package; import; import java.util.List; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzfc implements zzhv { private int tag; private int zzru; private final zzez zzsp; private int zzsq = 0; public static zzfc zza(zzez zzezVar) { if (zzezVar.zzsi != null) { return zzezVar.zzsi; } return new zzfc(zzezVar); } private zzfc(zzez zzezVar) { zzez zzezVar2 = (zzez) zzga.zza(zzezVar, "input"); this.zzsp = zzezVar2; zzezVar2.zzsi = this; } @Override // public final int zzcn() throws IOException { int i = this.zzsq; if (i != 0) { this.tag = i; this.zzsq = 0; } else { this.tag = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } int i2 = this.tag; if (i2 == 0 || i2 == this.zzru) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return i2 >>> 3; } @Override // public final boolean zzco() throws IOException { int i; if (this.zzsp.zzcm() || (i = this.tag) == this.zzru) { return false; } return this.zzsp.zzal(i); } private final void zzab(int i) throws IOException { if ((this.tag & 7) != i) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } } @Override // public final double readDouble() throws IOException { zzab(1); return this.zzsp.readDouble(); } @Override // public final float readFloat() throws IOException { zzab(5); return this.zzsp.readFloat(); } @Override // public final long zzcp() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcp(); } @Override // public final long zzcq() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcq(); } @Override // public final int zzcr() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcr(); } @Override // public final long zzcs() throws IOException { zzab(1); return this.zzsp.zzcs(); } @Override // public final int zzct() throws IOException { zzab(5); return this.zzsp.zzct(); } @Override // public final boolean zzcu() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcu(); } @Override // public final String readString() throws IOException { zzab(2); return this.zzsp.readString(); } @Override // public final String zzcv() throws IOException { zzab(2); return this.zzsp.zzcv(); } @Override // public final T zza(Class cls, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { zzab(2); return (T) zzb(zzhs.zzgl().zzf(cls), zzfkVar); } @Override // public final T zza(zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { zzab(2); return (T) zzb(zzhwVar, zzfkVar); } @Override // public final T zzb(Class cls, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { zzab(3); return (T) zzd(zzhs.zzgl().zzf(cls), zzfkVar); } @Override // public final T zzc(zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { zzab(3); return (T) zzd(zzhwVar, zzfkVar); } private final T zzb(zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); if (this.zzsp.zzsf >= this.zzsp.zzsg) { throw zzgf.zzfn(); } int zzan = this.zzsp.zzan(zzcx); T newInstance = zzhwVar.newInstance(); this.zzsp.zzsf++; zzhwVar.zza(newInstance, this, zzfkVar); zzhwVar.zze(newInstance); this.zzsp.zzak(0); zzez zzezVar = this.zzsp; zzezVar.zzsf--; this.zzsp.zzao(zzan); return newInstance; } private final T zzd(zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { int i = this.zzru; this.zzru = ((this.tag >>> 3) << 3) | 4; try { T newInstance = zzhwVar.newInstance(); zzhwVar.zza(newInstance, this, zzfkVar); zzhwVar.zze(newInstance); if (this.tag == this.zzru) { return newInstance; } throw zzgf.zzfo(); } finally { this.zzru = i; } } @Override // public final zzeo zzcw() throws IOException { zzab(2); return this.zzsp.zzcw(); } @Override // public final int zzcx() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcx(); } @Override // public final int zzcy() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzcy(); } @Override // public final int zzcz() throws IOException { zzab(5); return this.zzsp.zzcz(); } @Override // public final long zzda() throws IOException { zzab(1); return this.zzsp.zzda(); } @Override // public final int zzdb() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzdb(); } @Override // public final long zzdc() throws IOException { zzab(0); return this.zzsp.zzdc(); } @Override // public final void zza(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfh)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 1) { if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Double.valueOf(this.zzsp.readDouble())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Double.valueOf(this.zzsp.readDouble())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfh zzfhVar = (zzfh) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 1) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzfhVar.zzc(this.zzsp.readDouble()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfhVar.zzc(this.zzsp.readDouble()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzb(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfv)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Float.valueOf(this.zzsp.readFloat())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } if (i != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Float.valueOf(this.zzsp.readFloat())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfv zzfvVar = (zzfv) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzfvVar.zzh(this.zzsp.readFloat()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } if (i2 != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfvVar.zzh(this.zzsp.readFloat()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzc(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzgt)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcp())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcp())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgt zzgtVar = (zzgt) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcp()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcp()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzd(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzgt)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcq())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcq())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgt zzgtVar = (zzgt) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcq()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcq()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zze(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcr())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcr())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcr()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcr()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzf(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzgt)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 1) { if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcs())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcs())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgt zzgtVar = (zzgt) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 1) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcs()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzcs()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzg(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzct())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } if (i != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzct())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzct()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } if (i2 != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzct()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzh(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzem)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Boolean.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcu())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Boolean.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcu())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzem zzemVar = (zzem) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzemVar.addBoolean(this.zzsp.zzcu()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzemVar.addBoolean(this.zzsp.zzcu()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void readStringList(List list) throws IOException { zza(list, false); } @Override // public final void zzi(List list) throws IOException { zza(list, true); } private final void zza(List list, boolean z) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if ((this.tag & 7) != 2) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } if (!