package; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ final class zzut implements Map.Entry { private Map.Entry zzbpw; private zzut(Map.Entry entry) { this.zzbpw = entry; } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public final K getKey() { return this.zzbpw.getKey(); } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public final Object getValue() { if (this.zzbpw.getValue() == null) { return null; } return zzur.zzrt(); } public final zzur zzru() { return this.zzbpw.getValue(); } @Override // java.util.Map.Entry public final Object setValue(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof zzvo)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("LazyField now only used for MessageSet, and the value of MessageSet must be an instance of MessageLite"); } return this.zzbpw.getValue().zzi((zzvo) obj); } }