package; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzfl { private zzbi zze; private zzfq zzf = null; private zzbj zza = null; private String zzb = null; private zzap zzc = null; private zzbf zzd = null; private final zzbi zzi() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { String str; zzap zzapVar = this.zzc; if (zzapVar != null) { try { return zzbi.zzf(zzbh.zzh(this.zzf, zzapVar)); } catch (zzadn | GeneralSecurityException e) { str = zzfn.zzb; Log.w(str, "cannot decrypt keyset: ", e); } } return zzbi.zzf(zzar.zzb(this.zzf)); } @Deprecated public final zzfl zzd(zznx zznxVar) { String zzf = zznxVar.zzf(); byte[] zzt = zznxVar.zze().zzt(); zzoy zzd = zznxVar.zzd(); int i = zzfn.zza; zzoy zzoyVar = zzoy.UNKNOWN_PREFIX; int ordinal = zzd.ordinal(); int i2 = 1; if (ordinal != 1) { i2 = 2; if (ordinal != 2) { i2 = 3; if (ordinal != 3) { i2 = 4; if (ordinal != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown output prefix type"); } } } } this.zzd = zzbf.zze(zzf, zzt, i2); return this; } public final zzfl zze(String str) { if (!str.startsWith("android-keystore://")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("key URI must start with android-keystore://"); } this.zzb = str; return this; } public final zzfn zzg() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { String str; zzbi zze; String str2; zzfn zzfnVar; synchronized (this) { if (this.zzb != null) { this.zzc = zzh(); } try { zze = zzi(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { str = zzfn.zzb; if (Log.isLoggable(str, 4)) { str2 = zzfn.zzb; Log.i(str2, String.format("keyset not found, will generate a new one. %s", e.getMessage())); } if (this.zzd != null) { zze = zzbi.zze(); zze.zzc(this.zzd); zze.zzd(zze.zzb().zzd().zzb(0).zza()); if (this.zzc != null) { zze.zzb().zzf(this.zza, this.zzc); } else { zzar.zza(zze.zzb(), this.zza); } } else { throw new GeneralSecurityException("cannot read or generate keyset"); } } this.zze = zze; zzfnVar = new zzfn(this, null); } return zzfnVar; } public final zzfl zzf(Context context, String str, String str2) throws IOException { if (context == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("need an Android context"); } this.zzf = new zzfq(context, "GenericIdpKeyset", str2); this.zza = new zzfr(context, "GenericIdpKeyset", str2); return this; } private final zzap zzh() throws GeneralSecurityException { String str; String str2; zzfp zzfpVar = new zzfp(); boolean zzc = zzfpVar.zzc(this.zzb); if (!zzc) { try { String str3 = this.zzb; if (new zzfp().zzc(str3)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("cannot generate a new key %s because it already exists; please delete it with deleteKey() and try again", str3)); } String zza = zzqs.zza("android-keystore://", str3); KeyGenerator keyGenerator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES", "AndroidKeyStore"); keyGenerator.init(new KeyGenParameterSpec.Builder(zza, 3).setKeySize(256).setBlockModes(CodePackage.GCM).setEncryptionPaddings("NoPadding").build()); keyGenerator.generateKey(); } catch (GeneralSecurityException | ProviderException e) { str2 = zzfn.zzb; Log.w(str2, "cannot use Android Keystore, it'll be disabled", e); return null; } } try { return zzfpVar.zza(this.zzb); } catch (GeneralSecurityException | ProviderException e2) { if (zzc) { throw new KeyStoreException(String.format("the master key %s exists but is unusable", this.zzb), e2); } str = zzfn.zzb; Log.w(str, "cannot use Android Keystore, it'll be disabled", e2); return null; } } }