package; import; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import o.wnv; import org.checkerframework.checker.initialization.qual.NotOnlyInitialized; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class GoogleApiManager implements Handler.Callback { public static final Status zaa = new Status(4, "Sign-out occurred while this API call was in progress."); private static final Status zab = new Status(4, "The user must be signed in to make this API call."); private static final Object zac = new Object(); private static GoogleApiManager zad; private TelemetryData zai; private TelemetryLoggingClient zaj; private final Context zak; private final GoogleApiAvailability zal; private final zam; @NotOnlyInitialized private final Handler zat; private volatile boolean zau; private long zae = 5000; private long zaf = 120000; private long zag = 10000; private boolean zah = false; private final AtomicInteger zan = new AtomicInteger(1); private final AtomicInteger zao = new AtomicInteger(0); private final Map, zabq> zap = new ConcurrentHashMap(5, 0.75f, 1); private zaae zaq = null; private final Set> zar = new wnv(); private final Set> zas = new wnv(); private GoogleApiManager(Context context, Looper looper, GoogleApiAvailability googleApiAvailability) { this.zau = true; this.zak = context; zaqVar = new, this); this.zat = zaqVar; this.zal = googleApiAvailability; this.zam = new; if (DeviceProperties.isAuto(context)) { this.zau = false; } zaqVar.sendMessage(zaqVar.obtainMessage(6)); } public static void reportSignOut() { synchronized (zac) { GoogleApiManager googleApiManager = zad; if (googleApiManager != null) { googleApiManager.zao.incrementAndGet(); Handler handler = googleApiManager.zat; handler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(handler.obtainMessage(10)); } } } private final zabq zaI(GoogleApi googleApi) { ApiKey apiKey = googleApi.getApiKey(); zabq zabqVar = this.zap.get(apiKey); if (zabqVar == null) { zabqVar = new zabq<>(this, googleApi); this.zap.put(apiKey, zabqVar); } if (zabqVar.zaz()) { this.zas.add(apiKey); } zabqVar.zao(); return zabqVar; } private final TelemetryLoggingClient zaJ() { if (this.zaj == null) { this.zaj = TelemetryLogging.getClient(this.zak); } return this.zaj; } private final void zaK() { TelemetryData telemetryData = this.zai; if (telemetryData != null) { if (telemetryData.zaa() > 0 || zaF()) { zaJ().log(telemetryData); } this.zai = null; } } private final void zaL(TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource, int i, GoogleApi googleApi) { zacd zaa2; if (i == 0 || (zaa2 = zacd.zaa(this, i, googleApi.getApiKey())) == null) { return; } Task task = taskCompletionSource.getTask(); final Handler handler = this.zat; task.addOnCompleteListener(new Executor(handler) { // from class: public final Handler zaa; @Override // java.util.concurrent.Executor public final void execute(Runnable runnable) {; } { this.zaa = handler; } }, zaa2); } public static GoogleApiManager zal() { GoogleApiManager googleApiManager; synchronized (zac) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(zad, "Must guarantee manager is non-null before using getInstance"); googleApiManager = zad; } return googleApiManager; } public static GoogleApiManager zam(Context context) { GoogleApiManager googleApiManager; synchronized (zac) { if (zad == null) { zad = new GoogleApiManager(context.getApplicationContext(), GmsClientSupervisor.getOrStartHandlerThread().getLooper(), GoogleApiAvailability.getInstance()); } googleApiManager = zad; } return googleApiManager; } @Override // android.os.Handler.Callback public final boolean handleMessage(Message message) { ApiKey apiKey; ApiKey apiKey2; ApiKey apiKey3; ApiKey apiKey4; zabq zabqVar = null; switch (message.what) { case 1: this.zag = true == ((Boolean) message.obj).booleanValue() ? 