package; import java.util.Locale; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzfs { private volatile String zza; private volatile Locale zzb; private volatile boolean zzc; public final String zza() { String str; synchronized (this) { zzig.zzi(zzf(), "ApiConfig must be initialized."); str = this.zza; } return str; } public final Locale zzb() { Locale locale; synchronized (this) { zzig.zzi(zzf(), "ApiConfig must be initialized."); locale = this.zzb == null ? Locale.getDefault() : this.zzb; } return locale; } public final void zzd(String str, Locale locale, boolean z) { synchronized (this) { zzig.zzc(str, "API Key must not be null."); zzig.zze(!str.isEmpty(), "API Key must not be empty."); this.zza = str; this.zzb = locale; this.zzc = false; } } public final boolean zze() { return false; } public final boolean zzf() { String str; synchronized (this) { str = this.zza; } return str != null; } public final void zzc() { synchronized (this) { this.zza = null; this.zzb = null; } } }