package; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.os.WorkSource; import; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class CurrentLocationRequest extends AbstractSafeParcelable { public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new zzt(); private final long zza; private final int zzb; private final int zzc; private final long zzd; private final boolean zze; private final WorkSource zzf; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public CurrentLocationRequest(long j, int i, int i2, long j2, boolean z, WorkSource workSource) { this.zza = j; this.zzb = i; this.zzc = i2; this.zzd = j2; this.zze = z; this.zzf = workSource; } public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof CurrentLocationRequest)) { return false; } CurrentLocationRequest currentLocationRequest = (CurrentLocationRequest) obj; return this.zza == currentLocationRequest.zza && this.zzb == currentLocationRequest.zzb && this.zzc == currentLocationRequest.zzc && this.zzd == currentLocationRequest.zzd && this.zze == currentLocationRequest.zze && Objects.equal(this.zzf, currentLocationRequest.zzf); } public final int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(Long.valueOf(this.zza), Integer.valueOf(this.zzb), Integer.valueOf(this.zzc), Long.valueOf(this.zzd)); } public final String toString() { String str; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CurrentLocationRequest["); int i = this.zzc; if (i == 100) { str = "HIGH_ACCURACY"; } else if (i == 102) { str = "BALANCED_POWER_ACCURACY"; } else if (i == 104) { str = "LOW_POWER"; } else { if (i != 105) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } str = "PASSIVE"; } sb.append(str); if (this.zza != Long.MAX_VALUE) { sb.append(", maxAge=");, sb); } if (this.zzd != Long.MAX_VALUE) { sb.append(", duration="); sb.append(this.zzd); sb.append("ms"); } if (this.zzb != 0) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(zzbc.zzb(this.zzb)); } if (this.zze) { sb.append(", bypass"); } if (!WorkSourceUtil.isEmpty(this.zzf)) { sb.append(", workSource="); sb.append(this.zzf); } sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } @Override // android.os.Parcelable public final void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { int beginObjectHeader = SafeParcelWriter.beginObjectHeader(parcel); SafeParcelWriter.writeLong(parcel, 1, getMaxUpdateAgeMillis()); SafeParcelWriter.writeInt(parcel, 2, getGranularity()); SafeParcelWriter.writeInt(parcel, 3, getPriority()); SafeParcelWriter.writeLong(parcel, 4, getDurationMillis()); SafeParcelWriter.writeBoolean(parcel, 5, this.zze); SafeParcelWriter.writeParcelable(parcel, 6, this.zzf, i, false); SafeParcelWriter.finishObjectHeader(parcel, beginObjectHeader); } public final boolean zzb() { return this.zze; } public final WorkSource zza() { return this.zzf; } public final int getPriority() { return this.zzc; } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static class Builder { private long zza; private int zzb; private int zzc; private long zzd; private boolean zze; private WorkSource zzf; public Builder(CurrentLocationRequest currentLocationRequest) { this.zza = currentLocationRequest.getMaxUpdateAgeMillis(); this.zzb = currentLocationRequest.getGranularity(); this.zzc = currentLocationRequest.getPriority(); this.zzd = currentLocationRequest.getDurationMillis(); this.zze = currentLocationRequest.zzb(); this.zzf = new WorkSource(currentLocationRequest.zza()); } public CurrentLocationRequest build() { return new CurrentLocationRequest(this.zza, this.zzb, this.zzc, this.zzd, this.zze, new WorkSource(this.zzf)); } public Builder setDurationMillis(long j) { Preconditions.checkArgument(j > 0, "durationMillis must be greater than 0"); this.zzd = j; return this; } public Builder setGranularity(int i) { zzbc.zza(i); this.zzb = i; return this; } public Builder setMaxUpdateAgeMillis(long j) { Preconditions.checkArgument(j >= 0, "maxUpdateAgeMillis must be greater than or equal to 0"); this.zza = j; return this; } public Builder setPriority(int i) { int i2; boolean z = true; if (i != 100 && i != 102 && i != 104) { i2 = 105; if (i == 105) { i = 105; Preconditions.checkArgument(z, "priority %d must be a Priority.PRIORITY_* constants", Integer.valueOf(i)); this.zzc = i2; return this; } z = false; } i2 = i; Preconditions.checkArgument(z, "priority %d must be a Priority.PRIORITY_* constants", Integer.valueOf(i)); this.zzc = i2; return this; } public final Builder zzb(WorkSource workSource) { this.zzf = workSource; return this; } public final Builder zza(boolean z) { this.zze = z; return this; } public Builder() { this.zza = 60000L; this.zzb = 0; this.zzc = 102; this.zzd = Long.MAX_VALUE; this.zze = false; this.zzf = null; } } public final long getMaxUpdateAgeMillis() { return this.zza; } public final int getGranularity() { return this.zzb; } public final long getDurationMillis() { return this.zzd; } }