tArr2 = (T[]) ObjectArrays.toArrayImpl(delegate(), tArr); } return tArr2; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean contains(Object obj) { boolean containsEntryImpl; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsEntryImpl = Maps.containsEntryImpl(delegate(), obj); } return containsEntryImpl; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean containsAll(Collection collection) { boolean containsAllImpl; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsAllImpl = Collections2.containsAllImpl(delegate(), collection); } return containsAllImpl; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equalsImpl; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equalsImpl = Sets.equalsImpl(delegate(), obj); } return equalsImpl; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean remove(Object obj) { boolean removeEntryImpl; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeEntryImpl = Maps.removeEntryImpl(delegate(), obj); } return removeEntryImpl; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean removeAll(Collection collection) { boolean removeAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeAll = Iterators.removeAll(delegate().iterator(), collection); } return removeAll; } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.util.Set public boolean retainAll(Collection collection) { boolean retainAll; synchronized (this.mutex) { retainAll = Iterators.retainAll(delegate().iterator(), collection); } return retainAll; } } static Map map(Map map, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedMap(map, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedMap extends SynchronizedObject implements Map { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient Set> entrySet; transient Set keySet; transient Collection values; SynchronizedMap(Map map, Object obj) { super(map, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Map delegate() { return (Map) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.Map public void clear() { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().clear(); } } @Override // java.util.Map public boolean containsKey(Object obj) { boolean containsKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsKey = delegate().containsKey(obj); } return containsKey; } public boolean containsValue(Object obj) { boolean containsValue; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsValue = delegate().containsValue(obj); } return containsValue; } public Set> entrySet() { Set> set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.entrySet == null) { this.entrySet = Synchronized.set(delegate().entrySet(), this.mutex); } set = this.entrySet; } return set; } public V get(Object obj) { V v; synchronized (this.mutex) { v = delegate().get(obj); } return v; } @Override // java.util.Map public boolean isEmpty() { boolean isEmpty; synchronized (this.mutex) { isEmpty = delegate().isEmpty(); } return isEmpty; } @Override // java.util.Map public Set keySet() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.keySet == null) { this.keySet = Synchronized.set(delegate().keySet(), this.mutex); } set = this.keySet; } return set; } @Override // java.util.Map public V put(K k, V v) { V put; synchronized (this.mutex) { put = delegate().put(k, v); } return put; } @Override // java.util.Map public void putAll(Map map) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().putAll(map); } } @Override // java.util.Map public V remove(Object obj) { V remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(obj); } return remove; } @Override // java.util.Map public int size() { int size; synchronized (this.mutex) { size = delegate().size(); } return size; } public Collection values() { Collection collection; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.values == null) { this.values = Synchronized.collection(delegate().values(), this.mutex); } collection = this.values; } return collection; } @Override // java.util.Map public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (obj == this) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // java.util.Map public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } } static SortedMap sortedMap(SortedMap sortedMap, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedSortedMap(sortedMap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedSortedMap extends SynchronizedMap implements SortedMap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedSortedMap(SortedMap sortedMap, Object obj) { super(sortedMap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public SortedMap delegate() { return (SortedMap) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.SortedMap public Comparator comparator() { Comparator comparator; synchronized (this.mutex) { comparator = delegate().comparator(); } return comparator; } @Override // java.util.SortedMap public K firstKey() { K firstKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { firstKey = delegate().firstKey(); } return firstKey; } public SortedMap headMap(K k) { SortedMap sortedMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedMap = Synchronized.sortedMap(delegate().headMap(k), this.mutex); } return sortedMap; } @Override // java.util.SortedMap public K lastKey() { K lastKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { lastKey = delegate().lastKey(); } return lastKey; } public SortedMap subMap(K k, K k2) { SortedMap sortedMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedMap = Synchronized.sortedMap(delegate().subMap(k, k2), this.mutex); } return sortedMap; } public SortedMap tailMap(K k) { SortedMap sortedMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { sortedMap = Synchronized.sortedMap(delegate().tailMap(k), this.mutex); } return sortedMap; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public static BiMap biMap(BiMap biMap, Object obj) { if ((biMap instanceof SynchronizedBiMap) || (biMap instanceof ImmutableBiMap)) { return biMap; } return new SynchronizedBiMap(biMap, obj, null); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedBiMap extends SynchronizedMap implements BiMap, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; private transient BiMap inverse; private transient Set valueSet; private SynchronizedBiMap(BiMap biMap, Object obj, BiMap biMap2) { super(biMap, obj); this.inverse = biMap2; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public BiMap delegate() { return (BiMap) super.delegate(); } @Override //, java.util.Map public Set values() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.valueSet == null) { this.valueSet = Synchronized.set(delegate().values(), this.mutex); } set = this.valueSet; } return set; } @Override // public V forcePut(K k, V v) { V forcePut; synchronized (this.mutex) { forcePut = delegate().forcePut(k, v); } return forcePut; } @Override // public BiMap inverse() { BiMap biMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.inverse == null) { this.inverse = new SynchronizedBiMap(delegate().inverse(), this.mutex, this); } biMap = this.inverse; } return biMap; } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static class SynchronizedAsMap extends SynchronizedMap> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient Set>> asMapEntrySet; transient Collection> asMapValues; SynchronizedAsMap(Map> map, Object obj) { super(map, obj); } @Override //, java.util.Map public Collection get(Object obj) { Collection typePreservingCollection; synchronized (this.mutex) { Collection collection = (Collection) super.get(obj); typePreservingCollection = collection == null ? null : Synchronized.typePreservingCollection(collection, this.mutex); } return typePreservingCollection; } @Override //, java.util.Map public Set>> entrySet() { Set>> set; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.asMapEntrySet == null) { this.asMapEntrySet = new SynchronizedAsMapEntries(delegate().entrySet(), this.mutex); } set = this.asMapEntrySet; } return set; } @Override //, java.util.Map public Collection> values() { Collection> collection; synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.asMapValues == null) { this.asMapValues = new SynchronizedAsMapValues(delegate().values(), this.mutex); } collection = this.asMapValues; } return collection; } @Override //, java.util.Map public boolean containsValue(Object obj) { return values().contains(obj); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedAsMapValues extends SynchronizedCollection> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedAsMapValues(Collection> collection, Object obj) { super(collection, obj); } @Override //, java.util.Collection, java.lang.Iterable, java.util.Set public Iterator> iterator() { return new TransformedIterator, Collection>(this, super.iterator()) { // from class: final SynchronizedAsMapValues this$0; { this.this$0 = this; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Collection transform(Collection collection) { return Synchronized.typePreservingCollection(collection, this.this$0.mutex); } }; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedNavigableSet extends SynchronizedSortedSet implements NavigableSet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient NavigableSet descendingSet; SynchronizedNavigableSet(NavigableSet navigableSet, Object obj) { super(navigableSet, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //,,, public NavigableSet delegate() { return (NavigableSet) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E ceiling(E e) { E ceiling; synchronized (this.mutex) { ceiling = delegate().ceiling(e); } return ceiling; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public Iterator descendingIterator() { return delegate().descendingIterator(); } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public NavigableSet descendingSet() { synchronized (this.mutex) { NavigableSet navigableSet = this.descendingSet; if (navigableSet != null) { return navigableSet; } NavigableSet navigableSet2 = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().descendingSet(), this.mutex); this.descendingSet = navigableSet2; return navigableSet2; } } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E floor(E e) { E floor; synchronized (this.mutex) { floor = delegate().floor(e); } return floor; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public NavigableSet headSet(E e, boolean z) { NavigableSet navigableSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableSet = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().headSet(e, z), this.mutex); } return navigableSet; } @Override //, java.util.SortedSet, java.util.NavigableSet public SortedSet headSet(E e) { return headSet(e, false); } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E higher(E e) { E higher; synchronized (this.mutex) { higher = delegate().higher(e); } return higher; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E lower(E e) { E lower; synchronized (this.mutex) { lower = delegate().lower(e); } return