package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzz extends zzi { private String zzus; private String zzut; private String zzuu; private String zzuv; private boolean zzuw; private String zzux; private boolean zzuy; private double zzuz; public final String toString() { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); hashMap.put("hitType", this.zzus); hashMap.put("clientId", this.zzut); hashMap.put("userId", this.zzuu); hashMap.put("androidAdId", this.zzuv); hashMap.put("AdTargetingEnabled", Boolean.valueOf(this.zzuw)); hashMap.put("sessionControl", this.zzux); hashMap.put("nonInteraction", Boolean.valueOf(this.zzuy)); hashMap.put("sampleRate", Double.valueOf(this.zzuz)); return zza((Object) hashMap); } @Override // public final /* synthetic */ void zzb(zzz zzzVar) { zzz zzzVar2 = zzzVar; if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzus)) { zzzVar2.zzus = this.zzus; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzut)) { zzzVar2.zzut = this.zzut; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzuu)) { zzzVar2.zzuu = this.zzuu; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzuv)) { zzzVar2.zzuv = this.zzuv; } if (this.zzuw) { zzzVar2.zzuw = true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzux)) { zzzVar2.zzux = this.zzux; } boolean z = this.zzuy; if (z) { zzzVar2.zzuy = z; } double d = this.zzuz; if (d != 0.0d) { Preconditions.checkArgument(d >= 0.0d && d <= 100.0d, "Sample rate must be between 0% and 100%"); zzzVar2.zzuz = d; } } public final void zzm(String str) { this.zzuv = str; } public final void zzl(String str) { this.zzus = str; } public final double zzbz() { return this.zzuz; } public final boolean zzby() { return this.zzuy; } public final String zzbx() { return this.zzux; } public final boolean zzbw() { return this.zzuw; } public final String zzbv() { return this.zzuv; } public final String zzbu() { return this.zzuu; } public final String zzbt() { return this.zzut; } public final String zzbs() { return this.zzus; } public final void zzb(boolean z) { this.zzuy = true; } public final void zza(boolean z) { this.zzuw = z; } public final void setUserId(String str) { this.zzuu = str; } public final void setClientId(String str) { this.zzut = str; } }