package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure; import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzfv implements zzgq { private static volatile zzfv zzd; private zzec zzA; private Boolean zzC; private long zzD; private volatile Boolean zzE; private volatile boolean zzF; private int zzG; protected Boolean zza; protected Boolean zzb; final long zzc; private final Context zze; private final String zzf; private final String zzg; private final String zzh; private final boolean zzi; private final zzaa zzj; private final zzaf zzk; private final zzfa zzl; private final zzel zzm; private final zzfs zzn; private final zzkd zzo; private final zzkz zzp; private final zzeg zzq; private final Clock zzr; private final zzio zzs; private final zzia zzt; private final zzd zzu; private final zzie zzv; private final String zzw; private zzee zzx; private zzjo zzy; private zzan zzz; private boolean zzB = false; private final AtomicInteger zzH = new AtomicInteger(0); zzfv(zzgy zzgyVar) { long currentTimeMillis; Bundle bundle; Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzgyVar); zzaa zzaaVar = new zzaa(zzgyVar.zza); this.zzj = zzaaVar; zzdv.zza = zzaaVar; Context context = zzgyVar.zza; this.zze = context; this.zzf = zzgyVar.zzb; this.zzg = zzgyVar.zzc; this.zzh = zzgyVar.zzd; this.zzi = zzgyVar.zzh; this.zzE = zzgyVar.zze; this.zzw = zzgyVar.zzj; this.zzF = true; zzclVar = zzgyVar.zzg; if (zzclVar != null && (bundle = zzclVar.zzg) != null) { Object obj = bundle.get("measurementEnabled"); if (obj instanceof Boolean) { this.zza = (Boolean) obj; } Object obj2 = zzclVar.zzg.get("measurementDeactivated"); if (obj2 instanceof Boolean) { this.zzb = (Boolean) obj2; } }; Clock defaultClock = DefaultClock.getInstance(); this.zzr = defaultClock; Long l = zzgyVar.zzi; if (l != null) { currentTimeMillis = l.longValue(); } else { currentTimeMillis = defaultClock.currentTimeMillis(); } this.zzc = currentTimeMillis; this.zzk = new zzaf(this); zzfa zzfaVar = new zzfa(this); zzfaVar.zzv(); this.zzl = zzfaVar; zzel zzelVar = new zzel(this); zzelVar.zzv(); this.zzm = zzelVar; zzkz zzkzVar = new zzkz(this); zzkzVar.zzv(); this.zzp = zzkzVar; this.zzq = new zzeg(new zzgx(zzgyVar, this)); this.zzu = new zzd(this); zzio zzioVar = new zzio(this); zzioVar.zzb(); this.zzs = zzioVar; zzia zziaVar = new zzia(this); zziaVar.zzb(); this.zzt = zziaVar; zzkd zzkdVar = new zzkd(this); zzkdVar.zzb(); this.zzo = zzkdVar; zzie zzieVar = new zzie(this); zzieVar.zzv(); this.zzv = zzieVar; zzfs zzfsVar = new zzfs(this); zzfsVar.zzv(); this.zzn = zzfsVar; zzclVar2 = zzgyVar.zzg; boolean z = zzclVar2 == null || zzclVar2.zzb == 0; if (context.getApplicationContext() instanceof Application) { zzia zzq = zzq(); if (zzq.zzs.zze.getApplicationContext() instanceof Application) { Application application = (Application) zzq.zzs.zze.getApplicationContext(); if (zzq.zza == null) { zzq.zza = new zzhz(zzq, null); } if (z) { application.unregisterActivityLifecycleCallbacks(zzq.zza); application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(zzq.zza); zzq.zzs.zzay().zzj().zza("Registered activity lifecycle callback"); } } } else { zzay().zzk().zza("Application context is not an Application"); } zzfsVar.zzp(new zzfu(this, zzgyVar)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static /* synthetic */ void zzA(zzfv zzfvVar, zzgy zzgyVar) { zzfvVar.zzaz().zzg(); zzfvVar.zzk.zzn(); zzan zzanVar = new zzan(zzfvVar); zzanVar.zzv(); zzfvVar.zzz = zzanVar; zzec zzecVar = new zzec(zzfvVar, zzgyVar.zzf); zzecVar.zzb(); zzfvVar.zzA = zzecVar; zzee