package; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zzb { private static volatile ClassLoader zza; private static volatile Thread zzb; public static ClassLoader zza() { ClassLoader classLoader; synchronized (zzb.class) { if (zza == null) { zza = zzb(); } classLoader = zza; } return classLoader; } private static ClassLoader zzb() { synchronized (zzb.class) { ClassLoader classLoader = null; if (zzb == null) { zzb = zzc(); if (zzb == null) { return null; } } synchronized (zzb) { try { classLoader = zzb.getContextClassLoader(); } catch (SecurityException e) { Log.w("DynamiteLoaderV2CL", "Failed to get thread context classloader " + e.getMessage()); } } return classLoader; } } private static Thread zzc() { SecurityException e; Thread thread; Thread thread2; ThreadGroup threadGroup; synchronized (zzb.class) { ThreadGroup threadGroup2 = Looper.getMainLooper().getThread().getThreadGroup(); if (threadGroup2 == null) { return null; } synchronized (Void.class) { try { int activeGroupCount = threadGroup2.activeGroupCount(); ThreadGroup[] threadGroupArr = new ThreadGroup[activeGroupCount]; threadGroup2.enumerate(threadGroupArr); int i = 0; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (i2 >= activeGroupCount) { threadGroup = null; break; } threadGroup = threadGroupArr[i2]; if ("dynamiteLoader".equals(threadGroup.getName())) { break; } i2++; } if (threadGroup == null) { threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(threadGroup2, "dynamiteLoader"); } int activeCount = threadGroup.activeCount(); Thread[] threadArr = new Thread[activeCount]; threadGroup.enumerate(threadArr); while (true) { if (i >= activeCount) { thread2 = null; break; } thread2 = threadArr[i]; if ("GmsDynamite".equals(thread2.getName())) { break; } i++; } } catch (SecurityException e2) { e = e2; thread = null; } if (thread2 == null) { try { thread = new zza(threadGroup, "GmsDynamite"); try { thread.setContextClassLoader(null); thread.start(); } catch (SecurityException e3) { e = e3; Log.w("DynamiteLoaderV2CL", "Failed to enumerate thread/threadgroup " + e.getMessage()); thread2 = thread; return thread2; } } catch (SecurityException e4) { e = e4; thread = thread2; } thread2 = thread; } } return thread2; } } }