10000L : 300000L; this.zat.removeMessages(12); for (ApiKey apiKey5 : this.zap.keySet()) { Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(12, apiKey5), this.zag); } return true; case 2: zal zalVar = (zal) message.obj; Iterator> it = zalVar.zab().iterator(); while (true) { if (it.hasNext()) { ApiKey next =; zabq zabqVar2 = this.zap.get(next); if (zabqVar2 != null) { if (zabqVar2.zay()) { zalVar.zac(next, ConnectionResult.RESULT_SUCCESS, zabqVar2.zaf().getEndpointPackageName()); } else { ConnectionResult zad2 = zabqVar2.zad(); if (zad2 != null) { zalVar.zac(next, zad2, null); } else { zabqVar2.zat(zalVar); zabqVar2.zao(); } } } else { zalVar.zac(next, new ConnectionResult(13), null); } } } return true; case 3: for (zabq zabqVar3 : this.zap.values()) { zabqVar3.zan(); zabqVar3.zao(); } return true; case 4: case 8: case 13: zach zachVar = (zach) message.obj; zabq zabqVar4 = this.zap.get(zachVar.zac.getApiKey()); if (zabqVar4 == null) { zabqVar4 = zaI(zachVar.zac); } if (!zabqVar4.zaz() || this.zao.get() == zachVar.zab) { zabqVar4.zap(zachVar.zaa); } else { zachVar.zaa.zad(zaa); zabqVar4.zav(); } return true; case 5: int i = message.arg1; ConnectionResult connectionResult = (ConnectionResult) message.obj; Iterator> it2 = this.zap.values().iterator(); while (true) { if (it2.hasNext()) { zabq next2 =; if (next2.zab() == i) { zabqVar = next2; } } } if (zabqVar != null) { if (connectionResult.getErrorCode() == 13) { String errorString = this.zal.getErrorString(connectionResult.getErrorCode()); String errorMessage = connectionResult.getErrorMessage(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(errorString).length() + 69 + String.valueOf(errorMessage).length()); sb.append("Error resolution was canceled by the user, original error message: "); sb.append(errorString); sb.append(": "); sb.append(errorMessage); zabq.zai(zabqVar, new Status(17, sb.toString())); } else { zabq.zai(zabqVar, zaH(zabq.zag(zabqVar), connectionResult)); } } return true; case 6: if (this.zak.getApplicationContext() instanceof Application) { BackgroundDetector.initialize((Application) this.zak.getApplicationContext()); BackgroundDetector.getInstance().addListener(new zabl(this)); if (!BackgroundDetector.getInstance().readCurrentStateIfPossible(true)) { this.zag = 300000L; } } return true; case 7: zaI((GoogleApi) message.obj); return true; case 9: if (this.zap.containsKey(message.obj)) { this.zap.get(message.obj).zau(); } return true; case 10: Iterator> it3 = this.zas.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { zabq remove = this.zap.remove(; if (remove != null) { remove.zav(); } } this.zas.clear(); return true; case 11: if (this.zap.containsKey(message.obj)) { this.zap.get(message.obj).zaw(); } return true; case 12: if (this.zap.containsKey(message.obj)) { this.zap.get(message.obj).zaA(); } return true; case 14: zaaf zaafVar = (zaaf) message.obj; ApiKey zaa2 = zaafVar.zaa(); if (!this.zap.containsKey(zaa2)) { zaafVar.zab().setResult(Boolean.FALSE); } else { zaafVar.zab().setResult(Boolean.valueOf(zabq.zax(this.zap.get(zaa2), false))); } return true; case 15: zabs zabsVar = (zabs) message.obj; Map, zabq> map = this.zap; apiKey = zabsVar.zaa; if (map.containsKey(apiKey)) { Map, zabq> map2 = this.zap; apiKey2 = zabsVar.zaa; zabq.zal(map2.get(apiKey2), zabsVar); } return true; case 16: zabs zabsVar2 = (zabs) message.obj; Map, zabq> map3 = this.zap; apiKey3 = zabsVar2.zaa; if (map3.containsKey(apiKey3)) { Map, zabq> map4 = this.zap; apiKey4 = zabsVar2.zaa; zabq.zam(map4.get(apiKey4), zabsVar2); } return true; case 17: zaK(); return true; case 18: zace zaceVar = (zace) message.obj; if (zaceVar.zac == 0) { zaJ().log(new TelemetryData(zaceVar.zab, Arrays.asList(zaceVar.zaa))); } else { TelemetryData telemetryData = this.zai; if (telemetryData != null) { List zab2 = telemetryData.zab(); if (telemetryData.zaa() == zaceVar.zab && (zab2 == null || zab2.size() < zaceVar.zad)) { this.zai.zac(zaceVar.zaa); } else { this.zat.removeMessages(17); zaK(); } } if (this.zai == null) { ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(zaceVar.zaa); this.zai = new TelemetryData(zaceVar.zab, arrayList); Handler handler2 = this.zat; handler2.sendMessageDelayed(handler2.obtainMessage(17), zaceVar.zac); } } return true; case 19: this.zah = false; return true; default: int i2 = message.what; return false; } } public final void