package; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzbq { private final zzap zzrb; private volatile Boolean zzyo; private String zzyp; private Set zzyq; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: protected */ public zzbq(zzap zzapVar) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzapVar); this.zzrb = zzapVar; } public final boolean zzem() { if (this.zzyo == null) { synchronized (this) { if (this.zzyo == null) { ApplicationInfo applicationInfo = this.zzrb.getContext().getApplicationInfo(); String myProcessName = ProcessUtils.getMyProcessName(); if (applicationInfo != null) { String str = applicationInfo.processName; this.zzyo = Boolean.valueOf(str != null && str.equals(myProcessName)); } if ((this.zzyo == null || !this.zzyo.booleanValue()) && "".equals(myProcessName)) { this.zzyo = Boolean.TRUE; } if (this.zzyo == null) { this.zzyo = Boolean.TRUE; this.zzrb.zzco().zzu("My process not in the list of running processes"); } } } } return this.zzyo.booleanValue(); } public static boolean zzen() { return zzby.zzza.get().booleanValue(); } public static int zzeo() { return zzby.zzzx.get().intValue(); } public static long zzep() { return zzby.zzzi.get().longValue(); } public static long zzeq() { return zzby.zzzl.get().longValue(); } public static int zzer() { return zzby.zzzn.get().intValue(); } public static int zzes() { return zzby.zzzo.get().intValue(); } public static String zzet() { return zzby.zzzq.get(); } public static String zzeu() { return zzby.zzzp.get(); } public static String zzev() { return zzby.zzzr.get(); } public final Set zzew() { String str; String str2 = zzby.zzaaa.get(); if (this.zzyq == null || (str = this.zzyp) == null || !str.equals(str2)) { String[] split = TextUtils.split(str2, ","); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); for (String str3 : split) { try { hashSet.add(Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(str3))); } catch (NumberFormatException unused) { } } this.zzyp = str2; this.zzyq = hashSet; } return this.zzyq; } public static long zzex() { return zzby.zzaaf.get().longValue(); } }