package; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzxe extends AsyncTask { private static final Logger zza = new Logger("FirebaseAuth", "GetAuthDomainTask"); private final String zzb; private final String zzc; private final WeakReference zzd; private final Uri.Builder zze; private final String zzf; private final FirebaseApp zzg; public zzxe(String str, String str2, Intent intent, FirebaseApp firebaseApp, zzxg zzxgVar) { this.zzb = Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str); this.zzg = (FirebaseApp) Preconditions.checkNotNull(firebaseApp); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str2); Preconditions.checkNotNull(intent); String checkNotEmpty = Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(intent.getStringExtra("")); Uri.Builder buildUpon = Uri.parse(zzxgVar.zzc(checkNotEmpty)).buildUpon(); buildUpon.appendPath("getProjectConfig").appendQueryParameter("key", checkNotEmpty).appendQueryParameter("androidPackageName", str).appendQueryParameter("sha1Cert", (String) Preconditions.checkNotNull(str2)); this.zzc =; this.zzd = new WeakReference(zzxgVar); this.zze = zzxgVar.zzb(intent, str, str2); this.zzf = intent.getStringExtra(""); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ @Override // android.os.AsyncTask /* renamed from: zza, reason: merged with bridge method [inline-methods] */ public final void onPostExecute(zzxd zzxdVar) { String str; String str2; Uri.Builder builder; zzxg zzxgVar = (zzxg) this.zzd.get(); if (zzxdVar != null) { str = zzxdVar.zzc(); str2 = zzxdVar.zzd(); } else { str = null; str2 = null; } if (zzxgVar == null) { zza.e("An error has occurred: the handler reference has returned null.", new Object[0]); } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(str) || (builder = this.zze) == null) { zzxgVar.zze(this.zzb, zzai.zza(str2)); } else { builder.authority(str); zzxgVar.zzf(, this.zzb); } } private static byte[] zzb(InputStream inputStream, int i) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { byte[] bArr = new byte[128]; while (true) { int read =; if (read != -1) { byteArrayOutputStream.write(bArr, 0, read); } else { return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); } } } finally { byteArrayOutputStream.close(); } } @Override // android.os.AsyncTask protected final /* synthetic */ Object doInBackground(Object[] objArr) { String str; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzf)) { return zzxd.zza(this.zzf); } try { try { URL url = new URL(this.zzc); zzxg zzxgVar = (zzxg) this.zzd.get(); HttpURLConnection zzd = zzxgVar.zzd(url); zzd.addRequestProperty(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json; charset=UTF-8"); zzd.setConnectTimeout(60000); new zzxq(zzxgVar.zza(), this.zzg, zzxo.zza().zzb()).zza(zzd); int responseCode = zzd.getResponseCode(); if (responseCode != 200) { try { } catch (IOException e) { zza.w("Error parsing error message from response body in getErrorMessageFromBody. ".concat(e.toString()), new Object[0]); } if (zzd.getResponseCode() >= 400) { InputStream errorStream = zzd.getErrorStream(); str = errorStream == null ? "WEB_INTERNAL_ERROR:Could not retrieve the authDomain for this project but did not receive an error response from the network request. Please try again." : (String) zzxl.zza(new String(zzb(errorStream, 128)), String.class); zza.e(String.format("Error getting project config. Failed with %s %s", str, Integer.valueOf(responseCode)), new Object[0]); return zzxd.zzb(str); } str = null; zza.e(String.format("Error getting project config. Failed with %s %s", str, Integer.valueOf(responseCode)), new Object[0]); return zzxd.zzb(str); } zzzx zzzxVar = new zzzx(); zzzxVar.zzb(new String(zzb(zzd.getInputStream(), 128))); for (String str2 : zzzxVar.zzc()) { if (str2.endsWith("") || str2.endsWith("")) { return zzxd.zza(str2); } } return null; } catch (IOException e2) { zza.e("IOException occurred: ".concat(String.valueOf(e2.getMessage())), new Object[0]); return null; } } catch (zzvg e3) { zza.e("ConversionException encountered: ".concat(String.valueOf(e3.getMessage())), new Object[0]); return null; } catch (NullPointerException e4) { zza.e("Null pointer encountered: ".concat(String.valueOf(e4.getMessage())), new Object[0]); return null; } } @Override // android.os.AsyncTask protected final /* synthetic */ void onCancelled(Object obj) { onPostExecute(null); } }