lower; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E pollFirst() { E pollFirst; synchronized (this.mutex) { pollFirst = delegate().pollFirst(); } return pollFirst; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public E pollLast() { E pollLast; synchronized (this.mutex) { pollLast = delegate().pollLast(); } return pollLast; } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public NavigableSet subSet(E e, boolean z, E e2, boolean z2) { NavigableSet navigableSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableSet = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().subSet(e, z, e2, z2), this.mutex); } return navigableSet; } @Override //, java.util.SortedSet, java.util.NavigableSet public SortedSet subSet(E e, E e2) { return subSet(e, true, e2, false); } @Override // java.util.NavigableSet public NavigableSet tailSet(E e, boolean z) { NavigableSet navigableSet; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableSet = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().tailSet(e, z), this.mutex); } return navigableSet; } @Override //, java.util.SortedSet, java.util.NavigableSet public SortedSet tailSet(E e) { return tailSet(e, true); } } static NavigableSet navigableSet(NavigableSet navigableSet, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedNavigableSet(navigableSet, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static NavigableSet navigableSet(NavigableSet navigableSet) { return navigableSet(navigableSet, null); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static NavigableMap navigableMap(NavigableMap navigableMap) { return navigableMap(navigableMap, null); } static NavigableMap navigableMap(NavigableMap navigableMap, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedNavigableMap(navigableMap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedNavigableMap extends SynchronizedSortedMap implements NavigableMap { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; transient NavigableSet descendingKeySet; transient NavigableMap descendingMap; transient NavigableSet navigableKeySet; SynchronizedNavigableMap(NavigableMap navigableMap, Object obj) { super(navigableMap, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //,, public NavigableMap delegate() { return (NavigableMap) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry ceilingEntry(K k) { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().ceilingEntry(k), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public K ceilingKey(K k) { K ceilingKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { ceilingKey = delegate().ceilingKey(k); } return ceilingKey; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableSet descendingKeySet() { synchronized (this.mutex) { NavigableSet navigableSet = this.descendingKeySet; if (navigableSet != null) { return navigableSet; } NavigableSet navigableSet2 = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().descendingKeySet(), this.mutex); this.descendingKeySet = navigableSet2; return navigableSet2; } } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableMap descendingMap() { synchronized (this.mutex) { NavigableMap navigableMap = this.descendingMap; if (navigableMap != null) { return navigableMap; } NavigableMap navigableMap2 = Synchronized.navigableMap(delegate().descendingMap(), this.mutex); this.descendingMap = navigableMap2; return navigableMap2; } } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry firstEntry() { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().firstEntry(), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry floorEntry(K k) { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().floorEntry(k), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public K floorKey(K k) { K floorKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { floorKey = delegate().floorKey(k); } return floorKey; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableMap headMap(K k, boolean z) { NavigableMap navigableMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableMap = Synchronized.navigableMap(delegate().headMap(k, z), this.mutex); } return navigableMap; } @Override //, java.util.SortedMap, java.util.NavigableMap public SortedMap headMap(K k) { return headMap(k, false); } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry higherEntry(K k) { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().higherEntry(k), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public K higherKey(K k) { K higherKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { higherKey = delegate().higherKey(k); } return higherKey; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry lastEntry() { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().lastEntry(), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry lowerEntry(K k) { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().lowerEntry(k), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public K lowerKey(K k) { K lowerKey; synchronized (this.mutex) { lowerKey = delegate().lowerKey(k); } return lowerKey; } @Override //, java.util.Map public Set keySet() { return navigableKeySet(); } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableSet navigableKeySet() { synchronized (this.mutex) { NavigableSet navigableSet = this.navigableKeySet; if (navigableSet != null) { return navigableSet; } NavigableSet navigableSet2 = Synchronized.navigableSet(delegate().navigableKeySet(), this.mutex); this.navigableKeySet = navigableSet2; return