package; import; import; import; import java.nio.BufferOverflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public abstract class zzfe extends zzen { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(zzfe.class.getName()); private static final boolean zzsr = zziu.zzhh(); zzfg zzss; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class zzb extends zza { private final ByteBuffer zzst; private int zzsu; zzb(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { super(byteBuffer.array(), byteBuffer.arrayOffset() + byteBuffer.position(), byteBuffer.remaining()); this.zzst = byteBuffer; this.zzsu = byteBuffer.position(); } @Override //, public final void flush() { this.zzst.position(this.zzsu + zzec()); } } public static int zzax(int i) { if ((i & (-128)) == 0) { return 1; } if ((i & (-16384)) == 0) { return 2; } if (((-2097152) & i) == 0) { return 3; } return (i & (-268435456)) == 0 ? 4 : 5; } public static int zzaz(int i) { return 4; } public static int zzb(double d) { return 8; } public static int zzba(int i) { return 4; } private static int zzbc(int i) { return (i << 1) ^ (i >> 31); } public static int zzg(float f) { return 4; } public static zzfe zzg(byte[] bArr) { return new zza(bArr, 0, bArr.length); } public static int zzi(long j) { int i; if (((-128) & j) == 0) { return 1; } if (j < 0) { return 10; } if (((-34359738368L) & j) != 0) { j >>>= 28; i = 6; } else { i = 2; } if (((-2097152) & j) != 0) { i += 2; j >>>= 14; } return (j & (-16384)) != 0 ? i + 1 : i; } public static int zzi(boolean z) { return 1; } public static int zzk(long j) { return 8; } public static int zzl(long j) { return 8; } private static long zzm(long j) { return (j << 1) ^ (j >> 63); } public abstract void flush() throws IOException; public abstract void write(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void zza(int i, long j) throws IOException; public abstract void zza(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public abstract void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zza(int i, String str) throws IOException; public abstract void zza(zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException; abstract void zza(zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zzar(int i) throws IOException; public abstract void zzas(int i) throws IOException; public abstract void zzau(int i) throws IOException; public abstract void zzb(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zzb(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zzb(int i, boolean z) throws IOException; public abstract void zzb(zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException; public abstract void zzc(byte b) throws IOException; public abstract void zzc(int i, long j) throws IOException; public abstract void zzd(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract int zzdz(); public abstract void zze(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void zze(long j) throws IOException; public abstract void zzf(int i, int i2) throws IOException; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public abstract void zzf(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void zzg(long j) throws IOException; public abstract void zzh(int i, int i2) throws IOException; public abstract void zzm(String str) throws IOException; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class zzc extends IOException { zzc() { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space."); } /* JADX WARN: Illegal instructions before constructor call */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public zzc(java.lang.String r3) { /* r2 = this; java.lang.String r3 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r3) int r0 = r3.length() java.lang.String r1 = "CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.: " if (r0 == 0) goto L11 java.lang.String r3 = r1.concat(r3) goto L16 L11: java.lang.String r3 = new java.lang.String r3.(r1) L16: r2.(r3) return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:"); } zzc(Throwable th) { super("CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.", th); } /* JADX WARN: Illegal instructions before constructor call */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public zzc(java.lang.String r3, java.lang.Throwable r4) { /* r2 = this; java.lang.String r3 = java.lang.String.valueOf(r3) int r0 = r3.length() java.lang.String r1 = "CodedOutputStream was writing to a flat byte array and ran out of space.: " if (r0 == 0) goto L11 java.lang.String r3 = r1.concat(r3) goto L16 L11: java.lang.String r3 = new java.lang.String r3.(r1) L16: r2.(r3, r4) return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:, java.lang.Throwable):void"); } } public static zzfe zza(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { if (byteBuffer.hasArray()) { return new zzb(byteBuffer); } if (byteBuffer.isDirect() && !byteBuffer.isReadOnly()) { if (zziu.zzhi()) { return new zze(byteBuffer); } return new zzd(byteBuffer); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("ByteBuffer is read-only"); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class zzd extends zzfe { private final int zzsu; private final ByteBuffer zzsv; private final ByteBuffer zzsw; zzd(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { super(); this.zzsv = byteBuffer; this.zzsw = byteBuffer.