package; import; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ class zzaz implements zzax { private final zzgc zza; private final Class zzb; public zzaz(zzgc zzgcVar, Class cls) { if (!zzgcVar.zzm().contains(cls) && !Void.class.equals(cls)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Given internalKeyMananger %s does not support primitive class %s", zzgcVar.toString(), cls.getName())); } this.zza = zzgcVar; this.zzb = cls; } private final zzay zzf() { return new zzay(this.zza.zza()); } private final Object zzg(zzaek zzaekVar) throws GeneralSecurityException { if (Void.class.equals(this.zzb)) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Cannot create a primitive for Void"); } this.zza.zze(zzaekVar); return this.zza.zzl(zzaekVar, this.zzb); } @Override // public final zzns zza(zzacc zzaccVar) throws GeneralSecurityException { try { zzaek zza = zzf().zza(zzaccVar); zznp zza2 = zzns.zza(); zza2.zzb(this.zza.zzd()); zza2.zzc(zza.zzo()); zza2.zza(this.zza.zzb()); return (zzns) zza2.zzi(); } catch (zzadn e) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Unexpected proto", e); } } @Override // public final zzaek zzb(zzacc zzaccVar) throws GeneralSecurityException { try { return zzf().zza(zzaccVar); } catch (zzadn e) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Failures parsing proto of type ".concat(String.valueOf(this.zza.zza().zzg().getName())), e); } } @Override // public final Object zzc(zzacc zzaccVar) throws GeneralSecurityException { try { return zzg(this.zza.zzc(zzaccVar)); } catch (zzadn e) { throw new GeneralSecurityException("Failures parsing proto of type ".concat(String.valueOf(this.zza.zzk().getName())), e); } } @Override // public final Object zzd(zzaek zzaekVar) throws GeneralSecurityException { String concat = "Expected proto of type ".concat(String.valueOf(this.zza.zzk().getName())); if (this.zza.zzk().isInstance(zzaekVar)) { return zzg(zzaekVar); } throw new GeneralSecurityException(concat); } @Override // public final String zze() { return this.zza.zzd(); } }