package; import; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import o.nyh; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzia extends zzf { protected zzhz zza; final zzr zzb; protected boolean zzc; private zzgv zzd; private final Set zze; private boolean zzf; private final AtomicReference zzg; private final Object zzh; private zzag zzi; private int zzj; private final AtomicLong zzk; private long zzl; private int zzm; private final zzky zzn; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public zzia(zzfv zzfvVar) { super(zzfvVar); this.zze = new CopyOnWriteArraySet(); this.zzh = new Object(); this.zzc = true; this.zzn = new zzho(this); this.zzg = new AtomicReference<>(); this.zzi = new zzag(null, null); this.zzj = 100; this.zzl = -1L; this.zzm = 100; this.zzk = new AtomicLong(0L); this.zzb = new zzr(zzfvVar); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ /* renamed from: zzab, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public final void zzB(Bundle bundle, long j) { zznx.zzc(); if (!this.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzar) || TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzs.zzh().zzn())) { zzR(bundle, 0, j); } else { this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zza("Using developer consent only; google app id found"); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zzac(Boolean bool, boolean z) { zzg(); zza(); this.zzs.zzay().zzc().zzb("Setting app measurement enabled (FE)", bool); this.zzs.zzm().zzh(bool); if (z) { zzfa zzm = this.zzs.zzm(); zzfv zzfvVar = zzm.zzs; zzm.zzg(); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = zzm.zza().edit(); if (bool != null) { edit.putBoolean("measurement_enabled_from_api", bool.booleanValue()); } else { edit.remove("measurement_enabled_from_api"); } edit.apply(); } if (this.zzs.zzK() || !(bool == null || bool.booleanValue())) { zzad(); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zzad() { zzg(); String zza = this.zzs.zzm().zzh.zza(); if (zza != null) { if ("unset".equals(zza)) { zzZ("app", "_npa", null, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis()); } else { zzZ("app", "_npa", Long.valueOf(true != "true".equals(zza) ? 0L : 1L), this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis()); } } if (!this.zzs.zzJ() || !this.zzc) { this.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Updating Scion state (FE)"); this.zzs.zzt().zzI(); return; } this.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Recording app launch after enabling measurement for the first time (FE)"); zzy(); zzod.zzc(); if (this.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzai)) { this.zzs.zzu().zza.zza(); } this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhd(this)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static /* synthetic */ void zzv(zzia zziaVar, zzag zzagVar, int i, long j, boolean z, boolean z2) { zziaVar.zzg(); zziaVar.zza(); if (j > zziaVar.zzl || !zzag.zzl(zziaVar.zzm, i)) { zzfa zzm = zziaVar.zzs.zzm(); zzfv zzfvVar = zzm.zzs; zzm.zzg(); if (zzm.zzl(i)) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = zzm.zza().edit(); edit.putString("consent_settings", zzagVar.zzi()); edit.putInt("consent_source", i); edit.apply(); zziaVar.zzl = j; zziaVar.zzm = i; zziaVar.zzs.zzt().zzF(z); if (z2) { zziaVar.zzs.zzt().zzu(new AtomicReference<>()); return; } return; } zziaVar.zzs.zzay().zzi().zzb("Lower precedence consent source ignored, proposed source", Integer.valueOf(i)); return; } zziaVar.zzs.zzay().zzi().zzb("Dropped out-of-date consent setting, proposed settings", zzagVar); } public final void zzA() { if (!