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); this.zzsu = byteBuffer.position(); } @Override // public final void zzd(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas((i << 3) | i2); } @Override // public final void zze(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzar(i2); } @Override // public final void zzf(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzas(i2); } @Override // public final void zzh(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 5); zzau(i2); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zze(j); } @Override // public final void zzc(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 1); zzg(j); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzc(z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, String str) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzm(str); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zza(zzeoVar); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzb(zzhfVar); } @Override // final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zza(zzhfVar, zzhwVar); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzhfVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzeoVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzhfVar.zzeq()); zzhfVar.zzb(this); } @Override // final void zza(zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } zzas(zzcf); zzhwVar.zza(zzhfVar, this.zzss); } @Override // public final void zzc(byte b) throws IOException { try { this.zzsw.put(b); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } @Override // public final void zza(zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzeoVar.size()); zzeoVar.zza(this); } @Override // public final void zzf(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas(i2); write(bArr, 0, i2); } @Override // public final void zzar(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { zzas(i); } else { zze(i); } } @Override // public final void zzas(int i) throws IOException { while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { try { this.zzsw.put((byte) ((i & 127) | 128)); i >>>= 7; } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } this.zzsw.put((byte) i); } @Override // public final void zzau(int i) throws IOException { try { this.zzsw.putInt(i); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } @Override // public final void zze(long j) throws IOException { while (((-128) & j) != 0) { try { this.zzsw.put((byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } this.zzsw.put((byte) j); } @Override // public final void zzg(long j) throws IOException { try { this.zzsw.putLong(j); } catch (BufferOverflowException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } @Override // public final void write(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { try { this.zzsw.put(bArr, i, i2); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(e); } catch (BufferOverflowException e2) { throw new zzc(e2); } } @Override // public final void zza(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { write(bArr, i, i2); } @Override // public final void zzm(String str) throws IOException { int position = this.zzsw.position(); try { int zzax = zzax(str.length() * 3); int zzax2 = zzax(str.length()); if (zzax2 == zzax) { int position2 = this.zzsw.position() + zzax2; this.zzsw.position(position2); zzo(str); int position3 = this.zzsw.position(); this.zzsw.position(position); zzas(position3 - position2); this.zzsw.position(position3); return; } zzas(zziw.zza(str)); zzo(str); } catch (zzja e) { this.zzsw.position(position); zza(str, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { throw new zzc(e2); } } @Override // public final void flush() { this.zzsv.position(this.zzsw.position()); } @Override // public final int zzdz() { return this.zzsw.remaining(); } private final void zzo(String str) throws IOException { try { zziw.zza(str, this.zzsw); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(e); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public static final class zze extends zzfe { private final ByteBuffer zzsv; private final ByteBuffer zzsw; private final long zzsx; private final long zzsy; private final long zzsz; private final long zzta; private long zztb; zze(ByteBuffer byteBuffer) { super(); this.zzsv = byteBuffer; this.zzsw = byteBuffer.duplicate().order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); long zzb = zziu.zzb(byteBuffer); this.zzsx = zzb; long position = byteBuffer.position() + zzb; this.zzsy = position; long limit = zzb + byteBuffer.limit(); this.zzsz = limit; this.zzta = limit - 10; this.zztb = position; } @Override // public final void zzd(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas((i << 3) | i2); } @Override // public final void zze(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzar(i2); } @Override // public final void zzf(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzas(i2); } @Override // public final void zzh(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 5); zzau(i2); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zze(j); } @Override // public final void zzc(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 1); zzg(j); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzc(z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, String str) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzm(str); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zza(zzeoVar); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzb(zzhfVar); } @Override // final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zza(zzhfVar, zzhwVar); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzhfVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzeoVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzhfVar.zzeq()); zzhfVar.zzb(this); } @Override // final void zza(zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } zzas(zzcf); zzhwVar.zza(zzhfVar, this.zzss); } @Override // public final void zzc(byte b) throws IOException { long j = this.zztb; long j2 = this.zzsz; if (j >= j2) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Long.valueOf(j), Long.valueOf(j2), 1)); } this.zztb = 1 + j; zziu.zza(j, b); } @Override // public final void zza(zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzeoVar.size()); zzeoVar.zza(this); } @Override // public final void zzf(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas(i2); write(bArr, 0, i2); } @Override // public final void zzar(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { zzas(i); } else { zze(i); } } @Override // public final void zzas(int i) throws IOException { if (this.zztb <= this.zzta) { while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { long j = this.zztb; this.zztb = j + 1; zziu.zza(j, (byte) ((i & 127) | 128)); i >>>= 7; } long j2 = this.zztb; this.zztb = 1 + j2; zziu.zza(j2, (byte) i); return; } while (true) { long j3 = this.zztb; long j4 = this.zzsz; if (j3 >= j4) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Long.valueOf(j3), Long.valueOf(j4), 1)); } if ((i & (-128)) == 0) { this.zztb = 1 + j3; zziu.zza(j3, (byte) i); return; } else { this.zztb = j3 + 1; zziu.zza(j3, (byte) ((i & 127) | 128)); i >>>= 7; } } } @Override // public final void zzau(int i) throws IOException { this.zzsw.putInt((int) (this.zztb - this.zzsx), i); this.zztb += 4; } @Override // public final void zze(long j) throws IOException { if (this.zztb <= this.zzta) { while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { long j2 = this.zztb; this.zztb = j2 + 1; zziu.zza(j2, (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } long j3 = this.zztb; this.zztb = 1 + j3; zziu.zza(j3, (byte) j); return; } while (true) { long j4 = this.zztb; long j5 = this.zzsz; if (j4 >= j5) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Long.valueOf(j4), Long.valueOf(j5), 1)); } if ((j & (-128)) == 0) { this.zztb = 1 + j4; zziu.zza(j4, (byte) j); return; } else { this.zztb = j4 + 1; zziu.zza(j4, (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } } } @Override // public final void zzg(long j) throws IOException { this.zzsw.putLong((int) (this.zztb - this.zzsx), j); this.zztb += 8; } @Override // public final void write(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { if (bArr != null && i >= 0 && i2 >= 0 && bArr.length - i2 >= i) { long j = this.zzsz; long j2 = i2; long j3 = this.zztb; if (j - j2 >= j3) { zziu.zza(bArr, i, j3, j2); this.zztb += j2; return; } } if (bArr == null) { throw new NullPointerException(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE); } throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Long.valueOf(this.zztb), Long.valueOf(this.zzsz), Integer.valueOf(i2))); } @Override // public final void zza(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { write(bArr, i, i2); } @Override // public final void zzm(String str) throws IOException { long j = this.zztb; try { int zzax = zzax(str.length() * 3); int zzax2 = zzax(str.length()); if (zzax2 == zzax) { int i = ((int) (this.zztb - this.zzsx)) + zzax2; this.zzsw.position(i); zziw.zza(str, this.zzsw); int position = this.zzsw.position() - i; zzas(position); this.zztb += position; return; } int zza = zziw.zza(str); zzas(zza); zzn(this.zztb); zziw.zza(str, this.zzsw); this.zztb += zza; } catch (zzja e) { this.zztb = j; zzn(j); zza(str, e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e2) { throw new zzc(e2); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e3) { throw new zzc(e3); } } @Override // public final void flush() { this.zzsv.position((int) (this.zztb - this.zzsx)); } private final void zzn(long j) { this.zzsw.position((int) (j - this.zzsx)); } @Override // public final int zzdz() { return (int) (this.zzsz - this.zztb); } } /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ static class zza extends zzfe { private final byte[] buffer; private final int limit; private final int offset; private int position; zza(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) { super(); if (bArr == null) { throw new NullPointerException("buffer"); } int i3 = i + i2; if (((bArr.length - i3) | i | i2) < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Array range is invalid. Buffer.length=%d, offset=%d, length=%d", Integer.valueOf(bArr.length), Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(i2))); } this.buffer = bArr; this.offset = i; this.position = i; this.limit = i3; } @Override // public void flush() { } @Override // public final void zzd(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas((i << 3) | i2); } @Override // public final void zze(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzar(i2); } @Override // public final void zzf(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzas(i2); } @Override // public final void zzh(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzd(i, 5); zzau(i2); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zze(j); } @Override // public final void zzc(int i, long j) throws IOException { zzd(i, 1); zzg(j); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, boolean z) throws IOException { zzd(i, 0); zzc(z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, String str) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzm(str); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zza(zzeoVar); } @Override // public final void zza(zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzeoVar.size()); zzeoVar.zza(this); } @Override // public final void zzf(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzas(i2); write(bArr, 0, i2); } @Override // public final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzb(zzhfVar); } @Override // final void zza(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzd(i, 2); zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } zzas(zzcf); zzhwVar.zza(zzhfVar, this.zzss); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzhfVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) throws IOException { zzd(1, 3); zzf(2, i); zza(3, zzeoVar); zzd(1, 4); } @Override // public final void zzb(zzhf zzhfVar) throws IOException { zzas(zzhfVar.zzeq()); zzhfVar.zzb(this); } @Override // final void zza(zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) throws IOException { zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } zzas(zzcf); zzhwVar.zza(zzhfVar, this.zzss); } @Override // public final void zzc(byte b) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i = this.position; this.position = i + 1; bArr[i] = b; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), 1), e); } } @Override // public final void zzar(int i) throws IOException { if (i >= 0) { zzas(i); } else { zze(i); } } @Override // public final void zzas(int i) throws IOException { if (zzfe.zzsr && zzdz() >= 10) { while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i2 = this.position; this.position = i2 + 1; zziu.zza(bArr, i2, (byte) ((i & 127) | 128)); i >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr2 = this.buffer; int i3 = this.position; this.position = i3 + 1; zziu.zza(bArr2, i3, (byte) i); return; } while ((i & (-128)) != 0) { try { byte[] bArr3 = this.buffer; int i4 = this.position; this.position = i4 + 1; bArr3[i4] = (byte) ((i & 127) | 128); i >>>= 7; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), 1), e); } } byte[] bArr4 = this.buffer; int i5 = this.position; this.position = i5 + 1; bArr4[i5] = (byte) i; } @Override // public final void zzau(int i) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i2 = this.position; bArr[i2] = (byte) i; bArr[i2 + 1] = (byte) (i >> 8); bArr[i2 + 2] = (byte) (i >> 16); this.position = i2 + 4; bArr[i2 + 3] = i >> Ascii.CAN; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), 1), e); } } @Override // public final void zze(long j) throws IOException { if (zzfe.zzsr && zzdz() >= 10) { while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i = this.position; this.position = i + 1; zziu.zza(bArr, i, (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128)); j >>>= 7; } byte[] bArr2 = this.buffer; int i2 = this.position; this.position = i2 + 1; zziu.zza(bArr2, i2, (byte) j); return; } while ((j & (-128)) != 0) { try { byte[] bArr3 = this.buffer; int i3 = this.position; this.position = i3 + 1; bArr3[i3] = (byte) ((((int) j) & 127) | 128); j >>>= 7; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), 1), e); } } byte[] bArr4 = this.buffer; int i4 = this.position; this.position = i4 + 1; bArr4[i4] = (byte) j; } @Override // public final void zzg(long j) throws IOException { try { byte[] bArr = this.buffer; int i = this.position; bArr[i] = (byte) j; bArr[i + 1] = (byte) (j >> 8); bArr[i + 2] = (byte) (j >> 16); bArr[i + 3] = (byte) (j >> 24); bArr[i + 4] = (byte) (j >> 32); bArr[i + 5] = (byte) (j >> 40); bArr[i + 6] = (byte) (j >> 48); this.position = i + 8; bArr[i + 7] = (byte) (j >> 56); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), 1), e); } } @Override // public final void write(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { try { System.arraycopy(bArr, i, this.buffer, this.position, i2); this.position += i2; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { throw new zzc(String.format("Pos: %d, limit: %d, len: %d", Integer.valueOf(this.position), Integer.valueOf(this.limit), Integer.valueOf(i2)), e); } } @Override // public final void zza(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws IOException { write(bArr, i, i2); } @Override // public final void zzm(String str) throws IOException { int i = this.position; try { int zzax = zzax(str.length() * 3); int zzax2 = zzax(str.length()); if (zzax2 == zzax) { int i2 = i + zzax2; this.position = i2; int zza = zziw.zza(str, this.buffer, i2, zzdz()); this.position = i; zzas((zza - i) - zzax2); this.position = zza; return; } zzas(zziw.zza(str)); this.position = zziw.zza(str, this.buffer, this.position, zzdz()); } catch (zzja e) { this.position = i; zza(str, e); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e2) { throw new zzc(e2); } } public final int zzec() { return this.position - this.offset; } @Override // public final int zzdz() { return this.limit - this.position; } } private zzfe() { } public final void zzg(int i, int i2) throws IOException { zzf(i, zzbc(i2)); } public final void zzb(int i, long j) throws IOException { zza(i, zzm(j)); } public final void zza(int i, float f) throws IOException { zzh(i, Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); } public final void zza(int i, double d) throws IOException { zzc(i, Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); } public final void zzat(int i) throws IOException { zzas(zzbc(i)); } public final void zzf(long j) throws IOException { zze(zzm(j)); } public final void zzf(float f) throws IOException { zzau(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); } public final void zza(double d) throws IOException { zzg(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d)); } public final void zzh(boolean z) throws IOException { zzc(z ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); } public static int zzi(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + zzaw(i2); } public static int zzj(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + zzax(i2); } public static int zzk(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + zzax(zzbc(i2)); } public static int zzl(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + 4; } public static int zzm(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + 4; } public static int zzd(int i, long j) { return zzav(i) + zzi(j); } public static int zze(int i, long j) { return zzav(i) + zzi(j); } public static int zzf(int i, long j) { return zzav(i) + zzi(zzm(j)); } public static int zzg(int i, long j) { return zzav(i) + 8; } public static int zzh(int i, long j) { return zzav(i) + 8; } public static int zzb(int i, float f) { return zzav(i) + 4; } public static int zzb(int i, double d) { return zzav(i) + 8; } public static int zzc(int i, boolean z) { return zzav(i) + 1; } public static int zzn(int i, int i2) { return zzav(i) + zzaw(i2); } public static int zzb(int i, String str) { return zzav(i) + zzn(str); } public static int zzc(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) { int zzav = zzav(i); int size = zzeoVar.size(); return zzav + zzax(size) + size; } public static int zza(int i, zzgm zzgmVar) { int zzav = zzav(i); int zzeq = zzgmVar.zzeq(); return zzav + zzax(zzeq) + zzeq; } public static int zzc(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) { return zzav(i) + zzc(zzhfVar); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static int zzb(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) { return zzav(i) + zzb(zzhfVar, zzhwVar); } public static int zzd(int i, zzhf zzhfVar) { return (zzav(1) << 1) + zzj(2, i) + zzc(3, zzhfVar); } public static int zzd(int i, zzeo zzeoVar) { return (zzav(1) << 1) + zzj(2, i) + zzc(3, zzeoVar); } public static int zzb(int i, zzgm zzgmVar) { return (zzav(1) << 1) + zzj(2, i) + zza(3, zzgmVar); } public static int zzav(int i) { return zzax(i << 3); } public static int zzaw(int i) { if (i >= 0) { return zzax(i); } return 10; } public static int zzay(int i) { return zzax(zzbc(i)); } public static int zzh(long j) { return zzi(j); } public static int zzj(long j) { return zzi(zzm(j)); } public static int zzbb(int i) { return zzaw(i); } public static int zzn(String str) { int length; try { length = zziw.zza(str); } catch (zzja unused) { length = str.getBytes(zzga.UTF_8).length; } return zzax(length) + length; } public static int zza(zzgm zzgmVar) { int zzeq = zzgmVar.zzeq(); return zzax(zzeq) + zzeq; } public static int zzb(zzeo zzeoVar) { int size = zzeoVar.size(); return zzax(size) + size; } public static int zzh(byte[] bArr) { int length = bArr.length; return zzax(length) + length; } public static int zzc(zzhf zzhfVar) { int zzeq = zzhfVar.zzeq(); return zzax(zzeq) + zzeq; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static int zzb(zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) { zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } return zzax(zzcf) + zzcf; } public final void zzea() { if (zzdz() != 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Did not write as much data as expected."); } } final void zza(String str, zzja zzjaVar) throws IOException { logger.logp(Level.WARNING, "", "inefficientWriteStringNoTag", "Converting ill-formed UTF-16. Your Protocol Buffer will not round trip correctly!", (Throwable) zzjaVar); byte[] bytes = str.getBytes(zzga.UTF_8); try { zzas(bytes.length); zza(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } catch (zzc e) { throw e; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e2) { throw new zzc(e2); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ @Deprecated public static int zzc(int i, zzhf zzhfVar, zzhw zzhwVar) { int zzav = zzav(i); zzec zzecVar = (zzec) zzhfVar; int zzcf = zzecVar.zzcf(); if (zzcf == -1) { zzcf = zzhwVar.zzp(zzecVar); zzecVar.zzy(zzcf); } return (zzav << 1) + zzcf; } @Deprecated public static int zzd(zzhf zzhfVar) { return zzhfVar.zzeq(); } @Deprecated public static int zzbd(int i) { return zzax(i); } }