package; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public class zzxa { private final zzwz zza; private final Logger zzb; public zzxa(zzwz zzwzVar, Logger logger) { this.zza = (zzwz) Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzwzVar); this.zzb = (Logger) Preconditions.checkNotNull(logger); } public final void zza(String str) { try { this.zza.zza(str); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending auto retrieval timeout response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public void zzb(String str) { try { this.zza.zzb(str); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending send verification code response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzc(zzzd zzzdVar) { try { this.zza.zzc(zzzdVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending create auth uri response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzd() { try { this.zza.zzd(); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending delete account response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zze(zztk zztkVar) { try { this.zza.zze(zztkVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending failure result with credential", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzf(zztm zztmVar) { try { this.zza.zzf(zztmVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending failure result for mfa", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzg(Status status, PhoneAuthCredential phoneAuthCredential) { try { this.zza.zzg(status, phoneAuthCredential); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending failure result.", e, new Object[0]); } } public void zzh(Status status) { try { this.zza.zzh(status); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending failure result.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzi(zzzy zzzyVar, zzzr zzzrVar) { try { this.zza.zzi(zzzyVar, zzzrVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending get token and account info user response", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzj(zzaaj zzaajVar) { try { this.zza.zzj(zzaajVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending password reset response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzk() { try { this.zza.zzk(); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending email verification response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzl(String str) { try { this.zza.zzl(str); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending set account info response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzm() { try { this.zza.zzm(); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when setting FirebaseUI Version", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzn(zzzy zzzyVar) { try { this.zza.zzn(zzzyVar); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending token result.", e, new Object[0]); } } public final void zzo(PhoneAuthCredential phoneAuthCredential) { try { this.zza.zzo(phoneAuthCredential); } catch (RemoteException e) { this.zzb.e("RemoteException when sending verification completed response.", e, new Object[0]); } } public zzxa(zzxa zzxaVar) { this(zzxaVar.zza, zzxaVar.zzb); } }