package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzql { private static final GmsLogger zzaoz = new GmsLogger("TextAnnotationConverter", ""); /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static FirebaseVisionText zzb(zzjs zzjsVar, float f) { Iterator it; boolean z; Iterator it2; Iterator it3; boolean z2; Iterator it4; Iterator it5; String sb; FirebaseVisionText.Element element; Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjsVar, "The input TextAnnotation can not be null"); if (zzjsVar.getPages().size() <= 0) { zzaoz.d("TextAnnotationConverter", "Text Annotation is null, return null"); return null; } boolean z3 = true; if (zzjsVar.getPages().size() > 1) { zzaoz.d("TextAnnotationConverter", "Text Annotation has more than one page, which should not happen"); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); Iterator it6 = zzjsVar.getPages().iterator(); FirebaseVisionText.TextBlock textBlock = null; while (it6.hasNext()) { Iterator it7 =; while (it7.hasNext()) { zziu next =; Preconditions.checkNotNull(next, "Input block can not be null"); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(); if (next.getParagraphs() == null) { it = it6; z = z3; it2 = it7; } else { Iterator it8 = next.getParagraphs().iterator(); while (it8.hasNext()) { zzjm next2 =; if (next2 != null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(next2, "Input Paragraph can not be null"); ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(); ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; float f2 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; while (i < next2.getWords().size()) { zzjx zzjxVar = next2.getWords().get(i); if (zzjxVar != null) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjxVar, "Input Word can not be null"); Rect zza = zzpm.zza(zzjxVar.zzhq(), f); it3 = it6; List zze = zze(zzjxVar.zzhr()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjxVar, "Input Word can not be null"); String str = ""; if (zzjxVar.getSymbols() == null) { it4 = it8; sb = ""; } else { StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); Iterator it9 = zzjxVar.getSymbols().iterator(); while (it9.hasNext()) { sb3.append(; it8 = it8; } it4 = it8; sb = sb3.toString(); } if (sb.isEmpty()) { it5 = it7; element = null; } else { it5 = it7; element = new FirebaseVisionText.Element(sb, zza, zze, zzjxVar.getConfidence()); } if (element != null) { arrayList4.add(element); float zza2 = f2 + zzpm.zza(element.getConfidence()); hashSet.addAll(element.getRecognizedLanguages()); sb2.append(element.getText()); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjxVar, "Input word can not be null"); String zza3 = zza(zzjxVar); if (zza3 != null) { if (zza3.equals("SPACE") || zza3.equals("SURE_SPACE")) { str = " "; } else if (zza3.equals("HYPHEN")) { str = "-"; } } sb2.append(str); Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjxVar, "Input word can not be null"); String zza4 = zza(zzjxVar); if (zza4 == null || !(zza4.equals("EOL_SURE_SPACE") || zza4.equals("LINE_BREAK") || zza4.equals("HYPHEN"))) { z2 = true; if (i != next2.getWords().size() - 1) { f2 = zza2; i++; z3 = z2; it6 = it3; it8 = it4; it7 = it5; } } else { z2 = true; } Preconditions.checkNotNull(arrayList4, "Input elements can not be null"); int size = arrayList4.size(); int i2 = 0; Rect rect = null; while (i2 < size) { Object obj = arrayList4.get(i2); i2++; FirebaseVisionText.Element element2 = (FirebaseVisionText.Element) obj; if (element2.getBoundingBox() != null) { if (rect == null) { rect = new Rect(); } Rect rect2 = rect; rect2.union(element2.getBoundingBox()); rect = rect2; } } String sb4 = sb2.toString(); ArrayList arrayList5 = new ArrayList(); for (RecognizedLanguage recognizedLanguage : hashSet) { if (recognizedLanguage != null && recognizedLanguage.getLanguageCode() != null && !recognizedLanguage.getLanguageCode().isEmpty()) { arrayList5.add(recognizedLanguage); } } arrayList3.add(new FirebaseVisionText.Line(sb4, rect, arrayList5, arrayList4,, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > 0 ? Float.valueOf(zza2 / arrayList4.size()) : null)); ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList(); hashSet.clear(); arrayList4 = arrayList6; sb2 = new StringBuilder(); f2 = 0.0f; i++; z3 = z2; it6 = it3; it8 = it4; it7 = it5; } else { z2 = true; } } else { it3 = it6; z2 = z3; it4 = it8; it5 = it7; } i++; z3 = z2; it6 = it3; it8 = it4; it7 = it5; } arrayList2.addAll(arrayList3); } } it = it6; z = z3; it2 = it7; if (arrayList2.isEmpty()) { textBlock = null; } else { StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder(); int size2 = arrayList2.size(); int i3 = 0; while (i3 < size2) { Object obj2 = arrayList2.get(i3); i3++; sb5.append(((FirebaseVisionText.Line) obj2).getText()); sb5.append("\n"); } textBlock = new FirebaseVisionText.TextBlock(sb5.toString(), zzpm.zza(next.zzhq(), f), zze(next.zzhr()), arrayList2, next.getConfidence()); } } if (textBlock != null) { arrayList.add(textBlock); } textBlock = null; z3 = z; it6 = it; it7 = it2; } } return new FirebaseVisionText(zzjsVar.getText(), arrayList); } public static List zze(zzjt zzjtVar) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (zzjtVar != null && zzjtVar.zzia() != null) { Iterator it = zzjtVar.zzia().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RecognizedLanguage zza = RecognizedLanguage.zza(; if (zza != null) { arrayList.add(zza); } } } return arrayList; } private static String zza(zzjx zzjxVar) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zzjxVar, "Input Word can not be null"); if (zzjxVar.getSymbols() == null || zzjxVar.getSymbols().size() <= 0) { return null; } zzjr zzjrVar = zzjxVar.getSymbols().get(zzjxVar.getSymbols().size() - 1); if (zzjrVar.zzhr() == null || zzjrVar.zzhr().zzhz() == null) { return null; } return zzjxVar.getSymbols().get(zzjxVar.getSymbols().size() - 1).zzhr().zzhz().getType(); } }