package; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ final class zzfb implements Runnable { final zza; final ServiceConnection zzb; final zzfc zzc; @Override // java.lang.Runnable public final void run() { String str; Bundle bundle; zzfc zzfcVar = this.zzc; zzfd zzfdVar = zzfcVar.zza; str = zzfcVar.zzb; zzbrVar = this.zza; ServiceConnection serviceConnection = this.zzb; zzfdVar.zza.zzaz().zzg(); Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle(); bundle2.putString("package_name", str); try { bundle = zzbrVar.zzd(bundle2); } catch (Exception e) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzd().zzb("Exception occurred while retrieving the Install Referrer", e.getMessage()); } if (bundle == null) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzd().zza("Install Referrer Service returned a null response"); bundle = null; } zzfdVar.zza.zzaz().zzg(); zzfv.zzO(); if (bundle != null) { long j = bundle.getLong("install_begin_timestamp_seconds", 0L) * 1000; if (j == 0) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzk().zza("Service response is missing Install Referrer install timestamp"); } else { String string = bundle.getString("install_referrer"); if (string == null || string.isEmpty()) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzd().zza("No referrer defined in Install Referrer response"); } else { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzj().zzb("InstallReferrer API result", string); Bundle zzs = zzfdVar.zza.zzv().zzs(Uri.parse(string.length() != 0 ? "?".concat(string) : new String("?"))); if (zzs == null) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzd().zza("No campaign params defined in Install Referrer result"); } else { String string2 = zzs.getString("medium"); if (string2 != null && !"(not set)".equalsIgnoreCase(string2) && !"organic".equalsIgnoreCase(string2)) { long j2 = bundle.getLong("referrer_click_timestamp_seconds", 0L) * 1000; if (j2 == 0) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzd().zza("Install Referrer is missing click timestamp for ad campaign"); } else { zzs.putLong("click_timestamp", j2); } } if (j == zzfdVar.zza.zzm().zzd.zza()) { zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzj().zza("Logging Install Referrer campaign from module while it may have already been logged."); } if (zzfdVar.zza.zzJ()) { zzfdVar.zza.zzm().zzd.zzb(j); zzfdVar.zza.zzay().zzj().zzb("Logging Install Referrer campaign from gmscore with ", "referrer API v2"); zzs.putString("_cis", "referrer API v2"); zzfdVar.zza.zzq().zzF("auto", "_cmp", zzs, str); } } } } } ConnectionTracker.getInstance().unbindService(zzfdVar.zza.zzau(), serviceConnection); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public zzfb(zzfc zzfcVar, zzbrVar, ServiceConnection serviceConnection) { this.zzc = zzfcVar; this.zza = zzbrVar; this.zzb = serviceConnection; } }