package; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzfl { private zzfl zzape; private Map zzapf; public zzfl() { this(null); } private zzfl(zzfl zzflVar) { this.zzapf = null; this.zzape = zzflVar; } public final zzfl zzku() { return new zzfl(this); } public final boolean has(String str) { zzfl zzflVar = this; do { Map map = zzflVar.zzapf; if (map != null && map.containsKey(str)) { return true; } zzflVar = zzflVar.zzape; } while (zzflVar != null); return false; } public final zzoa zzca(String str) { zzfl zzflVar = this; do { Map map = zzflVar.zzapf; if (map != null && map.containsKey(str)) { return zzflVar.zzapf.get(str); } zzflVar = zzflVar.zzape; } while (zzflVar != null); String valueOf = String.valueOf(str); throw new IllegalStateException(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "Trying to get a non existent symbol: ".concat(valueOf) : new String("Trying to get a non existent symbol: ")); } public final void zza(String str, zzoa zzoaVar) { if (this.zzapf == null) { this.zzapf = new HashMap(); } this.zzapf.put(str, zzoaVar); } public final void zzb(String str, zzoa zzoaVar) { zzfl zzflVar = this; do { Map map = zzflVar.zzapf; if (map != null && map.containsKey(str)) { zzflVar.zzapf.put(str, zzoaVar); return; } zzflVar = zzflVar.zzape; } while (zzflVar != null); String valueOf = String.valueOf(str); throw new IllegalStateException(valueOf.length() != 0 ? "Trying to modify a non existent symbol: ".concat(valueOf) : new String("Trying to modify a non existent symbol: ")); } public final void remove(String str) { zzfl zzflVar = this; while (true) { Preconditions.checkState(zzflVar.has(str)); Map map = zzflVar.zzapf; if (map != null && map.containsKey(str)) { zzflVar.zzapf.remove(str); return; } zzflVar = zzflVar.zzape; } } }