zzeeVar = new zzee(zzfvVar); zzeeVar.zzb(); zzfvVar.zzx = zzeeVar; zzjo zzjoVar = new zzjo(zzfvVar); zzjoVar.zzb(); zzfvVar.zzy = zzjoVar; zzfvVar.zzp.zzw(); zzfvVar.zzl.zzw(); zzfvVar.zzA.zzc(); zzej zzi = zzfvVar.zzay().zzi(); zzfvVar.zzk.zzh(); zzi.zzb("App measurement initialized, version", 46000L); zzfvVar.zzay().zzi().zza("To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE"); String zzl = zzecVar.zzl(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(zzfvVar.zzf)) { if (zzfvVar.zzv().zzad(zzl)) { zzfvVar.zzay().zzi().zza("Faster debug mode event logging enabled. To disable, run:\n adb shell setprop .none."); } else { zzej zzi2 = zzfvVar.zzay().zzi(); String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzl); zzi2.zza(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "To enable faster debug mode event logging run:\n adb shell setprop ".concat(valueOf) : new String("To enable faster debug mode event logging run:\n adb shell setprop ")); } } zzfvVar.zzay().zzc().zza("Debug-level message logging enabled"); if (zzfvVar.zzG != zzfvVar.zzH.get()) { zzfvVar.zzay().zzd().zzc("Not all components initialized", Integer.valueOf(zzfvVar.zzG), Integer.valueOf(zzfvVar.zzH.get())); } zzfvVar.zzB = true; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static final void zzO() { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected call on client side"); } private static final void zzP(zzgo zzgoVar) { if (zzgoVar == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Component not created"); } } private static final void zzQ(zzf zzfVar) { if (zzfVar != null) { if (zzfVar.zze()) { return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzfVar.getClass()); String.valueOf(valueOf).length(); throw new IllegalStateException("Component not initialized: ".concat(String.valueOf(valueOf))); } throw new IllegalStateException("Component not created"); } private static final void zzR(zzgp zzgpVar) { if (zzgpVar != null) { if (zzgpVar.zzx()) { return; } String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzgpVar.getClass()); String.valueOf(valueOf).length(); throw new IllegalStateException("Component not initialized: ".concat(String.valueOf(valueOf))); } throw new IllegalStateException("Component not created"); } public static zzfv zzp(Context context, zzclVar, Long l) { Bundle bundle; if (zzclVar != null && (zzclVar.zze == null || zzclVar.zzf == null)) { zzclVar = new, zzclVar.zzb, zzclVar.zzc, zzclVar.zzd, null, null, zzclVar.zzg, null); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); Preconditions.checkNotNull(context.getApplicationContext()); if (zzd == null) { synchronized (zzfv.class) { if (zzd == null) { zzd = new zzfv(new zzgy(context, zzclVar, l)); } } } else if (zzclVar != null && (bundle = zzclVar.zzg) != null && bundle.containsKey("dataCollectionDefaultEnabled")) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzd); zzd.zzE = Boolean.valueOf(zzclVar.zzg.getBoolean("dataCollectionDefaultEnabled")); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzd); return zzd; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzB() { this.zzH.incrementAndGet(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final /* synthetic */ void zzC(String str, int i, Throwable th, byte[] bArr, Map map) { List queryIntentActivities; if (i != 200 && i != 204) { if (i == 304) { i = 304; } zzay().zzk().zzc("Network Request for Deferred Deep Link failed. response, exception", Integer.valueOf(i), th); } if (th == null) { zzm().zzm.zza(true); if (bArr == null || bArr.length == 