package; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class GroundOverlayOptions extends AbstractSafeParcelable { public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new zzd(); public static final float NO_DIMENSION = -1.0f; private float bearing; private float height; private float width; private float zzcs; private boolean zzct; private boolean zzcu; private BitmapDescriptor zzcx; private LatLng zzcy; private LatLngBounds zzcz; private float zzda; private float zzdb; private float zzdc; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public GroundOverlayOptions(IBinder iBinder, LatLng latLng, float f, float f2, LatLngBounds latLngBounds, float f3, float f4, boolean z, float f5, float f6, float f7, boolean z2) { this.zzct = true; this.zzda = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; this.zzdb = 0.5f; this.zzdc = 0.5f; this.zzcu = false; this.zzcx = new BitmapDescriptor(IObjectWrapper.Stub.asInterface(iBinder)); this.zzcy = latLng; this.width = f; this.height = f2; this.zzcz = latLngBounds; this.bearing = f3; this.zzcs = f4; this.zzct = z; this.zzda = f5; this.zzdb = f6; this.zzdc = f7; this.zzcu = z2; } public GroundOverlayOptions() { this.zzct = true; this.zzda = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; this.zzdb = 0.5f; this.zzdc = 0.5f; this.zzcu = false; } @Override // android.os.Parcelable public final void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { int beginObjectHeader = SafeParcelWriter.beginObjectHeader(parcel); SafeParcelWriter.writeIBinder(parcel, 2, this.zzcx.zzb().asBinder(), false); SafeParcelWriter.writeParcelable(parcel, 3, getLocation(), i, false); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 4, getWidth()); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 5, getHeight()); SafeParcelWriter.writeParcelable(parcel, 6, getBounds(), i, false); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 7, getBearing()); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 8, getZIndex()); SafeParcelWriter.writeBoolean(parcel, 9, isVisible()); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 10, getTransparency()); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 11, getAnchorU()); SafeParcelWriter.writeFloat(parcel, 12, getAnchorV()); SafeParcelWriter.writeBoolean(parcel, 13, isClickable()); SafeParcelWriter.finishObjectHeader(parcel, beginObjectHeader); } public final GroundOverlayOptions image(BitmapDescriptor bitmapDescriptor) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(bitmapDescriptor, "imageDescriptor must not be null"); this.zzcx = bitmapDescriptor; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions position(LatLng latLng, float f) { Preconditions.checkState(this.zzcz == null, "Position has already been set using positionFromBounds"); Preconditions.checkArgument(latLng != null, "Location must be specified"); Preconditions.checkArgument(f >= BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, "Width must be non-negative"); return zza(latLng, f, -1.0f); } public final GroundOverlayOptions position(LatLng latLng, float f, float f2) { Preconditions.checkState(this.zzcz == null, "Position has already been set using positionFromBounds"); Preconditions.checkArgument(latLng != null, "Location must be specified"); Preconditions.checkArgument(f >= BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, "Width must be non-negative"); Preconditions.checkArgument(f2 >= BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, "Height must be non-negative"); return zza(latLng, f, f2); } public final GroundOverlayOptions positionFromBounds(LatLngBounds latLngBounds) { LatLng latLng = this.zzcy; boolean z = latLng == null; String valueOf = String.valueOf(latLng); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(valueOf).length() + 46); sb.append("Position has already been set using position: "); sb.append(valueOf); Preconditions.checkState(z, sb.toString()); this.zzcz = latLngBounds; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions transparency(float f) { Preconditions.checkArgument(f >= BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED && f <= 1.0f, "Transparency must be in the range [0..1]"); this.zzda = f; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions zIndex(float f) { this.zzcs = f; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions visible(boolean z) { this.zzct = z; return this; } public final boolean isVisible() { return this.zzct; } public final boolean isClickable() { return this.zzcu; } public final float getZIndex() { return this.zzcs; } public final float getWidth() { return this.width; } public final float getTransparency() { return this.zzda; } public final LatLng getLocation() { return this.zzcy; } public final BitmapDescriptor getImage() { return this.zzcx; } public final float getHeight() { return this.height; } public final LatLngBounds getBounds() { return this.zzcz; } public final float getBearing() { return this.bearing; } public final float getAnchorV() { return this.zzdc; } public final float getAnchorU() { return this.zzdb; } public final GroundOverlayOptions clickable(boolean z) { this.zzcu = z; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions bearing(float f) { this.bearing = ((f % 360.0f) + 360.0f) % 360.0f; return this; } public final GroundOverlayOptions anchor(float f, float f2) { this.zzdb = f; this.zzdc = f2; return this; } private final GroundOverlayOptions zza(LatLng latLng, float f, float f2) { this.zzcy = latLng; this.width = f; this.height = f2; return this; } }