zaA() { Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(3)); } public final void zaB(GoogleApi googleApi) { Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(7, googleApi)); } public final void zaC(zaae zaaeVar) { synchronized (zac) { if (this.zaq != zaaeVar) { this.zaq = zaaeVar; this.zar.clear(); } this.zar.addAll(zaaeVar.zaa()); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zaD(zaae zaaeVar) { synchronized (zac) { if (this.zaq == zaaeVar) { this.zaq = null; this.zar.clear(); } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final boolean zaF() { if (this.zah) { return false; } RootTelemetryConfiguration config = RootTelemetryConfigManager.getInstance().getConfig(); if (config != null && !config.getMethodInvocationTelemetryEnabled()) { return false; } int zaa2 = this.zam.zaa(this.zak, 203400000); return zaa2 == -1 || zaa2 == 0; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final boolean zaG(ConnectionResult connectionResult, int i) { return this.zal.zah(this.zak, connectionResult, i); } public final int zaa() { return this.zan.getAndIncrement(); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final zabq zak(ApiKey apiKey) { return this.zap.get(apiKey); } public final Task, String>> zao(Iterable> iterable) { zal zalVar = new zal(iterable); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(2, zalVar)); return zalVar.zaa(); } public final Task zap(GoogleApi googleApi) { zaaf zaafVar = new zaaf(googleApi.getApiKey()); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(14, zaafVar)); return zaafVar.zab().getTask(); } public final Task zaq(GoogleApi googleApi, RegisterListenerMethod registerListenerMethod, UnregisterListenerMethod unregisterListenerMethod, Runnable runnable) { TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); zaL(taskCompletionSource, registerListenerMethod.zaa(), googleApi); zaf zafVar = new zaf(new zaci(registerListenerMethod, unregisterListenerMethod, runnable), taskCompletionSource); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(8, new zach(zafVar, this.zao.get(), googleApi))); return taskCompletionSource.getTask(); } public final Task zar(GoogleApi googleApi, ListenerHolder.ListenerKey listenerKey, int i) { TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource(); zaL(taskCompletionSource, i, googleApi); zah zahVar = new zah(listenerKey, taskCompletionSource); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(13, new zach(zahVar, this.zao.get(), googleApi))); return taskCompletionSource.getTask(); } public final void zaw(GoogleApi googleApi, int i, BaseImplementation.ApiMethodImpl apiMethodImpl) { zae zaeVar = new zae(i, apiMethodImpl); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(4, new zach(zaeVar, this.zao.get(), googleApi))); } public final void zax(GoogleApi googleApi, int i, TaskApiCall taskApiCall, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource, StatusExceptionMapper statusExceptionMapper) { zaL(taskCompletionSource, taskApiCall.zaa(), googleApi); zag zagVar = new zag(i, taskApiCall, taskCompletionSource, statusExceptionMapper); Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(4, new zach(zagVar, this.zao.get(), googleApi))); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public final void zay(MethodInvocation methodInvocation, int i, long j, int i2) { Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(18, new zace(methodInvocation, i, j, i2))); } public final void zaz(ConnectionResult connectionResult, int i) { if (zaG(connectionResult, i)) { return; } Handler handler = this.zat; handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(5, i, 0, connectionResult)); } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static Status zaH(ApiKey apiKey, ConnectionResult connectionResult) { String zab2 = apiKey.zab(); String valueOf = String.valueOf(connectionResult); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(zab2).length() + 63 + String.valueOf(valueOf).length()); sb.append("API: "); sb.append(zab2); sb.append(" is not available on this device. Connection failed with: "); sb.append(valueOf); return new Status(connectionResult, sb.toString()); } }