package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.Locale; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzad extends zzan { private static boolean zzvo; private AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzvp; private final zzcv zzvq; private String zzvr; private boolean zzvs; private final Object zzvt; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public zzad(zzap zzapVar) { super(zzapVar); this.zzvs = false; this.zzvt = new Object(); this.zzvq = new zzcv(zzapVar.zzcn()); } @Override // protected final void zzaw() { } public final boolean zzbw() { zzdb(); AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzce = zzce(); return (zzce == null || zzce.isLimitAdTrackingEnabled()) ? false : true; } public final String zzcd() { zzdb(); AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzce = zzce(); String id = zzce != null ? zzce.getId() : null; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) { return null; } return id; } private final AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzce() { AdvertisingIdClient.Info info; synchronized (this) { if (this.zzvq.zzj(1000L)) { this.zzvq.start(); AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzcf = zzcf(); if (zza(this.zzvp, zzcf)) { this.zzvp = zzcf; } else { zzu("Failed to reset client id on adid change. Not using adid"); this.zzvp = new AdvertisingIdClient.Info("", false); } } info = this.zzvp; } return info; } private final boolean zza(AdvertisingIdClient.Info info, AdvertisingIdClient.Info info2) { String str = null; String id = info2 == null ? null : info2.getId(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(id)) { return true; } String zzeh = zzcw().zzeh(); synchronized (this.zzvt) { if (!this.zzvs) { this.zzvr = zzcg(); this.zzvs = true; } else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzvr)) { if (info != null) { str = info.getId(); } if (str == null) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(id); String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(zzeh); return zzp(valueOf2.length() != 0 ? valueOf.concat(valueOf2) : new String(valueOf)); } String valueOf3 = String.valueOf(str); String valueOf4 = String.valueOf(zzeh); this.zzvr = zzo(valueOf4.length() != 0 ? valueOf3.concat(valueOf4) : new String(valueOf3)); } String valueOf5 = String.valueOf(id); String valueOf6 = String.valueOf(zzeh); String zzo = zzo(valueOf6.length() != 0 ? valueOf5.concat(valueOf6) : new String(valueOf5)); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(zzo)) { return false; } if (zzo.equals(this.zzvr)) { return true; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(this.zzvr)) { zzq("Resetting the client id because Advertising Id changed."); zzeh = zzcw().zzei(); zza("New client Id", zzeh); } String valueOf7 = String.valueOf(id); String valueOf8 = String.valueOf(zzeh); return zzp(valueOf8.length() != 0 ? valueOf7.concat(valueOf8) : new String(valueOf7)); } } private final AdvertisingIdClient.Info zzcf() { try { return AdvertisingIdClient.getAdvertisingIdInfo(getContext()); } catch (IllegalStateException unused) { zzt("IllegalStateException getting Ad Id Info. If you would like to see Audience reports, please ensure that you have added '' to your application manifest file. See for details."); return null; } catch (Exception e) { if (!zzvo) { zzvo = true; zzd("Error getting advertiser id", e); } return null; } } private static String zzo(String str) { MessageDigest zzai = zzcz.zzai("MD5"); if (zzai == null) { return null; } return String.format(Locale.US, "%032X", new BigInteger(1, zzai.digest(str.getBytes()))); } private final boolean zzp(String str) { try { String zzo = zzo(str); zzq("Storing hashed adid."); FileOutputStream openFileOutput = getContext().openFileOutput("gaClientIdData", 0); openFileOutput.write(zzo.getBytes()); openFileOutput.close(); this.zzvr = zzo; return true; } catch (IOException e) { zze("Error creating hash file", e); return false; } } private final String zzcg() { String str; IOException e; FileInputStream openFileInput; byte[] bArr; int read; try { openFileInput = getContext().openFileInput("gaClientIdData"); bArr = new byte[128]; read =, 0, 128); } catch (FileNotFoundException unused) { return null; } catch (IOException e2) { str = null; e = e2; } if (openFileInput.available() > 0) { zzt("Hash file seems corrupted, deleting it."); openFileInput.close(); getContext().deleteFile("gaClientIdData"); return null; } if (read <= 0) { zzq("Hash file is empty."); openFileInput.close(); return null; } str = new String(bArr, 0, read); try { openFileInput.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException unused2) { } catch (IOException e3) { e = e3; zzd("Error reading Hash file, deleting it", e); getContext().deleteFile("gaClientIdData"); } return str; } }