0) { zzay().zzc().zza("Deferred Deep Link response empty."); return; } try { JSONObject jSONObject = new JSONObject(new String(bArr)); String optString = jSONObject.optString("deeplink", ""); String optString2 = jSONObject.optString("gclid", ""); double optDouble = jSONObject.optDouble("timestamp", 0.0d); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(optString)) { zzay().zzc().zza("Deferred Deep Link is empty."); return; } zzkz zzv = zzv(); zzfv zzfvVar = zzv.zzs; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(optString) && (queryIntentActivities = zzv.zzs.zze.getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(new Intent(CommonConstant.ACTION.HWID_SCHEME_URL, Uri.parse(optString)), 0)) != null && !queryIntentActivities.isEmpty()) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("gclid", optString2); bundle.putString("_cis", "ddp"); this.zzt.zzG("auto", "_cmp", bundle); zzkz zzv2 = zzv(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(optString)) { return; } try { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = zzv2.zzs.zze.getSharedPreferences("", 0).edit(); edit.putString("deeplink", optString); edit.putLong("timestamp", Double.doubleToRawLongBits(optDouble)); if (edit.commit()) { zzv2.zzs.zze.sendBroadcast(new Intent("")); return; } return; } catch (RuntimeException e) { zzv2.zzs.zzay().zzd().zzb("Failed to persist Deferred Deep Link. exception", e); return; } } zzay().zzk().zzc("Deferred Deep Link validation failed. gclid, deep link", optString2, optString); return; } catch (JSONException e2) { zzay().zzd().zzb("Failed to parse the Deferred Deep Link response. exception", e2); return; } } zzay().zzk().zzc("Network Request for Deferred Deep Link failed. response, exception", Integer.valueOf(i), th); } public final void zzE() { NetworkInfo activeNetworkInfo; zzaz().zzg(); zzR(zzr()); String zzl = zzh().zzl(); Pair zzb = zzm().zzb(zzl); if (!this.zzk.zzr() || ((Boolean) zzb.second).booleanValue() || TextUtils.isEmpty((CharSequence) zzb.first)) { zzay().zzc().zza("ADID unavailable to retrieve Deferred Deep Link. Skipping"); return; } zzie zzr = zzr(); zzr.zzu(); ConnectivityManager connectivityManager = (ConnectivityManager) zzr.zzs.zze.getSystemService("connectivity"); if (connectivityManager != null) { try { activeNetworkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo(); } catch (SecurityException unused) { } if (activeNetworkInfo != null || !activeNetworkInfo.isConnected()) { zzay().zzk().zza("Network is not available for Deferred Deep Link request. Skipping"); } zzkz zzv = zzv(); zzh().zzs.zzk.zzh(); URL zzD = zzv.zzD(46000L, zzl, (String) zzb.first, zzm().zzn.zza() - 1); if (zzD != null) { zzie zzr2 = zzr(); zzft zzftVar = new zzft(this); zzr2.zzg(); zzr2.zzu(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzD); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzftVar); zzr2.zzs.zzaz().zzo(new zzid(zzr2, zzl, zzD, null, null, zzftVar, null)); return; } return; } activeNetworkInfo = null; if (activeNetworkInfo != null) { } zzay().zzk().zza("Network is not available for Deferred Deep Link request. Skipping"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzF(boolean z) { this.zzE = Boolean.valueOf(z); } public final void zzG(boolean z) { zzaz().zzg(); this.zzF = z; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final void zzH( zzclVar) { zzag zzagVar; zzaz().zzg(); zzag zzc = zzm().zzc(); zzfa zzm = zzm(); zzfv zzfvVar = zzm.zzs; zzm.zzg(); int i = 100; int i2 = zzm.zza().getInt("consent_source", 100); zzaf zzafVar = this.zzk; zzfv zzfvVar2 = zzafVar.zzs; Boolean zzk = zzafVar.zzk("google_analytics_default_allow_ad_storage"); zzaf zzafVar2 = this.zzk; zzfv zzfvVar3 = zzafVar2.zzs; Boolean zzk2 = zzafVar2.zzk("google_analytics_default_allow_analytics_storage"); if ((zzk != null || zzk2 != null) && zzm().zzl(-10)) { zzagVar = new zzag(zzk, zzk2); i = -10; } else { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzn()) || (i2 != 0 && i2 != 30 && i2 != 10 && i2 != 30 && i2 != 30 && i2 != 40)) { zznx.zzc(); if ((!this.zzk.zzs(null, zzdy.zzar) || TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzn())) && zzclVar != null && zzclVar.zzg != null && zzm().zzl(30)) { zzagVar = zzag.zza(zzclVar.zzg); if (!zzagVar.equals(zzag.zza)) { i = 30; } } } else { zzq().zzS(zzag.zza, -10, this.zzc); } zzagVar = null; } if (zzagVar != null) { zzq().zzS(zzagVar, i, this.zzc); zzc = zzagVar; } zzq().zzW(zzc); if (zzm().zzc.zza() == 0) { zzay().zzj().zzb("Persisting first open", Long.valueOf(this.zzc)); zzm().zzc.zzb(this.zzc); } zzq().zzb.zzc(); if (zzM()) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzn()) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzk())) { zzkz zzv = zzv(); String zzn = zzh().zzn(); zzfa zzm2 = zzm(); zzm2.zzg(); String string = zzm2.zza().getString("gmp_app_id", null); String zzk3 = zzh().zzk(); zzfa zzm3 = zzm(); zzm3.zzg(); if (zzv.zzam(zzn, string, zzk3, zzm3.zza().getString("admob_app_id", null))) { zzay().zzi().zza("Rechecking which service to use due to a GMP App Id change"); zzfa zzm4 = zzm(); zzm4.zzg(); Boolean zzd2 = zzm4.zzd(); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = zzm4.zza().edit(); edit.clear(); edit.apply(); if (zzd2 != null) { zzm4.zzh(zzd2); } zzi().zzj(); this.zzy.zzs(); this.zzy.zzr(); zzm().zzc.zzb(this.zzc); zzm().zze.zzb(null); } zzfa zzm5 = zzm(); String zzn2 = zzh().zzn(); zzm5.zzg(); SharedPreferences.Editor edit2 = zzm5.zza().edit(); edit2.putString("gmp_app_id", zzn2); edit2.apply(); zzfa zzm6 = zzm(); String zzk4 = zzh().zzk(); zzm6.zzg(); SharedPreferences.Editor edit3 = zzm6.zza().edit(); edit3.putString("admob_app_id", zzk4); edit3.apply(); } if (!zzm().zzc().zzk()) { zzm().zze.zzb(null); } zzq().zzO(zzm().zze.zza()); zznu.zzc(); if (this.zzk.zzs(null, zzdy.zzah)) { try { zzv().zzs.zze.getClassLoader().loadClass(""); } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zzm().zzo.zza())) { zzay().zzk().zza("Remote config removed with active feature rollouts"); zzm().zzo.zzb(null); } } } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzn()) || !TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzk())) { boolean zzJ = zzJ(); if (!zzm().zzj() && !this.zzk.zzv()) { zzm().zzi(!zzJ); } if (zzJ) { zzq().zzy(); } zzu().zza.zza(); zzt().zzu(new AtomicReference<>()); zzt().zzH(zzm().zzr.zza()); } } else if (zzJ()) { if (!zzv().zzac("android.permission.INTERNET")) { zzay().zzd().zza("App is missing INTERNET permission"); } if (!zzv().zzac("android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE")) { zzay().zzd().zza("App is missing ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission"); } if (!Wrappers.packageManager(this.zze).isCallerInstantApp() && !this.zzk.zzx()) { if (!zzkz.zzai(this.zze)) { zzay().zzd().zza("AppMeasurementReceiver not registered/enabled"); } if (!zzkz.zzaj(this.zze, false)) { zzay().zzd().zza("AppMeasurementService not registered/enabled"); } } zzay().zzd().zza("Uploading is not possible. App measurement disabled"); } zzm().zzi.zza(true); } public final boolean zzI() { return this.zzE != null && this.zzE.booleanValue(); } public final boolean