package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.IInterface; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzbe extends GmsClient { public static final int zze = 0; private final Map zzf; private final Map zzg; private final Map zzh; private final String zzi; private boolean zzj; public zzbe(Context context, Looper looper, ClientSettings clientSettings, ConnectionCallbacks connectionCallbacks, OnConnectionFailedListener onConnectionFailedListener, String str) { super(context, looper, 23, clientSettings, connectionCallbacks, onConnectionFailedListener); this.zzf = new HashMap(); this.zzg = new HashMap(); this.zzh = new HashMap(); this.zzi = str; } private final boolean zzG(Feature feature) { Feature feature2; Feature[] availableFeatures = getAvailableFeatures(); if (availableFeatures == null) { return false; } int length = availableFeatures.length; int i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= length) { feature2 = null; break; } feature2 = availableFeatures[i]; if (feature.getName().equals(feature2.getName())) { break; } i++; } return feature2 != null && feature2.getVersion() >= feature.getVersion(); } @Override // public final /* synthetic */ IInterface createServiceInterface(IBinder iBinder) { if (iBinder == null) { return null; } IInterface queryLocalInterface = iBinder.queryLocalInterface(""); return queryLocalInterface instanceof zzam ? (zzam) queryLocalInterface : new zzal(iBinder); } @Override //, public final void disconnect() { synchronized (this) { if (isConnected()) { try { synchronized (this.zzf) { Iterator it = this.zzf.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((zzam) getService()).zzz(zzbh.zzb((zzbc), null)); } this.zzf.clear(); } synchronized (this.zzg) { Iterator it2 = this.zzg.values().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { ((zzam) getService()).zzz(zzbh.zza((zzay), null)); } this.zzg.clear(); } synchronized (this.zzh) { Iterator it3 = this.zzh.values().iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { ((zzam) getService()).zzy(new zzj(2, null, (zzaz), null)); } this.zzh.clear(); } if (this.zzj) { zzF(false, new zzat(this)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("LocationClientImpl", "Client disconnected before listeners could be cleaned up", e); } } super.disconnect(); } } @Override // public final Feature[] getApiFeatures() { return; } @Override // public final Bundle getGetServiceRequestExtraArgs() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("client_name", this.zzi); return bundle; } @Override //, public final int getMinApkVersion() { return 11717000; } @Override // public final boolean usesClientTelemetry() { return true; } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public final void zzA(PendingIntent pendingIntent, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { ((zzam) getService()).zzz(new zzbh(2, null, null, null, pendingIntent, zzaiVar, null)); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public final void zzB(zzbf zzbfVar, ListenerHolder listenerHolder, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { zzay zzayVar; ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey = listenerHolder.getListenerKey(); if (listenerKey == null) { Log.e("LocationClientImpl", "requested location updates on dead listener", new RuntimeException()); return; } getContext(); synchronized (this) { synchronized (this.zzg) { zzay zzayVar2 = (zzay) this.zzg.get(listenerKey); if (zzayVar2 == null) { zzayVar2 = new zzay(listenerHolder); this.zzg.put(listenerKey, zzayVar2); } zzayVar = zzayVar2; } ((zzam) getService()).zzz(new zzbh(1, zzbfVar, null, zzayVar, null, zzaiVar, listenerKey.toIdString())); } } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public final void zzC(zzbf zzbfVar, ListenerHolder listenerHolder, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { zzbc zzbcVar; ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey = listenerHolder.getListenerKey(); if (listenerKey == null) { Log.e("LocationClientImpl", "requested location updates on dead listener", new RuntimeException()); return; } getContext(); synchronized (this) { synchronized (this.zzf) { zzbc zzbcVar2 = (zzbc) this.zzf.get(listenerKey); if (zzbcVar2 == null) { zzbcVar2 = new zzbc(listenerHolder); this.zzf.put(listenerKey, zzbcVar2); } zzbcVar = zzbcVar2; } ((zzam) getService()).zzz(new zzbh(1, zzbfVar, zzbcVar, null, null, zzaiVar, listenerKey.toIdString())); } } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public final void zzD(zzbf zzbfVar, PendingIntent pendingIntent, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { getContext(); zzam zzamVar = (zzam) getService(); int hashCode = pendingIntent.hashCode(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(25); sb.append("PendingIntent@"); sb.append(hashCode); zzamVar.zzz(new zzbh(1, zzbfVar, null, null, pendingIntent, zzaiVar, sb.toString())); } public final void zzE(Location location, IStatusCallback iStatusCallback) throws RemoteException { if (zzG( { ((zzam) getService()).zzv(location, iStatusCallback); } else { ((zzam) getService()).zzu(location); iStatusCallback.onResult(Status.RESULT_SUCCESS); } } public final void zzF(boolean z, IStatusCallback iStatusCallback) throws RemoteException { if (zzG( { ((zzam) getService()).zzx(z, iStatusCallback); } else { ((zzam) getService()).zzw(z); iStatusCallback.onResult(Status.RESULT_SUCCESS); } this.zzj = z; } public final LocationAvailability zzp() throws RemoteException { return ((zzam) getService()).zzf(getContext().getPackageName()); } public final void zzq(GeofencingRequest geofencingRequest, PendingIntent pendingIntent, BaseImplementation.ResultHolder resultHolder) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(geofencingRequest, "geofencingRequest can't be null."