package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.SparseArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ public final class zzqe implements zznm, zzpz>, zznw { private static boolean zzata = true; private static volatile Boolean zzaza; private final Context zzad; private final zznu zzaqs; private final FirebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions zzazb; private ImageLabeler zzazc; public zzqe(FirebaseApp firebaseApp, FirebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions firebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(firebaseApp, "Context can not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(firebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions, "FirebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions can not be null"); this.zzad = firebaseApp.getApplicationContext(); this.zzazb = firebaseVisionOnDeviceImageLabelerOptions; this.zzaqs = zznu.zza(firebaseApp, 1); } @Override // public final zznw zzlm() { return this; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ @Override // public final List zza(zzpz zzpzVar) throws FirebaseMLException { ArrayList arrayList; boolean z; synchronized (this) { if (zzaza == null) { Context context = this.zzad; if (DynamiteModule.getLocalVersion(context, "") <= 0 && DynamiteModule.getLocalVersion(context, "") <= 0) { z = true; zzaza = Boolean.valueOf(z); } z = false; zzaza = Boolean.valueOf(z); } if (zzaza.booleanValue()) { throw new FirebaseMLException("No model is bundled. Please check your app setup to includefirebase-ml-vision-image-label-model dependency.", 14); } long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); ImageLabeler imageLabeler = this.zzazc; if (imageLabeler == null) { zza(zzmk.UNKNOWN_ERROR, elapsedRealtime, zzpzVar); throw new FirebaseMLException("Model source is unavailable. Please load the model resource first.", 13); } if (!imageLabeler.isOperational()) { zza(zzmk.MODEL_NOT_DOWNLOADED, elapsedRealtime, zzpzVar); throw new FirebaseMLException("Waiting for the label detection model to be downloaded. Please wait.", 14); } SparseArray detect = this.zzazc.detect(zzpzVar.zzaxe); arrayList = new ArrayList(); if (detect != null) { for (int i = 0; i < detect.size(); i++) { arrayList.add(new FirebaseVisionImageLabel(detect.get(detect.keyAt(i)))); } } zza(zzmk.NO_ERROR, elapsedRealtime, zzpzVar); zzata = false; } return arrayList; } @Override // public final void zzlp() { synchronized (this) { if (this.zzazc == null) { this.zzazc = new ImageLabeler.Builder(this.zzad).setScoreThreshold(this.zzazb.getConfidenceThreshold()).build(); } } } @Override // public final void release() { synchronized (this) { ImageLabeler imageLabeler = this.zzazc; if (imageLabeler != null) { imageLabeler.release(); this.zzazc = null; } zzata = true; } } private final void zza(final zzmk zzmkVar, final long j, final zzpz zzpzVar) { this.zzaqs.zza(new zznv(this, j, zzmkVar, zzpzVar) { // from class: private final long zzatf; private final zzmk zzawe; private final zzpz zzawf; private final zzqe zzazd; @Override // public final zzmd.zzq.zza zzm() { return this.zzazd.zza(this.zzatf, this.zzawe, this.zzawf); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ { this.zzazd = this; this.zzatf = j; this.zzawe = zzmkVar; this.zzawf = zzpzVar; } }, zzmn.ON_DEVICE_IMAGE_LABEL_DETECT); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final /* synthetic */ zzmd.zzq.zza zza(long j, zzmk zzmkVar, zzpz zzpzVar) { return zzmd.zzq.zzjx().zzb(zzmd.zzx.zzkm().zze(zzmd.zzs.zzkb().zzn(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - j).zzc(zzmkVar).zzz(zzata).zzaa(true).zzab(true)).zzb(this.zzazb.zzno()).zzd(zzpv.zzc(zzpzVar))); } }