package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Looper; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class zaaw implements zabf { private final zabi zaa; private final Lock zab; private final Context zac; private final GoogleApiAvailabilityLight zad; private ConnectionResult zae; private int zaf; private int zah; private zak; private boolean zal; private boolean zam; private boolean zan; private IAccountAccessor zao; private boolean zap; private boolean zaq; private final ClientSettings zar; private final Map, Boolean> zas; private final Api.AbstractClientBuilder zat; private int zag = 0; private final Bundle zai = new Bundle(); private final Set zaj = new HashSet(); private final ArrayList> zau = new ArrayList<>(); public zaaw(zabi zabiVar, ClientSettings clientSettings, Map, Boolean> map, GoogleApiAvailabilityLight googleApiAvailabilityLight, Api.AbstractClientBuilder abstractClientBuilder, Lock lock, Context context) { this.zaa = zabiVar; this.zar = clientSettings; this.zas = map; this.zad = googleApiAvailabilityLight; this.zat = abstractClientBuilder; this.zab = lock; this.zac = context; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zaA() { this.zam = false; this.zaa.zag.zad = Collections.emptySet(); for (Api.AnyClientKey anyClientKey : this.zaj) { if (!this.zaa.zab.containsKey(anyClientKey)) { this.zaa.zab.put(anyClientKey, new ConnectionResult(17, null)); } } } private final void zaB(boolean z) { zaeVar = this.zak; if (zaeVar != null) { if (zaeVar.isConnected() && z) { zaeVar.zaa(); } zaeVar.disconnect(); this.zao = null; } } private final void zaC() { this.zaa.zai(); zabj.zaa().execute(new zaak(this)); zaeVar = this.zak; if (zaeVar != null) { if (this.zap) { zaeVar.zac((IAccountAccessor) Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zao), this.zaq); } zaB(false); } Iterator> it = this.zaa.zab.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { ((Api.Client) Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zaa.zaa.get(; } this.zaa.zah.zab(this.zai.isEmpty() ? null : this.zai); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zaD(ConnectionResult connectionResult) { zaz(); zaB(!connectionResult.hasResolution()); this.zaa.zak(connectionResult); this.zaa.zah.zaa(connectionResult); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zaE(ConnectionResult connectionResult, Api api, boolean z) { int priority = api.zac().getPriority(); if ((!z || connectionResult.hasResolution() || this.zad.getErrorResolutionIntent(connectionResult.getErrorCode()) != null) && (this.zae == null || priority < this.zaf)) { this.zae = connectionResult; this.zaf = priority; } this.zaa.zab.put(api.zab(), connectionResult); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final void zaF() { if (this.zah != 0) { return; } if (!this.zam || this.zan) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); this.zag = 1; this.zah = this.zaa.zaa.size(); for (Api.AnyClientKey anyClientKey : this.zaa.zaa.keySet()) { if (this.zaa.zab.containsKey(anyClientKey)) { if (zaH()) { zaC(); } } else { arrayList.add(this.zaa.zaa.get(anyClientKey)); } } if (arrayList.isEmpty()) { return; } this.zau.add(zabj.zaa().submit(new zaap(this, arrayList))); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final boolean zaG(int i) { if (this.zag == i) { return true; } Log.w("GACConnecting", this.zaa.zag.zaf()); Log.w("GACConnecting", "Unexpected callback in ".concat(toString())); int i2 = this.zah; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(33); sb.append("mRemainingConnections="); sb.append(i2); Log.w("GACConnecting", sb.toString()); String zaJ = zaJ(this.zag); String zaJ2 = zaJ(i); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(zaJ.length() + 70 + zaJ2.length()); sb2.append("GoogleApiClient connecting is in step "); sb2.append(zaJ); sb2.append(" but received callback for step "); sb2.append(zaJ2); Log.e("GACConnecting", sb2.toString(), new Exception()); zaD(new ConnectionResult(8, null)); return false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final boolean zaH() { int i = this.zah - 1; this.zah = i; if (i > 0) { return false; } if (i < 0) { Log.w("GACConnecting", this.zaa.zag.zaf());"GACConnecting", "GoogleApiClient received too many callbacks for the given