package; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzjk { private final byte[] buffer; private final int zzacz; private final int zzada; private int zzadb; private int zzadc; private zzez zzadd; private int zzsf; private int zzsl; private int zzsn; private int zzso = Integer.MAX_VALUE; private int zzsg = 64; private int zzsh =; public static zzjk zzk(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { return new zzjk(bArr, 0, i2); } public final int zzdq() throws IOException { if (this.zzadc == this.zzadb) { this.zzsn = 0; return 0; } int zzdt = zzdt(); this.zzsn = zzdt; if (zzdt != 0) { return zzdt; } throw new zzjs("Protocol message contained an invalid tag (zero)."); } public final void zzak(int i) throws zzjs { if (this.zzsn != i) { throw new zzjs("Protocol message end-group tag did not match expected tag."); } } public final boolean zzal(int i) throws IOException { int zzdq; int i2 = i & 7; if (i2 == 0) { zzdt(); return true; } if (i2 == 1) { zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); zzdy(); return true; } if (i2 == 2) { zzap(zzdt()); return true; } if (i2 != 3) { if (i2 == 4) { return false; } if (i2 == 5) { zzdv(); return true; } throw new zzjs("Protocol message tag had invalid wire type."); } do { zzdq = zzdq(); if (zzdq == 0) { break; } } while (zzal(zzdq)); zzak(((i >>> 3) << 3) | 4); return true; } public final boolean zzcu() throws IOException { return zzdt() != 0; } public final String readString() throws IOException { int zzdt = zzdt(); if (zzdt < 0) { throw zzjs.zzhu(); } int i = this.zzadb; int i2 = this.zzadc; if (zzdt > i - i2) { throw zzjs.zzht(); } String str = new String(this.buffer, i2, zzdt, zzjr.UTF_8); this.zzadc += zzdt; return str; } public final void zza(zzjt zzjtVar) throws IOException { int zzdt = zzdt(); if (this.zzsf >= this.zzsg) { throw new zzjs("Protocol message had too many levels of nesting. May be malicious. Use CodedInputStream.setRecursionLimit() to increase the depth limit."); } int zzan = zzan(zzdt); this.zzsf++; zzjtVar.zza(this); zzak(0); this.zzsf--; zzao(zzan); } public final int zzdt() throws IOException { int i; byte zzdy = zzdy(); if (zzdy >= 0) { return zzdy; } int i2 = zzdy & Ascii.DEL; byte zzdy2 = zzdy(); if (zzdy2 >= 0) { i = zzdy2 << 7; } else { i2 |= (zzdy2 & Ascii.DEL) << 7; byte zzdy3 = zzdy(); if (zzdy3 >= 0) { i = zzdy3 << 14; } else { i2 |= (zzdy3 & Ascii.DEL) << 14; byte zzdy4 = zzdy(); if (zzdy4 < 0) { byte zzdy5 = zzdy(); int i3 = i2 | ((zzdy4 & Ascii.DEL) << 21) | (zzdy5 << 28); if (zzdy5 >= 0) { return i3; } for (int i4 = 0; i4 < 5; i4++) { if (zzdy() >= 0) { return i3; } } throw zzjs.zzhv(); } i = zzdy4 << Ascii.NAK; } } return i2 | i; } public final long zzdu() throws IOException { long j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 64; i += 7) { j |= (r3 & Ascii.DEL) << i; if ((zzdy() & 128) == 0) { return j; } } throw zzjs.zzhv(); } public final int zzdv() throws IOException { return (zzdy() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) | ((zzdy() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 8) | ((zzdy() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 16) | ((zzdy() & UnsignedBytes.MAX_VALUE) << 24); } private zzjk(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { this.buffer = bArr; this.zzacz = i; int i3 = i2 + i; this.zzadb = i3; this.zzada = i3; this.zzadc = i; } public final > T zza(zzhq zzhqVar) throws IOException { try { if (this.zzadd == null) { this.zzadd = zzez.zze(this.buffer, this.zzacz, this.zzada); } int zzds = this.zzadd.zzds(); int i = this.zzadc - this.zzacz; if (zzds > i) { throw new IOException(String.format("CodedInputStream read ahead of CodedInputByteBufferNano: %s > %s", Integer.valueOf(zzds), Integer.valueOf(i))); } this.zzadd.zzap(i - zzds); this.zzadd.zzam(this.zzsg - this.zzsf); T t = (T) this.zzadd.zza(zzhqVar, zzfk.zzel()); zzal(this.zzsn); return t; } catch (zzgf e) { throw new zzjs("", e); } } public final int zzan(int i) throws zzjs { if (i < 0) { throw zzjs.zzhu(); } int i2 = i + this.zzadc; int i3 = this.zzso; if (i2 > i3) { throw zzjs.zzht(); } this.zzso = i2; zzdx(); return i3; } public final void zzao(int i) { this.zzso = i; zzdx(); } public final byte[] zzv(int i, int i2) { if (i2 == 0) { return zzjw.zzaea; } byte[] bArr = new byte[i2]; System.arraycopy(this.buffer, this.zzacz + i, bArr, 0, i2); return bArr; } public final void zzbt(int i) { zzw(i, this.zzsn); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zzw(int i, int i2) { int i3 = this.zzadc; int i4 = this.zzacz; if (i > i3 - i4) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); sb.append("Position "); sb.append(i); sb.append(" is beyond current "); sb.append(i3 - i4); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } if (i >= 0) { this.zzadc = i4 + i; this.zzsn = i2; } else { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(24); sb2.append("Bad position "); sb2.append(i); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb2.toString()); } } private final byte zzdy() throws IOException { int i = this.zzadc; if (i == this.zzadb) { throw zzjs.zzht(); } byte[] bArr = this.buffer; this.zzadc = i + 1; return bArr[i]; } private final void zzap(int i) throws IOException { if (i < 0) { throw zzjs.zzhu(); } int i2 = this.zzadc; int i3 = this.zzso; int i4 = i2 + i; if (i4 > i3) { zzap(i3 - i2); throw zzjs.zzht(); } if (i > this.zzadb - i2) { throw zzjs.zzht(); } this.zzadc = i4; } public final int zzhq() { int i = this.zzso; if (i == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return -1; } return i - this.zzadc; } public final int getPosition() { return this.zzadc - this.zzacz; } private final void zzdx() { int i = this.zzadb + this.zzsl; this.zzadb = i; int i2 = this.zzso; if (i <= i2) { this.zzsl = 0; return; } int i3 = i - i2; this.zzsl = i3; this.zzadb = i - i3; } }