package; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class zzd { public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_ADDED = 1; public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_REMOVED = 2; public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_RENAMED_FROM = 3; public static final int CHANGE_TYPE_ACCOUNT_RENAMED_TO = 4; public static final String GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_TYPE = ""; public static final String KEY_SUPPRESS_PROGRESS_SCREEN = "suppressProgressScreen"; public static final String WORK_ACCOUNT_TYPE = ""; private static final String[] ACCEPTABLE_ACCOUNT_TYPES = {"", "", ""}; public static final String KEY_CALLER_UID = "callerUid"; public static final String KEY_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME = "androidPackageName"; private static final ComponentName zzm = new ComponentName("", ""); private static final Logger zzn = new Logger("Auth", "GoogleAuthUtil"); @Deprecated public static String getToken(Context context, String str, String str2) throws IOException, UserRecoverableAuthException, GoogleAuthException { return getToken(context, new Account(str, ""), str2); } @Deprecated public static String getToken(Context context, String str, String str2, Bundle bundle) throws IOException, UserRecoverableAuthException, GoogleAuthException { return getToken(context, new Account(str, ""), str2, bundle); } public static String getToken(Context context, Account account, String str) throws IOException, UserRecoverableAuthException, GoogleAuthException { return getToken(context, account, str, new Bundle()); } public static String getToken(Context context, Account account, String str, Bundle bundle) throws IOException, UserRecoverableAuthException, GoogleAuthException { zzb(account); return zzb(context, account, str, bundle).zzb(); } public static TokenData zzb(Context context, Account account, String str, Bundle bundle) throws IOException, UserRecoverableAuthException, GoogleAuthException { Preconditions.checkNotMainThread("Calling this from your main thread can lead to deadlock"); Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str, "Scope cannot be empty or null."); zzb(account); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 8400000); Bundle bundle2 = bundle == null ? new Bundle() : new Bundle(bundle); String str2 = (String) ApplicationInfo.class.getField(CommonConstant.ReqAccessTokenParam.PACKAGE_NAME).get(context.getApplicationInfo()); bundle2.putString("clientPackageName", str2); String str3 = KEY_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(bundle2.getString(str3))) { bundle2.putString(str3, str2); } bundle2.putLong("service_connection_start_time_millis", SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); return (TokenData) zza(context, zzm, new zze(account, str, bundle2)); } @Deprecated public static void invalidateToken(Context context, String str) { AccountManager.get(context).invalidateAuthToken("", str); } public static void clearToken(Context context, String str) throws GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException, GoogleAuthException, IOException { Preconditions.checkNotMainThread("Calling this from your main thread can lead to deadlock"); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 8400000); Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); String str2 = (String) ApplicationInfo.class.getField(CommonConstant.ReqAccessTokenParam.PACKAGE_NAME).get(context.getApplicationInfo()); bundle.putString("clientPackageName", str2); String str3 = KEY_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME; if (!bundle.containsKey(str3)) { bundle.putString(str3, str2); } zza(context, zzm, new zzf(str, bundle)); } public static List getAccountChangeEvents(Context context, int i, String str) throws GoogleAuthException, IOException { Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str, "accountName must be provided"); Preconditions.checkNotMainThread("Calling this from your main thread can lead to deadlock"); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 8400000); return (List) zza(context, zzm, new zzg(str, i)); } public static String getAccountId(Context context, String str) throws GoogleAuthException, IOException { Preconditions.checkNotEmpty(str, "accountName must be provided"); Preconditions.checkNotMainThread("Calling this from your main thread can lead to deadlock"); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 8400000); return getToken(context, str, "^^_account_id_^^", new Bundle()); } public static Bundle removeAccount(Context context, Account account) throws GoogleAuthException, IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); zzb(account); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 8400000); return (Bundle) zza(context, zzm, new zzh(account)); } public static Boolean requestGoogleAccountsAccess(Context context) throws GoogleAuthException, IOException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context, 11400000); return (Boolean) zza(context, zzm, new zzi((String) ApplicationInfo.class.getField(CommonConstant.ReqAccessTokenParam.PACKAGE_NAME).get(context.getApplicationInfo()))); } private static void zzb(Account account) { if (account == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Account cannot be null"); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty( { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Account name cannot be empty!"); } for (String str : ACCEPTABLE_ACCOUNT_TYPES) { if (str.equals(account.type)) { return; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Account type not supported"); } private static void ensurePlayServicesAvailable(Context context, int i) throws GoogleAuthException { try { GooglePlayServicesUtilLight.ensurePlayServicesAvailable(context.getApplicationContext(), i); } catch (GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException e) { throw new GoogleAuthException(e.getMessage()); } catch (GooglePlayServicesRepairableException e2) { throw new GooglePlayServicesAvailabilityException(e2.getConnectionStatusCode(), e2.getMessage(), e2.getIntent()); } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */ public static T zza(T t) throws IOException { if (t != null) { return t; } zzn.w("GoogleAuthUtil", "Binder call returned null."); throw new IOException("Service unavailable."); } private static T zza(Context context, ComponentName componentName, zzj zzjVar) throws IOException, GoogleAuthException { BlockingServiceConnection blockingServiceConnection = new BlockingServiceConnection(); GmsClientSupervisor gmsClientSupervisor = GmsClientSupervisor.getInstance(context); try { if (gmsClientSupervisor.bindService(componentName, blockingServiceConnection, "GoogleAuthUtil")) { try { return zzjVar.zzb(blockingServiceConnection.getService()); } catch (RemoteException | InterruptedException e) { zzn.i("GoogleAuthUtil", "Error on service connection.", e); throw new IOException("Error on service connection.", e); } } throw new IOException("Could not bind to service."); } finally { gmsClientSupervisor.unbindService(componentName, blockingServiceConnection, "GoogleAuthUtil"); } } }