step. Clients may be in an unexpected state; GoogleApiClient will now disconnect.", new Exception()); zaD(new ConnectionResult(8, null)); return false; } ConnectionResult connectionResult = this.zae; if (connectionResult == null) { return true; } this.zaa.zaf = this.zaf; zaD(connectionResult); return false; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public final boolean zaI(ConnectionResult connectionResult) { return this.zal && !connectionResult.hasResolution(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static /* synthetic */ Set zao(zaaw zaawVar) { ClientSettings clientSettings = zaawVar.zar; if (clientSettings == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } HashSet hashSet = new HashSet(clientSettings.getRequiredScopes()); Map,> zad = zaawVar.zar.zad(); for (Api api : zad.keySet()) { if (!zaawVar.zaa.zab.containsKey(api.zab())) { hashSet.addAll(zad.get(api).zaa); } } return hashSet; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public static /* synthetic */ void zar(zaaw zaawVar, zakVar) { if (zaawVar.zaG(0)) { ConnectionResult zaa = zakVar.zaa(); if (zaa.isSuccess()) { zavVar = ( Preconditions.checkNotNull(zakVar.zab()); ConnectionResult zaa2 = zavVar.zaa(); if (!zaa2.isSuccess()) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zaa2); String.valueOf(valueOf).length();"GACConnecting", "Sign-in succeeded with resolve account failure: ".concat(String.valueOf(valueOf)), new Exception()); zaawVar.zaD(zaa2); return; } zaawVar.zan = true; zaawVar.zao = (IAccountAccessor) Preconditions.checkNotNull(zavVar.zab()); zaawVar.zap = zavVar.zac(); zaawVar.zaq = zavVar.zad(); zaawVar.zaF(); return; } if (zaawVar.zaI(zaa)) { zaawVar.zaA(); zaawVar.zaF(); } else { zaawVar.zaD(zaa); } } } private final void zaz() { ArrayList> arrayList = this.zau; int size = arrayList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { arrayList.get(i).cancel(true); } this.zau.clear(); } @Override // public final > T zaa(T t) { this.zaa.zag.zaa.add(t); return t; } @Override // public final > T zab(T t) { throw new IllegalStateException("GoogleApiClient is not connected yet."); } @Override // public final void zad() { this.zaa.zab.clear(); this.zam = false; zaas zaasVar = null; this.zae = null; this.zag = 0; this.zal = true; this.zan = false; this.zap = false; HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(); boolean z = false; for (Api api : this.zas.keySet()) { Api.Client client = (Api.Client) Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zaa.zaa.get(api.zab())); z |= api.zac().getPriority() == 1; boolean booleanValue = this.zas.get(api).booleanValue(); if (client.requiresSignIn()) { this.zam = true; if (booleanValue) { this.zaj.add(api.zab()); } else { this.zal = false; } } hashMap.put(client, new zaal(this, api, booleanValue)); } if (z) { this.zam = false; } if (this.zam) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zar); Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.zat); this.zar.zae(Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this.zaa.zag))); zaat zaatVar = new zaat(this, zaasVar); Api.AbstractClientBuilder abstractClientBuilder = this.zat; Context context = this.zac; Looper looper = this.zaa.zag.getLooper(); ClientSettings clientSettings = this.zar; this.zak = abstractClientBuilder.buildClient(context, looper, clientSettings, (ClientSettings) clientSettings.zaa(), (GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks) zaatVar, (GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener) zaatVar); } this.zah = this.zaa.zaa.size(); this.zau.add(zabj.zaa().submit(new zaao(this, hashMap))); } @Override // public final void zae() { } @Override // public final void zag(Bundle bundle) { if (zaG(1)) { if (bundle != null) { this.zai.putAll(bundle); } if (zaH()) { zaC(); } } } @Override // public final void zah(ConnectionResult connectionResult, Api api, boolean z) { if (zaG(1)) { zaE(connectionResult, api, z); if (zaH()) { zaC(); } } } @Override // public final void zai(int i) { zaD(new ConnectionResult(8, null)); } @Override // public final boolean zaj() { zaz(); zaB(true); this.zaa.zak(null); return true; } private static final String zaJ(int i) { return i != 0 ? "STEP_GETTING_REMOTE_SERVICE" : "STEP_SERVICE_BINDINGS_AND_SIGN_IN"; } }