package; import android.content.Context; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ final class zzea { public static void zza(String str, Context context) { zzev.zzav(str); if (CrashUtils.addDynamiteErrorToDropBox(context, new RuntimeException(str))) { zzev.zzab("Crash reported successfully."); } else { zzev.zzab("Failed to report crash"); } } public static void zzb(String str, Context context) { zzev.zzac(str); if (CrashUtils.addDynamiteErrorToDropBox(context, new RuntimeException(str))) { zzev.zzab("Crash reported successfully."); } else { zzev.zzab("Failed to report crash"); } } public static void zza(String str, Throwable th, Context context) { zzev.zza(str, th); if (CrashUtils.addDynamiteErrorToDropBox(context, th)) { zzev.zzab("Crash reported successfully."); } else { zzev.zzab("Failed to report crash"); } } }