(this.zzs.zzau().getApplicationContext() instanceof Application) || this.zza == null) { return; } ((Application) this.zzs.zzau().getApplicationContext()).unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(this.zza); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final /* synthetic */ void zzC(Bundle bundle) { if (bundle == null) { this.zzs.zzm().zzr.zzb(new Bundle()); return; } Bundle zza = this.zzs.zzm().zzr.zza(); for (String str : bundle.keySet()) { Object obj = bundle.get(str); if (obj == null || (obj instanceof String) || (obj instanceof Long) || (obj instanceof Double)) { if (zzkz.zzag(str)) { this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zzb("Invalid default event parameter name. Name", str); } else if (obj == null) { zza.remove(str); } else { zzkz zzv = this.zzs.zzv(); this.zzs.zzf(); if (zzv.zzZ("param", str, 100, obj)) { this.zzs.zzv().zzN(zza, str, obj); } } } else { if (this.zzs.zzv().zzae(obj)) { this.zzs.zzv().zzM(this.zzn, null, 27, null, null, 0); } this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zzc("Invalid default event parameter type. Name, value", str, obj); } } this.zzs.zzv(); int zzc = this.zzs.zzf().zzc(); if (zza.size() > zzc) { int i = 0; for (String str2 : new TreeSet(zza.keySet())) { i++; if (i > zzc) { zza.remove(str2); } } this.zzs.zzv().zzM(this.zzn, null, 26, null, null, 0); this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zza("Too many default event parameters set. Discarding beyond event parameter limit"); } this.zzs.zzm().zzr.zzb(zza); this.zzs.zzt().zzH(zza); } public final void zzD(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { zzE(str, str2, bundle, true, true, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis()); } public final void zzE(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle, boolean z, boolean z2, long j) { String str3 = str == null ? "app" : str; Bundle bundle2 = bundle == null ? new Bundle() : bundle; if (zzkz.zzak(str2, "screen_view")) { this.zzs.zzs().zzx(bundle2, j); } else { zzM(str3, str2, j, bundle2, z2, !z2 || this.zzd == null || zzkz.zzag(str2), z, null); } } public final void zzF(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle, String str3) { zzfv.zzO(); zzM("auto", str2, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis(), bundle, false, true, true, str3); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzG(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { zzg(); zzH(str, str2, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis(), bundle); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzH(String str, String str2, long j, Bundle bundle) { zzg(); zzI(str, str2, j, bundle, true, this.zzd == null || zzkz.zzag(str2), true, null); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:46:0x012c */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void zzI(java.lang.String r20, java.lang.String r21, long r22, android.os.Bundle r24, boolean r25, boolean r26, boolean r27, java.lang.String r28) { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 1311 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, java.lang.String, long, android.os.Bundle, boolean, boolean, boolean, java.lang.String):void"); } public final void zzJ(zzgw zzgwVar) { zza(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzgwVar); if (this.zze.add(zzgwVar)) { return; } this.zzs.zzay().zzk().zza("OnEventListener already registered"); } public final void zzK(long j) { this.zzg.set(null); this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhi(this, j)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzL(long j, boolean z) { zzg(); zza(); this.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Resetting analytics data (FE)"); zzkd zzu = this.zzs.zzu(); zzu.zzg(); zzkc zzkcVar = zzu.zza; zzu.zzb.zza(); boolean zzJ = this.zzs.zzJ(); zzfa zzm = this.zzs.zzm(); zzm.zzc.zzb(j); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zzm.zzs.zzm().zzo.zza())) { zzm.zzo.zzb(null); } zzod.zzc(); if (zzm.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzai)) { zzm.zzj.zzb(0L); } if (!zzm.zzs.zzf().zzv()) { zzm.zzi(!zzJ); } zzm.zzp.zzb(null); zzm.zzq.zzb(0L); zzm.zzr.zzb(null); if (z) { this.zzs.zzt().zzC(); } zzod.zzc(); if (this.