(list instanceof zzgo) || z) { do { list.add(z ? zzcv() : readString()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgo zzgoVar = (zzgo) list; do { zzgoVar.zzc(zzcw()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // public final void zza(List list, zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { int zzdq; int i = this.tag; if ((i & 7) != 2) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(zzb(zzhwVar, zzfkVar)); if (this.zzsp.zzcm() || this.zzsq != 0) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == i); this.zzsq = zzdq; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // public final void zzb(List list, zzhw zzhwVar, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { int zzdq; int i = this.tag; if ((i & 7) != 3) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(zzd(zzhwVar, zzfkVar)); if (this.zzsp.zzcm() || this.zzsq != 0) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == i); this.zzsq = zzdq; } @Override // public final void zzj(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; if ((this.tag & 7) != 2) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(zzcw()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; } @Override // public final void zzk(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcx())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcx())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcx()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcx()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzl(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcy())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcy())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcy()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcy()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzm(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcz())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } if (i != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzcz())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzad(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcz()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } if (i2 != 5) { throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzcz()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzn(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzgt)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 1) { if (i == 2) { int zzcx = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx); int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzda())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds + zzcx); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzda())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgt zzgtVar = (zzgt) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 1) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzcx2 = this.zzsp.zzcx(); zzac(zzcx2); int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds(); do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzda()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2 + zzcx2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzda()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzo(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzfz)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzdb())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Integer.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzdb())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzfz zzfzVar = (zzfz) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzdb()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzfzVar.zzbg(this.zzsp.zzdb()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } @Override // public final void zzp(List list) throws IOException { int zzdq; int zzdq2; if (!(list instanceof zzgt)) { int i = this.tag & 7; if (i != 0) { if (i == 2) { int zzds = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzdc())); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds); zzae(zzds); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { list.add(Long.valueOf(this.zzsp.zzdc())); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq; return; } zzgt zzgtVar = (zzgt) list; int i2 = this.tag & 7; if (i2 != 0) { if (i2 == 2) { int zzds2 = this.zzsp.zzds() + this.zzsp.zzcx(); do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzdc()); } while (this.zzsp.zzds() < zzds2); zzae(zzds2); return; } throw zzgf.zzfm(); } do { zzgtVar.zzp(this.zzsp.zzdc()); if (this.zzsp.zzcm()) { return; } else { zzdq2 = this.zzsp.zzdq(); } } while (zzdq2 == this.tag); this.zzsq = zzdq2; } private static void zzac(int i) throws IOException { if ((i & 7) != 0) { throw zzgf.zzfo(); } } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:38:0x005b, code lost: r8.put(r2, r3); */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:40:0x0063, code lost: return; */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ @Override // /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void zza(java.util.Map r8, r9, r10) throws { /* r7 = this; r0 = 2 r7.zzab(r0) r1 = r7.zzsp int r1 = r1.zzcx() r2 = r7.zzsp int r1 = r2.zzan(r1) K r2 = r9.zzyw V r3 = r9.zzgq L14: int r4 = r7.zzcn() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r5 = 2147483647(0x7fffffff, float:NaN) if (r4 == r5) goto L5b r5 = r7.zzsp // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 boolean r5 = r5.zzcm() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 if (r5 != 0) goto L5b r5 = 1 java.lang.String r6 = "Unable to parse map entry." if (r4 == r5) goto L46 if (r4 == r0) goto L39 boolean r4 = r7.zzco() // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 if (r4 == 0) goto L33 goto L14 L33: r4 = new // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r4.(r6) // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 throw r4 // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 L39: r4 = r9.zzyx // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 V r5 = r9.zzgq // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Class r5 = r5.getClass() // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 java.lang.Object r3 = r7.zza(r4, r5, r10) // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 goto L14 L46: r4 = r9.zzyv // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r5 = 0 java.lang.Object r2 = r7.zza(r4, r5, r5) // Catch: -> L4e java.lang.Throwable -> L64 goto L14 L4e: boolean r4 = r7.zzco() // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 if (r4 == 0) goto L55 goto L14 L55: r8 = new // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r8.(r6) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 throw r8 // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 L5b: r8.put(r2, r3) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L64 r8 = r7.zzsp r8.zzao(r1) return L64: r8 = move-exception r9 = r7.zzsp r9.zzao(r1) throw r8 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:,,"); } private final Object zza(zzjd zzjdVar, Class cls, zzfk zzfkVar) throws IOException { switch (zzfd.zzrr[zzjdVar.ordinal()]) { case 1: return Boolean.valueOf(zzcu()); case 2: return zzcw(); case 3: return Double.valueOf(readDouble()); case 4: return Integer.valueOf(zzcy()); case 5: return Integer.valueOf(zzct()); case 6: return Long.valueOf(zzcs()); case 7: return Float.valueOf(readFloat()); case 8: return Integer.valueOf(zzcr()); case 9: return Long.valueOf(zzcq()); case 10: return zza(cls, zzfkVar); case 11: return Integer.valueOf(zzcz()); case 12: return Long.valueOf(zzda()); case 13: return Integer.valueOf(zzdb()); case 14: return Long.valueOf(zzdc()); case 15: return zzcv(); case 16: return Integer.valueOf(zzcx()); case 17: return Long.valueOf(zzcp()); default: throw new RuntimeException("unsupported field type."); } } private static void zzad(int i) throws IOException { if ((i & 3) != 0) { throw zzgf.zzfo(); } } private final void zzae(int i) throws IOException { if (this.zzsp.zzds() != i) { throw zzgf.zzfh(); } } @Override // public final int getTag() { return this.tag; } }