package; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.BadParcelableException; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzee { private static volatile zzee zzc; protected final Clock zza; protected final ExecutorService zzb; private final String zzd; private final AppMeasurementSdk zze; private final List> zzf; private int zzg; private boolean zzh; private final String zzi; private volatile zzcc zzj; protected zzee(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, Bundle bundle) { this.zzd = (str == null || !zzV(str2, str3)) ? "FA" : str; this.zza = DefaultClock.getInstance(); this.zzb = zzbx.zza().zzb(new zzdi(this), 1); this.zze = new AppMeasurementSdk(this); this.zzf = new ArrayList(); try { if (, "google_app_id", != null && !zzR()) { this.zzi = null; this.zzh = true; Log.w(this.zzd, "Disabling data collection. Found google_app_id in strings.xml but Google Analytics for Firebase is missing. Remove this value or add Google Analytics for Firebase to resume data collection."); return; } } catch (IllegalStateException unused) { } if (zzV(str2, str3)) { this.zzi = str2; } else { this.zzi = "fa"; if (str2 == null || str3 == null) { if ((str2 == null) ^ (str3 == null)) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Specified origin or custom app id is null. Both parameters will be ignored."); } } else { Log.v(this.zzd, "Deferring to Google Analytics for Firebase for event data collection."); } } zzU(new zzcx(this, str2, str3, context, bundle)); Application application = (Application) context.getApplicationContext(); if (application == null) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Unable to register lifecycle notifications. Application null."); } else { application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new zzed(this)); } } protected static final boolean zzR() { try { Class.forName(""); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) { return false; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zzS(Exception exc, boolean z, boolean z2) { this.zzh |= z; if (z) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Data collection startup failed. No data will be collected.", exc); return; } if (z2) { zzA(5, "Error with data collection. Data lost.", exc, null, null); } Log.w(this.zzd, "Error with data collection. Data lost.", exc); } private final void zzT(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle, boolean z, boolean z2, Long l) { zzU(new zzdr(this, l, str, str2, bundle, z, z2)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zzU(zzdt zzdtVar) { this.zzb.execute(zzdtVar); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static final boolean zzV(String str, String str2) { return (str2 == null || str == null || zzR()) ? false : true; } public static zzee zzg(Context context, String str, String str2, String str3, Bundle bundle) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); if (zzc == null) { synchronized (zzee.class) { if (zzc == null) { zzc = new zzee(context, str, str2, str3, bundle); } } } return zzc; } public final void zzA(int i, String str, Object obj, Object obj2, Object obj3) { zzU(new zzdg(this, false, 5, str, obj, null, null)); } public final void zzB( zzgwVar) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzgwVar); synchronized (this.zzf) { for (int i = 0; i < this.zzf.size(); i++) { if (zzgwVar.equals(this.zzf.get(i).first)) { Log.w(this.zzd, "OnEventListener already registered."); return; } } zzdv zzdvVar = new zzdv(zzgwVar); this.zzf.add(new Pair<>(zzgwVar, zzdvVar)); if (this.zzj != null) { try { this.zzj.registerOnMeasurementEventListener(zzdvVar); return; } catch (BadParcelableException | NetworkOnMainThreadException | RemoteException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException | NullPointerException | SecurityException | UnsupportedOperationException unused) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Failed to register event listener on calling thread. Trying again on the dynamite thread."); } } zzU(new zzdp(this, zzdvVar)); } } public final void zzC() { zzU(new zzcv(this)); } public final void zzD(Bundle bundle) { zzU(new zzcn(this, bundle)); } public final void zzE(Bundle bundle) { zzU(new zzct(this, bundle)); } public final void zzF(Bundle bundle) { zzU(new zzcu(this, bundle)); } public final void zzG(Activity activity, String str, String str2) { zzU(new zzcr(this, activity, str, str2)); } public final void zzH(boolean z) { zzU(new zzdm(this, z)); } public final void zzI(Bundle bundle) { zzU(new zzdn(this, bundle)); } public final void zzJ( zzgvVar) { zzdu zzduVar = new zzdu(zzgvVar); if (this.zzj != null) { try { this.zzj.setEventInterceptor(zzduVar); return; } catch (BadParcelableException | NetworkOnMainThreadException | RemoteException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException | NullPointerException | SecurityException | UnsupportedOperationException unused) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Failed to set event interceptor on calling thread. Trying again on the dynamite thread."); } } zzU(new zzdo(this, zzduVar)); } public final void zzK(Boolean bool) { zzU(new zzcs(this, bool)); } public final void zzL(long j) { zzU(new zzcw(this, j)); } public final void zzM(String str) { zzU(new zzcq(this, str)); } public final void zzN(String str, String str2, Object obj, boolean z) { zzU(new zzds(this, str, str2, obj, z)); } public final void zzO( zzgwVar) { Pair pair; Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzgwVar); synchronized (this.zzf) { int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= this.zzf.size()) { pair = null; break; } else { if (zzgwVar.equals(this.zzf.get(i).first)) { pair = this.zzf.get(i); break; } i++; } } if (pair == null) { Log.w(this.zzd, "OnEventListener had not been registered."); return; } this.zzf.remove(pair); zzdv zzdvVar = (zzdv) pair.second; if (this.zzj != null) { try { this.zzj.unregisterOnMeasurementEventListener(zzdvVar); return; } catch (BadParcelableException | NetworkOnMainThreadException | RemoteException | IllegalArgumentException | IllegalStateException | NullPointerException | SecurityException | UnsupportedOperationException unused) { Log.w(this.zzd, "Failed to unregister event listener on calling thread. Trying again on the dynamite thread."); } } zzU(new zzdq(this, zzdvVar)); } } public final int zza(String str) { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdj(this, str, zzbzVar)); Integer num = (Integer) zzbz.zze(zzbzVar.zzb(10000L), Integer.class); if (num == null) { return 25; } return num.intValue(); } public final long zzb() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdc(this, zzbzVar)); Long l = (Long) zzbz.zze(zzbzVar.zzb(500L), Long.class); if (l == null) { long nextLong = new Random(System.nanoTime() ^ this.zza.currentTimeMillis()).nextLong(); int i = this.zzg + 1; this.zzg = i; return nextLong + i; } return l.longValue(); } public final Bundle zzc(Bundle bundle, boolean z) { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdh(this, bundle, zzbzVar)); if (z) { return zzbzVar.zzb(5000L); } return null; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public final zzcc zzf(Context context, boolean z) { try { return zzcb.asInterface(DynamiteModule.load(context, DynamiteModule.PREFER_HIGHEST_OR_LOCAL_VERSION, ModuleDescriptor.MODULE_ID).instantiate("")); } catch (DynamiteModule.LoadingException e) { zzS(e, true, false); return null; } } public final Object zzh(int i) { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdl(this, zzbzVar, i)); return zzbz.zze(zzbzVar.zzb(15000L), Object.class); } public final String zzk() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdk(this, zzbzVar)); return zzbzVar.zzc(120000L); } public final String zzl() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdb(this, zzbzVar)); return zzbzVar.zzc(50L); } public final String zzm() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzde(this, zzbzVar)); return zzbzVar.zzc(500L); } public final String zzn() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdd(this, zzbzVar)); return zzbzVar.zzc(500L); } public final String zzo() { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzda(this, zzbzVar)); return zzbzVar.zzc(500L); } public final List zzp(String str, String str2) { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzcp(this, str, str2, zzbzVar)); List list = (List) zzbz.zze(zzbzVar.zzb(5000L), List.class); return list == null ? Collections.emptyList() : list; } public final Map zzq(String str, String str2, boolean z) { zzbz zzbzVar = new zzbz(); zzU(new zzdf(this, str, str2, z, zzbzVar)); Bundle zzb = zzbzVar.zzb(5000L); if (zzb == null || zzb.size() == 0) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(zzb.size()); for (String str3 : zzb.keySet()) { Object obj = zzb.get(str3); if ((obj instanceof Double) || (obj instanceof Long) || (obj instanceof String)) { hashMap.put(str3, obj); } } return hashMap; } public final void zzu(String str) { zzU(new zzcy(this, str)); } public final void zzv(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { zzU(new zzco(this, str, str2, bundle)); } public final void zzw(String str) { zzU(new zzcz(this, str)); } public final void zzx(String str, Bundle bundle) { zzT(null, str, bundle, false, true, null); } public final void zzy(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) { zzT(str, str2, bundle, true, true, null); } public final void zzz(String str, String str2, Bundle bundle, long j) { zzT(str, str2, bundle, true, false, Long.valueOf(j)); } public final String zzj() { return this.zzi; } public final AppMeasurementSdk zzd() { return this.zze; } }