zzJ() { return zza() == 0; } public final boolean zzK() { zzaz().zzg(); return this.zzF; } @Pure public final boolean zzL() { return TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzf); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final boolean zzM() { if (this.zzB) { zzaz().zzg(); Boolean bool = this.zzC; if (bool == null || this.zzD == 0 || (!bool.booleanValue() && Math.abs(this.zzr.elapsedRealtime() - this.zzD) > 1000)) { this.zzD = this.zzr.elapsedRealtime(); boolean z = true; Boolean valueOf = Boolean.valueOf(zzv().zzac("android.permission.INTERNET") && zzv().zzac("android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE") && (Wrappers.packageManager(this.zze).isCallerInstantApp() || this.zzk.zzx() || (zzkz.zzai(this.zze) && zzkz.zzaj(this.zze, false)))); this.zzC = valueOf; if (valueOf.booleanValue()) { if (!zzv().zzW(zzh().zzn(), zzh().zzk(), zzh().zzm()) && TextUtils.isEmpty(zzh().zzk())) { z = false; } this.zzC = Boolean.valueOf(z); } } return this.zzC.booleanValue(); } throw new IllegalStateException("AppMeasurement is not initialized"); } public final int zza() { zzaz().zzg(); if (this.zzk.zzv()) { return 1; } Boolean bool = this.zzb; if (bool != null && bool.booleanValue()) { return 2; } zzaz().zzg(); if (!this.zzF) { return 8; } Boolean zzd2 = zzm().zzd(); if (zzd2 != null) { return zzd2.booleanValue() ? 0 : 3; } zzaf zzafVar = this.zzk; zzaa zzaaVar = zzafVar.zzs.zzj; Boolean zzk = zzafVar.zzk("firebase_analytics_collection_enabled"); if (zzk != null) { return zzk.booleanValue() ? 0 : 4; } Boolean bool2 = this.zza; return bool2 != null ? bool2.booleanValue() ? 0 : 5 : (!this.zzk.zzs(null, zzdy.zzS) || this.zzE == null || this.zzE.booleanValue()) ? 0 : 7; } @Override // @Pure public final zzel zzay() { zzR(this.zzm); return this.zzm; } @Override // @Pure public final zzfs zzaz() { zzR(this.zzn); return this.zzn; } @Pure public final zzd zzd() { zzd zzdVar = this.zzu; if (zzdVar != null) { return zzdVar; } throw new IllegalStateException("Component not created"); } @Pure public final zzan zzg() { zzR(this.zzz); return this.zzz; } @Pure public final zzec zzh() { zzQ(this.zzA); return this.zzA; } @Pure public final zzee zzi() { zzQ(this.zzx); return this.zzx; } @Pure public final zzfa zzm() { zzP(this.zzl); return this.zzl; } @Pure public final zzia zzq() { zzQ(this.zzt); return this.zzt; } @Pure public final zzie zzr() { zzR(this.zzv); return this.zzv; } @Pure public final zzio zzs() { zzQ(this.zzs); return this.zzs; } @Pure public final zzjo zzt() { zzQ(this.zzy); return this.zzy; } @Pure public final zzkd zzu() { zzQ(this.zzo); return this.zzo; } @Pure public final zzkz zzv() { zzP(this.zzp); return this.zzp; } @Pure public final String zzz() { return this.zzw; } @Pure public final String zzy() { return this.zzh; } @Pure public final String zzx() { return this.zzg; } @Pure public final String zzw() { return this.zzf; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @SideEffectFree public final zzfs zzo() { return this.zzn; } public final zzel zzl() { zzel zzelVar = this.zzm; if (zzelVar == null || !zzelVar.zzx()) { return null; } return this.zzm; } @Pure public final zzeg zzj() { return this.zzq; } @Pure public final zzaf zzf() { return this.zzk; } @Override // @Pure public final zzaa zzaw() { return this.zzj; } @Override // @Pure public final Clock zzav() { return this.zzr; } @Override // @Pure public final Context zzau() { return this.zze; } @Pure public final boolean zzN() { return this.zzi; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzD() { this.zzG++; } }