package; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import o.nyh; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzyz { private static final Map zza = new nyh(); private static final Map zzb = new nyh(); public static String zza(String str) { zzyx zzyxVar; Map map = zza; synchronized (map) { zzyxVar = (zzyx) map.get(str); } if (zzyxVar == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Tried to get the emulator widget endpoint, but no emulator endpoint overrides found."); } return zzh(zzyxVar.zzb(), zzyxVar.zza(), zzyxVar.zzb().contains(":")).concat("emulator/auth/handler"); } public static String zzb(String str) { zzyx zzyxVar; Map map = zza; synchronized (map) { zzyxVar = (zzyx) map.get(str); } return (zzyxVar != null ? "".concat(zzh(zzyxVar.zzb(), zzyxVar.zza(), zzyxVar.zzb().contains(":"))) : "https://").concat(""); } public static String zzc(String str) { zzyx zzyxVar; Map map = zza; synchronized (map) { zzyxVar = (zzyx) map.get(str); } return (zzyxVar != null ? "".concat(zzh(zzyxVar.zzb(), zzyxVar.zza(), zzyxVar.zzb().contains(":"))) : "https://").concat(""); } public static String zzd(String str) { zzyx zzyxVar; Map map = zza; synchronized (map) { zzyxVar = (zzyx) map.get(str); } return (zzyxVar != null ? "".concat(zzh(zzyxVar.zzb(), zzyxVar.zza(), zzyxVar.zzb().contains(":"))) : "https://").concat(""); } public static void zze(String str, zzyy zzyyVar) { Map map = zzb; synchronized (map) { if (map.containsKey(str)) { ((List) map.get(str)).add(new WeakReference(zzyyVar)); } else { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(new WeakReference(zzyyVar)); map.put(str, arrayList); } } } public static void zzf(FirebaseApp firebaseApp, String str, int i) { String apiKey = firebaseApp.getOptions().getApiKey(); Map map = zza; synchronized (map) { map.put(apiKey, new zzyx(str, i)); } Map map2 = zzb; synchronized (map2) { if (map2.containsKey(apiKey)) { Iterator it = ((List) map2.get(apiKey)).iterator(); boolean z = false; while (it.hasNext()) { zzyy zzyyVar = (zzyy) ((WeakReference); if (zzyyVar != null) { zzyyVar.zzi(); z = true; } } if (!z) { zza.remove(apiKey); } } } } public static boolean zzg(FirebaseApp firebaseApp) { return zza.containsKey(firebaseApp.getOptions().getApiKey()); } private static String zzh(String str, int i, boolean z) { if (z) { return "http://[" + str + "]:" + i + "/"; } return "http://" + str + ":" + i + "/"; } }