package; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzgy implements zzha { private final String zza; private final zzqv zzb; private final zzacc zzc; private final zznr zzd; private final zzoy zze; private final Integer zzf; private zzgy(String str, zzacc zzaccVar, zznr zznrVar, zzoy zzoyVar, Integer num) { this.zza = str; this.zzb = zzhj.zzb(str); this.zzc = zzaccVar; this.zzd = zznrVar; this.zze = zzoyVar; this.zzf = num; } public static zzgy zza(String str, zzacc zzaccVar, zznr zznrVar, zzoy zzoyVar, Integer num) throws GeneralSecurityException { if (zzoyVar == zzoy.RAW) { if (num != null) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Keys with output prefix type raw should not have an id requirement."); } } else if (num == null) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Keys with output prefix type different from raw should have an id requirement."); } return new zzgy(str, zzaccVar, zznrVar, zzoyVar, num); } public final String zzg() { return this.zza; } public final Integer zzf() { return this.zzf; } public final zzacc zze() { return this.zzc; } @Override // public final zzqv zzd() { return this.zzb; } public final zzoy zzc() { return this.zze; } public final zznr zzb() { return this.zzd; } }