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzai)) { this.zzs.zzu().zza.zza(); } this.zzc = !zzJ; } final void zzN(String str, String str2, long j, Object obj) { this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhg(this, str, str2, obj, j)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzO(String str) { this.zzg.set(str); } public final void zzP(Bundle bundle) { zzQ(bundle, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis()); } public final void zzQ(Bundle bundle, long j) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(bundle); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(bundle); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bundle2.getString(HiAnalyticsConstant.BI_KEY_APP_ID))) { this.zzs.zzay().zzk().zza("Package name should be null when calling setConditionalUserProperty"); } bundle2.remove(HiAnalyticsConstant.BI_KEY_APP_ID); Preconditions.checkNotNull(bundle2); zzgr.zza(bundle2, HiAnalyticsConstant.BI_KEY_APP_ID, String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, "origin", String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, "name", String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE, Object.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGER_EVENT_NAME, String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGER_TIMEOUT, Long.class, 0L); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TIMED_OUT_EVENT_NAME, String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TIMED_OUT_EVENT_PARAMS, Bundle.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGERED_EVENT_NAME, String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGERED_EVENT_PARAMS, Bundle.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TIME_TO_LIVE, Long.class, 0L); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.EXPIRED_EVENT_NAME, String.class, null); zzgr.zza(bundle2, AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.EXPIRED_EVENT_PARAMS, Bundle.class, null); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(bundle2.getString("name")); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(bundle2.getString("origin")); Preconditions.checkNotNull(bundle2.get(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE)); bundle2.putLong(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.CREATION_TIMESTAMP, j); String string = bundle2.getString("name"); Object obj = bundle2.get(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE); if (this.zzs.zzv().zzl(string) == 0) { if (this.zzs.zzv().zzd(string, obj) == 0) { Object zzB = this.zzs.zzv().zzB(string, obj); if (zzB == null) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzc("Unable to normalize conditional user property value", this.zzs.zzj().zzf(string), obj); return; } zzgr.zzb(bundle2, zzB); long j2 = bundle2.getLong(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGER_TIMEOUT); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(bundle2.getString(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TRIGGER_EVENT_NAME))) { this.zzs.zzf(); if (j2 > 15552000000L || j2 < 1) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzc("Invalid conditional user property timeout", this.zzs.zzj().zzf(string), Long.valueOf(j2)); return; } } long j3 = bundle2.getLong(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.TIME_TO_LIVE); this.zzs.zzf(); if (j3 > 15552000000L || j3 < 1) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzc("Invalid conditional user property time to live", this.zzs.zzj().zzf(string), Long.valueOf(j3)); return; } else { this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhj(this, bundle2)); return; } } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzc("Invalid conditional user property value", this.zzs.zzj().zzf(string), obj); return; } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Invalid conditional user property name", this.zzs.zzj().zzf(string)); } public final void zzR(Bundle bundle, int i, long j) { zza(); String zzh = zzag.zzh(bundle); if (zzh != null) { this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zzb("Ignoring invalid consent setting", zzh); this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zza("Valid consent values are 'granted', 'denied'"); } zzS(zzag.zza(bundle), i, j); } public final void zzS(zzag zzagVar, int i, long j) { boolean z; zzag zzagVar2; boolean z2; boolean z3; zza(); if (i == -10 || zzagVar.zze() != null || zzagVar.zzf() != null) { synchronized (this.zzh) { z = false; if (zzag.zzl(i, this.zzj)) { z3 = zzagVar.zzm(this.zzi); if (zzagVar.zzk() && !this.zzi.zzk()) { z = true; } zzag zzd = zzagVar.zzd(this.zzi); this.zzi = zzd; this.zzj = i; zzagVar2 = zzd; z2 = z; z = true; } else { zzagVar2 = zzagVar; z2 = false; z3 = false; } } if (!z) { this.zzs.zzay().zzi().zzb("Ignoring lower-priority consent settings, proposed settings", zzagVar2); return; } long andIncrement = this.zzk.getAndIncrement(); if (z3) { this.zzg.set(null); this.zzs.zzaz().zzq(new zzhu(this, zzagVar2, j, i, andIncrement, z2)); return; } else if (i == 30 || i == -10) { this.zzs.zzaz().zzq(new zzhv(this, zzagVar2, i, andIncrement, z2)); return; } else { this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhw(this, zzagVar2, i, andIncrement, z2)); return; } } this.zzs.zzay().zzl().zza("Discarding empty consent settings"); } public final void zzT(final Bundle bundle, final long j) { zznx.zzc(); if (this.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzas)) { this.zzs.zzaz().zzq(new Runnable(this, bundle, j) { // from class: public final zzia zza; public final Bundle zzb; public final long zzc; @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { this.zza.zzB(this.zzb, this.zzc); } { this.zza = this; this.zzb = bundle; this.zzc = j; } }); } else { zzB(bundle, j); } } public final void zzU(zzgv zzgvVar) { zzgv zzgvVar2; zzg(); zza(); if (zzgvVar != null && zzgvVar != (zzgvVar2 = this.zzd)) { Preconditions.checkState(zzgvVar2 == null, "EventInterceptor already set."); } this.zzd = zzgvVar; } public final void zzV(Boolean bool) { zza(); this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzht(this, bool)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzW(zzag zzagVar) { zzg(); boolean z = (zzagVar.zzk() && zzagVar.zzj()) || this.zzs.zzt().zzM(); if (z != this.zzs.zzK()) { this.zzs.zzG(z); zzfa zzm = this.zzs.zzm(); zzfv zzfvVar = zzm.zzs; zzm.zzg(); Boolean valueOf = zzm.zza().contains("measurement_enabled_from_api") ? Boolean.valueOf(zzm.zza().getBoolean("measurement_enabled_from_api", true)) : null; if (!z || valueOf == null || valueOf.booleanValue()) { zzac(Boolean.valueOf(z), false); } } } public final void zzX(String str, String str2, Object obj, boolean z) { zzY("auto", "_ldl", obj, true, this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis()); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzZ(String str, String str2, Object obj, long j) { Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str2); zzg(); zza(); if ("allow_personalized_ads".equals(str2)) { if (obj instanceof String) { String str3 = (String) obj; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str3)) { Long valueOf = Long.valueOf(true != "false".equals(str3.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) ? 0L : 1L); this.zzs.zzm().zzh.zzb(valueOf.longValue() == 1 ? "true" : "false"); obj = valueOf; str2 = "_npa"; } } if (obj == null) { this.zzs.zzm().zzh.zzb("unset"); str2 = "_npa"; } } String str4 = str2; Object obj2 = obj; if (!this.zzs.zzJ()) { this.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("User property not set since app measurement is disabled"); } else if (this.zzs.zzM()) { this.zzs.zzt().zzK(new zzkv(str4, j, obj2, str)); } } public final void zzaa(zzgw zzgwVar) { zza(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzgwVar); if (this.zze.remove(zzgwVar)) { return; } this.zzs.zzay().zzk().zza("OnEventListener had not been registered"); } @Override // protected final boolean zzf() { return false; } public final int zzh(String str) { Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str); this.zzs.zzf(); return 25; } public final Boolean zzi() { AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); return (Boolean) this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 15000L, "boolean test flag value", new zzhl(this, atomicReference)); } public final Double zzj() { AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); return (Double) this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 15000L, "double test flag value", new zzhs(this, atomicReference)); } public final Integer zzl() { AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); return (Integer) this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 15000L, "int test flag value", new zzhr(this, atomicReference)); } public final Long zzm() { AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); return (Long) this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 