navigableSet2; } } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry pollFirstEntry() { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().pollFirstEntry(), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public Map.Entry pollLastEntry() { Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry; synchronized (this.mutex) { nullableSynchronizedEntry = Synchronized.nullableSynchronizedEntry(delegate().pollLastEntry(), this.mutex); } return nullableSynchronizedEntry; } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableMap subMap(K k, boolean z, K k2, boolean z2) { NavigableMap navigableMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableMap = Synchronized.navigableMap(delegate().subMap(k, z, k2, z2), this.mutex); } return navigableMap; } @Override //, java.util.SortedMap, java.util.NavigableMap public SortedMap subMap(K k, K k2) { return subMap(k, true, k2, false); } @Override // java.util.NavigableMap public NavigableMap tailMap(K k, boolean z) { NavigableMap navigableMap; synchronized (this.mutex) { navigableMap = Synchronized.navigableMap(delegate().tailMap(k, z), this.mutex); } return navigableMap; } @Override //, java.util.SortedMap, java.util.NavigableMap public SortedMap tailMap(K k) { return tailMap(k, true); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static Map.Entry nullableSynchronizedEntry(Map.Entry entry, Object obj) { if (entry == null) { return null; } return new SynchronizedEntry(entry, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedEntry extends SynchronizedObject implements Map.Entry { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedEntry(Map.Entry entry, Object obj) { super(entry, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public Map.Entry delegate() { return (Map.Entry) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public K getKey() { K key; synchronized (this.mutex) { key = delegate().getKey(); } return key; } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public V getValue() { V value; synchronized (this.mutex) { value = delegate().getValue(); } return value; } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public V setValue(V v) { V value; synchronized (this.mutex) { value = delegate().setValue(v); } return value; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static Queue queue(Queue queue, Object obj) { return !(queue instanceof SynchronizedQueue) ? new SynchronizedQueue(queue, obj) : queue; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class SynchronizedQueue extends SynchronizedCollection implements Queue { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedQueue(Queue queue, Object obj) { super(queue, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //, public Queue delegate() { return (Queue) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.Queue public E element() { E element; synchronized (this.mutex) { element = delegate().element(); } return element; } @Override // java.util.Queue public boolean offer(E e) { boolean offer; synchronized (this.mutex) { offer = delegate().offer(e); } return offer; } @Override // java.util.Queue public E peek() { E peek; synchronized (this.mutex) { peek = delegate().peek(); } return peek; } @Override // java.util.Queue public E poll() { E poll; synchronized (this.mutex) { poll = delegate().poll(); } return poll; } @Override // java.util.Queue public E remove() { E remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(); } return remove; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static Deque deque(Deque deque, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedDeque(deque, obj); } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static final class SynchronizedDeque extends SynchronizedQueue implements Deque { private static final long serialVersionUID = 0; SynchronizedDeque(Deque deque, Object obj) { super(deque, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override //,, public final Deque delegate() { return (Deque) super.delegate(); } @Override // java.util.Deque public final void addFirst(E e) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().addFirst(e); } } @Override // java.util.Deque public final void addLast(E e) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().addLast(e); } } @Override // java.util.Deque public final boolean offerFirst(E e) { boolean offerFirst; synchronized (this.mutex) { offerFirst = delegate().offerFirst(e); } return offerFirst; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final boolean offerLast(E e) { boolean offerLast; synchronized (this.mutex) { offerLast = delegate().offerLast(e); } return offerLast; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E removeFirst() { E removeFirst; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeFirst = delegate().removeFirst(); } return removeFirst; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E removeLast() { E removeLast; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeLast = delegate().removeLast(); } return removeLast; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E pollFirst() { E pollFirst; synchronized (this.mutex) { pollFirst = delegate().pollFirst(); } return pollFirst; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E pollLast() { E pollLast; synchronized (this.mutex) { pollLast = delegate().pollLast(); } return pollLast; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E getFirst() { E first; synchronized (this.mutex) { first = delegate().getFirst(); } return first; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E getLast() { E last; synchronized (this.mutex) { last = delegate().getLast(); } return last; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E peekFirst() { E peekFirst; synchronized (this.mutex) { peekFirst = delegate().peekFirst(); } return peekFirst; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E peekLast() { E peekLast; synchronized (this.mutex) { peekLast = delegate().peekLast(); } return peekLast; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final boolean removeFirstOccurrence(Object obj) { boolean removeFirstOccurrence; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeFirstOccurrence = delegate().removeFirstOccurrence(obj); } return removeFirstOccurrence; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final boolean removeLastOccurrence(Object obj) { boolean removeLastOccurrence; synchronized (this.mutex) { removeLastOccurrence = delegate().removeLastOccurrence(obj); } return removeLastOccurrence; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final void push(E e) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().push(e); } } @Override // java.util.Deque public final E pop() { E pop; synchronized (this.mutex) { pop = delegate().pop(); } return pop; } @Override // java.util.Deque public final Iterator descendingIterator() { Iterator descendingIterator; synchronized (this.mutex) { descendingIterator = delegate().descendingIterator(); } return descendingIterator; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static Table table(Table table, Object obj) { return new SynchronizedTable(table, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class SynchronizedTable extends SynchronizedObject implements Table { SynchronizedTable(Table table, Object obj) { super(table, obj); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Override // public final Table delegate() { return (Table) super.delegate(); } @Override // public final boolean contains(Object obj, Object obj2) { boolean contains; synchronized (this.mutex) { contains = delegate().contains(obj, obj2); } return contains; } @Override // public final boolean containsRow(Object obj) { boolean containsRow; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsRow = delegate().containsRow(obj); } return containsRow; } @Override // public final boolean containsColumn(Object obj) { boolean containsColumn; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsColumn = delegate().containsColumn(obj); } return containsColumn; } @Override // public final boolean containsValue(Object obj) { boolean containsValue; synchronized (this.mutex) { containsValue = delegate().containsValue(obj); } return containsValue; } @Override // public final V get(Object obj, Object obj2) { V v; synchronized (this.mutex) { v = delegate().get(obj, obj2); } return v; } @Override // public final boolean isEmpty() { boolean isEmpty; synchronized (this.mutex) { isEmpty = delegate().isEmpty(); } return isEmpty; } @Override // public final int size() { int size; synchronized (this.mutex) { size = delegate().size(); } return size; } @Override // public final void clear() { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().clear(); } } @Override // public final V put(R r, C c, V v) { V put; synchronized (this.mutex) { put = delegate().put(r, c, v); } return put; } @Override // public final void putAll(Table table) { synchronized (this.mutex) { delegate().putAll(table); } } @Override // public final V remove(Object obj, Object obj2) { V remove; synchronized (this.mutex) { remove = delegate().remove(obj, obj2); } return remove; } @Override // public final Map row(R r) { Map map; synchronized (this.mutex) { map =, this.mutex); } return map; } @Override // public final Map column(C c) { Map map; synchronized (this.mutex) { map =, this.mutex); } return map; } @Override // public final Set> cellSet() { Set> set; synchronized (this.mutex) { set = Synchronized.set(delegate().cellSet(), this.mutex); } return set; } @Override // public final Set rowKeySet() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { set = Synchronized.set(delegate().rowKeySet(), this.mutex); } return set; } @Override // public final Set columnKeySet() { Set set; synchronized (this.mutex) { set = Synchronized.set(delegate().columnKeySet(), this.mutex); } return set; } @Override // public final Collection values() { Collection collection; synchronized (this.mutex) { collection = Synchronized.collection(delegate().values(), this.mutex); } return collection; } @Override // public final Map> rowMap() { Map> map; synchronized (this.mutex) { map =, new Function, Map>(this) { // from class: final SynchronizedTable this$0; { this.this$0 = this; } @Override // public Map apply(Map map2) { return, this.this$0.mutex); } }), this.mutex); } return map; } @Override // public final Map> columnMap() { Map> map; synchronized (this.mutex) { map =, new Function, Map>(this) { // from class: final SynchronizedTable this$0; { this.this$0 = this; } @Override // public Map apply(Map map2) { return, this.this$0.mutex); } }), this.mutex); } return map; } @Override // public final int hashCode() { int hashCode; synchronized (this.mutex) { hashCode = delegate().hashCode(); } return hashCode; } @Override // public final boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean equals; if (this == obj) { return true; } synchronized (this.mutex) { equals = delegate().equals(obj); } return equals; } } }