package; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class PlaceLikelihood implements Parcelable { public static final double LIKELIHOOD_MAX_VALUE = 1.0d; public static final double LIKELIHOOD_MIN_VALUE = 0.0d; public static PlaceLikelihood newInstance(Place place, double d) { Double valueOf = Double.valueOf(0.0d); Double valueOf2 = Double.valueOf(1.0d); zzjk zzc = zzjk.zzc(valueOf, valueOf2); Double valueOf3 = Double.valueOf(d); if (zzc.zze(valueOf3)) { return new zzat(place, d); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(zzil.zza("Likelihood must not be out-of-range: %s to %s, but was: %s.", valueOf, valueOf2, valueOf3)); } public abstract double getLikelihood(); public abstract Place getPlace(); }