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(pendingIntent, "PendingIntent must be specified."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(resultHolder, "ResultHolder not provided."); ((zzam) getService()).zzg(geofencingRequest, pendingIntent, new zzba(resultHolder)); } public final void zzr(LocationSettingsRequest locationSettingsRequest, BaseImplementation.ResultHolder resultHolder, String str) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkArgument(locationSettingsRequest != null, "locationSettingsRequest can't be null nor empty."); Preconditions.checkArgument(resultHolder != null, "listener can't be null."); ((zzam) getService()).zzh(locationSettingsRequest, new zzbd(resultHolder), null); } public final void zzs(zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { ((zzam) getService()).zzi(zzaiVar); } public final void zzt(CurrentLocationRequest currentLocationRequest, CancellationToken cancellationToken, zzao zzaoVar) throws RemoteException { if (zzG( { final ICancelToken zze2 = ((zzam) getService()).zze(currentLocationRequest, zzaoVar); if (cancellationToken != null) { cancellationToken.onCanceledRequested(new OnTokenCanceledListener(zze2) { // from class: public final ICancelToken zza; @Override // public final void onCanceled() { ICancelToken iCancelToken = this.zza; int i = zzbe.zze; try { iCancelToken.cancel(); } catch (RemoteException unused) { } } { this.zza = zze2; } }); return; } return; } final AtomicReference atomicReference = new AtomicReference(); OnTokenCanceledListener onTokenCanceledListener = new OnTokenCanceledListener(this, atomicReference) { // from class: public final zzbe zza; public final AtomicReference zzb; @Override // public final void onCanceled() { zzbe zzbeVar = this.zza; ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey = ((ListenerHolder) Preconditions.checkNotNull((ListenerHolder) this.zzb.get())).getListenerKey(); if (listenerKey != null) { try { zzbeVar.zzy(listenerKey, null); } catch (RemoteException unused) { } } } { this.zza = this; this.zzb = atomicReference; } }; ListenerHolder createListenerHolder = ListenerHolders.createListenerHolder(new zzau(this, zzaoVar, onTokenCanceledListener), zzbn.zza(Looper.getMainLooper()), "LocationCallback"); atomicReference.set(createListenerHolder); if (cancellationToken != null) { cancellationToken.onCanceledRequested(onTokenCanceledListener); } LocationRequest create = LocationRequest.create(); create.setPriority(currentLocationRequest.getPriority()); create.setInterval(0L); create.setFastestInterval(0L); create.setExpirationDuration(currentLocationRequest.getDurationMillis()); zzbf zzc = zzbf.zzc(null, create); zzc.zzj = true; zzc.zze(currentLocationRequest.getMaxUpdateAgeMillis()); zzB(zzc, createListenerHolder, new zzav(this, zzaoVar)); } public final void zzu(LastLocationRequest lastLocationRequest, zzao zzaoVar) throws RemoteException { if (zzG( { ((zzam) getService()).zzj(lastLocationRequest, zzaoVar); } else { zzaoVar.zzb(Status.RESULT_SUCCESS, ((zzam) getService()).zzd()); } } public final void zzv(PendingIntent pendingIntent) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(pendingIntent); ((zzam) getService()).zzl(pendingIntent); } public final void zzw(PendingIntent pendingIntent, BaseImplementation.ResultHolder resultHolder) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(pendingIntent, "PendingIntent must be specified."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(resultHolder, "ResultHolder not provided."); ((zzam) getService()).zzn(pendingIntent, new zzba(resultHolder), getContext().getPackageName()); } public final void zzx(List list, BaseImplementation.ResultHolder resultHolder) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkArgument(list != null && list.size() > 0, "geofenceRequestIds can't be null nor empty."); Preconditions.checkNotNull(resultHolder, "ResultHolder not provided."); ((zzam) getService()).zzo((String[]) list.toArray(new String[0]), new zzba(resultHolder), getContext().getPackageName()); } public final void zzy(ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listenerKey, "Invalid null listener key"); synchronized (this.zzg) { zzay zzayVar = (zzay) this.zzg.remove(listenerKey); if (zzayVar != null) { zzayVar.zzc(); ((zzam) getService()).zzz(zzbh.zza(zzayVar, zzaiVar)); } } } public final void zzz(ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey, zzai zzaiVar) throws RemoteException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(listenerKey, "Invalid null listener key"); synchronized (this.zzf) { zzbc zzbcVar = (zzbc) this.zzf.remove(listenerKey); if (zzbcVar != null) { zzbcVar.zzc(); ((zzam) getService()).zzz(zzbh.zzb(zzbcVar, zzaiVar)); } } } @Override // public final String getStartServiceAction() { return ""; } @Override // public final String getServiceDescriptor() { return ""; } }