15000L, "long test flag value", new zzhq(this, atomicReference)); } public final String zzo() { return this.zzg.get(); } public final String zzp() { zzih zzi = this.zzs.zzs().zzi(); if (zzi != null) { return zzi.zzb; } return null; } public final String zzq() { zzih zzi = this.zzs.zzs().zzi(); if (zzi != null) { return zzi.zza; } return null; } public final String zzr() { AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); return (String) this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 15000L, "String test flag value", new zzhp(this, atomicReference)); } public final ArrayList zzs(String str, String str2) { if (!this.zzs.zzaz().zzs()) { this.zzs.zzaw(); if (zzaa.zza()) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get conditional user properties from main thread"); return new ArrayList<>(0); } AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 5000L, "get conditional user properties", new zzhm(this, atomicReference, null, str, str2)); List list = (List) atomicReference.get(); if (list == null) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Timed out waiting for get conditional user properties", null); return new ArrayList<>(); } return zzkz.zzG(list); } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get conditional user properties from analytics worker thread"); return new ArrayList<>(0); } public final List zzt(boolean z) { zza(); this.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Getting user properties (FE)"); if (!this.zzs.zzaz().zzs()) { this.zzs.zzaw(); if (zzaa.zza()) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get all user properties from main thread"); return Collections.emptyList(); } AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 5000L, "get user properties", new zzhh(this, atomicReference, z)); List list = (List) atomicReference.get(); if (list != null) { return list; } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Timed out waiting for get user properties, includeInternal", Boolean.valueOf(z)); return Collections.emptyList(); } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get all user properties from analytics worker thread"); return Collections.emptyList(); } public final Map zzu(String str, String str2, boolean z) { if (!this.zzs.zzaz().zzs()) { this.zzs.zzaw(); if (zzaa.zza()) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get user properties from main thread"); return Collections.emptyMap(); } AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); this.zzs.zzaz().zzd(atomicReference, 5000L, "get user properties", new zzhn(this, atomicReference, null, str, str2, z)); List list = (List) atomicReference.get(); if (list == null) { this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Timed out waiting for handle get user properties, includeInternal", Boolean.valueOf(z)); return Collections.emptyMap(); } nyh nyhVar = new nyh(list.size()); for (zzkv zzkvVar : list) { Object zza = zzkvVar.zza(); if (zza != null) { nyhVar.put(zzkvVar.zzb, zza); } } return nyhVar; } this.zzs.zzay().zzd().zza("Cannot get user properties from analytics worker thread"); return Collections.emptyMap(); } public final void zzy() { zzg(); zza(); if (this.zzs.zzM()) { if (this.zzs.zzf().zzs(null, zzdy.zzZ)) { zzaf zzf = this.zzs.zzf(); zzf.zzs.zzaw(); Boolean zzk = zzf.zzk("google_analytics_deferred_deep_link_enabled"); if (zzk != null && zzk.booleanValue()) { this.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Deferred Deep Link feature enabled."); this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new Runnable(this) { // from class: public final zzia zza; @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { zzia zziaVar = this.zza; zziaVar.zzg(); if (!zziaVar.zzs.zzm().zzm.zzb()) { long zza = zziaVar.zzs.zzm().zzn.zza(); zziaVar.zzs.zzm().zzn.zzb(1 + zza); zziaVar.zzs.zzf(); if (zza >= 5) { zziaVar.zzs.zzay().zzk().zza("Permanently failed to retrieve Deferred Deep Link. Reached maximum retries."); zziaVar.zzs.zzm().zzm.zza(true); return; } else { zziaVar.zzs.zzE(); return; } } zziaVar.zzs.zzay().zzc().zza("Deferred Deep Link already retrieved. Not fetching again."); } { this.zza = this; } }); } } this.zzs.zzt().zzq(); this.zzc = false; zzfa zzm = this.zzs.zzm(); zzm.zzg(); String string = zzm.zza().getString("previous_os_version", null); zzm.zzs.zzg().zzu(); String str = Build.VERSION.RELEASE; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(str) && !str.equals(string)) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = zzm.zza().edit(); edit.putString("previous_os_version", str); edit.apply(); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(string)) { return; } this.zzs.zzg().zzu(); if (string.equals(Build.VERSION.RELEASE)) { return; } Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("_po", string); zzG("auto", "_ou", bundle); } } public final void zzz(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { long currentTimeMillis = this.zzs.zzav().currentTimeMillis(); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putString("name", str); bundle2.putLong(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.CREATION_TIMESTAMP, currentTimeMillis); if (str2 != null) { bundle2.putString(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.EXPIRED_EVENT_NAME, str2); bundle2.putBundle(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.EXPIRED_EVENT_PARAMS, bundle); } this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhk(this, bundle2)); } protected final void zzM(String str, String str2, long j, Bundle bundle, boolean z, boolean z2, boolean z3, String str3) { Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(bundle); for (String str4 : bundle2.keySet()) { Object obj = bundle2.get(str4); if (obj instanceof Bundle) { bundle2.putBundle(str4, new Bundle((Bundle) obj)); } else { int i = 0; if (obj instanceof Parcelable[]) { Parcelable[] parcelableArr = (Parcelable[]) obj; while (i < parcelableArr.length) { Parcelable parcelable = parcelableArr[i]; if (parcelable instanceof Bundle) { parcelableArr[i] = new Bundle((Bundle) parcelable); } i++; } } else if (obj instanceof List) { List list = (List) obj; while (i < list.size()) { Object obj2 = list.get(i); if (obj2 instanceof Bundle) { list.set(i, new Bundle((Bundle) obj2)); } i++; } } } } this.zzs.zzaz().zzp(new zzhf(this, str, str2, j, bundle2, z, z2, z3, str3)); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0049 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:16:0x006e */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void zzY(java.lang.String r16, java.lang.String r17, java.lang.Object r18, boolean r19, long r20) { /* r15 = this; r6 = r15 r2 = r17 r0 = r18 if (r16 != 0) goto La java.lang.String r1 = "app" goto Lc La: r1 = r16 Lc: r3 = 24 r4 = 0 if (r19 == 0) goto L1c r5 = r6.zzs r5 = r5.zzv() int r5 = r5.zzl(r2) goto L43 L1c: r5 = r6.zzs r5 = r5.zzv() java.lang.String r7 = "user property" boolean r8 = r5.zzab(r7, r2) if (r8 != 0) goto L2b goto L42 L2b: java.lang.String[] r8 = r9 = 0 boolean r8 = r5.zzY(r7, r8, r9, r2) if (r8 != 0) goto L37 r5 = 15 goto L43 L37: r8 = r5.zzs r8.zzf() boolean r5 = r5.zzX(r7, r3, r2) if (r5 != 0) goto L45 L42: r5 = 6 L43: r10 = r5 goto L46 L45: r10 = r4 L46: r5 = 1 if (r10 == 0) goto L6e r0 = r6.zzs r0 = r0.zzv() r1 = r6.zzs r1.zzf() java.lang.String r12 = r0.zzC(r2, r3, r5) if (r2 == 0) goto L5e int r4 = r17.length() L5e: r13 = r4 r0 = r6.zzs r7 = r0.zzv() r8 = r6.zzn r9 = 0 java.lang.String r11 = "_ev" r7.zzM(r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13) return L6e: if (r0 == 0) goto Lc0 r7 = r6.zzs r7 = r7.zzv() int r11 = r7.zzd(r2, r0) if (r11 == 0) goto Lab r1 = r6.zzs r1 = r1.zzv() r7 = r6.zzs r7.zzf() java.lang.String r13 = r1.zzC(r2, r3, r5) boolean r1 = r0 instanceof java.lang.String if (r1 != 0) goto L93 boolean r1 = r0 instanceof java.lang.CharSequence if (r1 == 0) goto L9b L93: java.lang.String r0 = r18.toString() int r4 = r0.length() L9b: r14 = r4 r0 = r6.zzs r8 = r0.zzv() r9 = r6.zzn r10 = 0 java.lang.String r12 = "_ev" r8.zzM(r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14) return Lab: r3 = r6.zzs r3 = r3.zzv() java.lang.Object r5 = r3.zzB(r2, r0) if (r5 == 0) goto Lbf r0 = r15 r2 = r17 r3 = r20 r0.zzN(r1, r2, r3, r5) Lbf: return Lc0: r5 = 0 r0 = r15 r2 = r17 r3 = r20 r0.zzN(r1, r2, r3, r5) return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object, boolean, long):void"); } }