package; import; import; import; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzcl { private int zzabs; private ByteArrayOutputStream zzabt = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); private final zzck zzabu; public zzcl(zzck zzckVar) { this.zzabu = zzckVar; } public final boolean zze(zzcd zzcdVar) { byte[] bArr; Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzcdVar); if (this.zzabs + 1 > zzbq.zzes()) { return false; } String zza = this.zzabu.zza(zzcdVar, false); if (zza == null) { this.zzabu.zzco().zza(zzcdVar, "Error formatting hit"); return true; } byte[] bytes = zza.getBytes(); int length = bytes.length; if (length > zzbq.zzeo()) { this.zzabu.zzco().zza(zzcdVar, "Hit size exceeds the maximum size limit"); return true; } if (this.zzabt.size() > 0) { length++; } if (this.zzabt.size() + length > zzby.zzzz.get().intValue()) { return false; } try { if (this.zzabt.size() > 0) { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = this.zzabt; bArr = zzck.zzabr; byteArrayOutputStream.write(bArr); } this.zzabt.write(bytes); this.zzabs++; return true; } catch (IOException e) { this.zzabu.zze("Failed to write payload when batching hits", e); return true; } } public final byte[] getPayload() { return this.zzabt.toByteArray(); } public final int zzfu() { return this.zzabs; } }