package; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.DeadObjectException; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IInterface; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzjn implements ServiceConnection, BaseGmsClient.BaseConnectionCallbacks, BaseGmsClient.BaseOnConnectionFailedListener { final zzjo zza; private volatile boolean zzb; private volatile zzeh zzc; @Override // public final void onConnected(Bundle bundle) { Preconditions.checkMainThread("MeasurementServiceConnection.onConnected"); synchronized (this) { try { Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zzc); this.zza.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzjk(this, this.zzc.getService())); } catch (DeadObjectException | IllegalStateException unused) { this.zzc = null; this.zzb = false; } } } @Override // public final void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult connectionResult) { Preconditions.checkMainThread("MeasurementServiceConnection.onConnectionFailed"); zzel zzl = this.zza.zzs.zzl(); if (zzl != null) { zzl.zzk().zzb("Service connection failed", connectionResult); } synchronized (this) { this.zzb = false; this.zzc = null; } this.zza.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzjm(this)); } @Override // public final void onConnectionSuspended(int i) { Preconditions.checkMainThread("MeasurementServiceConnection.onConnectionSuspended"); this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Service connection suspended"); this.zza.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzjl(this)); } @Override // android.content.ServiceConnection public final void onServiceConnected(ComponentName componentName, IBinder iBinder) { zzjn zzjnVar; zzeb zzdzVar; Preconditions.checkMainThread("MeasurementServiceConnection.onServiceConnected"); synchronized (this) { if (iBinder != null) { zzeb zzebVar = null; try { String interfaceDescriptor = iBinder.getInterfaceDescriptor(); if ("".equals(interfaceDescriptor)) { IInterface queryLocalInterface = iBinder.queryLocalInterface(""); if (queryLocalInterface instanceof zzeb) { zzdzVar = (zzeb) queryLocalInterface; } else { zzdzVar = new zzdz(iBinder); } zzebVar = zzdzVar; this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Bound to IMeasurementService interface"); } else { this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Got binder with a wrong descriptor", interfaceDescriptor); } } catch (RemoteException unused) { this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Service connect failed to get IMeasurementService"); } if (zzebVar == null) { this.zzb = false; try { ConnectionTracker connectionTracker = ConnectionTracker.getInstance(); Context zzau = this.zza.zzs.zzau(); zzjnVar = this.zza.zza; connectionTracker.unbindService(zzau, zzjnVar); } catch (IllegalArgumentException unused2) { } } else { this.zza.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzji(this, zzebVar)); } return; } this.zzb = false; this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Service connected with null binder"); } } @Override // android.content.ServiceConnection public final void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName componentName) { Preconditions.checkMainThread("MeasurementServiceConnection.onServiceDisconnected"); this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Service disconnected"); this.zza.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzjj(this, componentName)); } public final void zzb(Intent intent) { zzjn zzjnVar; this.zza.zzg(); Context zzau = this.zza.zzs.zzau(); ConnectionTracker connectionTracker = ConnectionTracker.getInstance(); synchronized (this) { if (this.zzb) { this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Connection attempt already in progress"); return; } this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Using local app measurement service"); this.zzb = true; zzjnVar = this.zza.zza; connectionTracker.bindService(zzau, intent, zzjnVar, 129); } } public final void zzc() { this.zza.zzg(); Context zzau = this.zza.zzs.zzau(); synchronized (this) { if (this.zzb) { this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Connection attempt already in progress"); return; } if (this.zzc == null || (!this.zzc.isConnecting() && !this.zzc.isConnected())) { this.zzc = new zzeh(zzau, Looper.getMainLooper(), this, this); this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Connecting to remote service"); this.zzb = true; Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zzc); this.zzc.checkAvailabilityAndConnect(); return; } this.zza.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Already awaiting connection attempt"); } } public final void zzd() { if (this.zzc != null && (this.zzc.isConnected() || this.zzc.isConnecting())) { this.zzc.disconnect(); } this.zzc = null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public zzjn(zzjo zzjoVar) { this.zza = zzjoVar; } }