package; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class HitBuilders { @Deprecated /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class AppViewBuilder extends HitBuilder { public AppViewBuilder() { set("&t", "screenview"); } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class ScreenViewBuilder extends HitBuilder { public ScreenViewBuilder() { set("&t", "screenview"); } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class EventBuilder extends HitBuilder { public EventBuilder() { set("&t", "event"); } public EventBuilder(String str, String str2) { this(); setCategory(str); setAction(str2); } public EventBuilder setCategory(String str) { set("&ec", str); return this; } public EventBuilder setAction(String str) { set("&ea", str); return this; } public EventBuilder setLabel(String str) { set("&el", str); return this; } public EventBuilder setValue(long j) { set("&ev", Long.toString(j)); return this; } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class ExceptionBuilder extends HitBuilder { public ExceptionBuilder() { set("&t", "exception"); } public ExceptionBuilder setDescription(String str) { set("&exd", str); return this; } public ExceptionBuilder setFatal(boolean z) { set("&exf", zzcz.zzc(z)); return this; } } @Deprecated /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class ItemBuilder extends HitBuilder { public ItemBuilder() { set("&t", "item"); } public ItemBuilder setTransactionId(String str) { set("&ti", str); return this; } public ItemBuilder setName(String str) { set("&in", str); return this; } public ItemBuilder setSku(String str) { set("&ic", str); return this; } public ItemBuilder setCategory(String str) { set("&iv", str); return this; } public ItemBuilder setPrice(double d) { set("&ip", Double.toString(d)); return this; } public ItemBuilder setQuantity(long j) { set("&iq", Long.toString(j)); return this; } public ItemBuilder setCurrencyCode(String str) { set("&cu", str); return this; } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class SocialBuilder extends HitBuilder { public SocialBuilder() { set("&t", "social"); } public SocialBuilder setNetwork(String str) { set("&sn", str); return this; } public SocialBuilder setAction(String str) { set("&sa", str); return this; } public SocialBuilder setTarget(String str) { set("&st", str); return this; } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class TimingBuilder extends HitBuilder { public TimingBuilder() { set("&t", "timing"); } public TimingBuilder(String str, String str2, long j) { this(); setVariable(str2); setValue(j); setCategory(str); } public TimingBuilder setVariable(String str) { set("&utv", str); return this; } public TimingBuilder setValue(long j) { set("&utt", Long.toString(j)); return this; } public TimingBuilder setCategory(String str) { set("&utc", str); return this; } public TimingBuilder setLabel(String str) { set("&utl", str); return this; } } @Deprecated /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class TransactionBuilder extends HitBuilder { public TransactionBuilder() { set("&t", "transaction"); } public TransactionBuilder setTransactionId(String str) { set("&ti", str); return this; } public TransactionBuilder setAffiliation(String str) { set("&ta", str); return this; } public TransactionBuilder setRevenue(double d) { set("&tr", Double.toString(d)); return this; } public TransactionBuilder setTax(double d) { set("&tt", Double.toString(d)); return this; } public TransactionBuilder setShipping(double d) { set("&ts", Double.toString(d)); return this; } public TransactionBuilder setCurrencyCode(String str) { set("&cu", str); return this; } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class HitBuilder { private ProductAction zzrx; private Map map = new HashMap(); private Map> zzry = new HashMap(); private List zzrz = new ArrayList(); private List zzsa = new ArrayList(); protected HitBuilder() { } public T setNewSession() { set("&sc", "start"); return this; } public T setNonInteraction(boolean z) { set("&ni", zzcz.zzc(z)); return this; } public T setCampaignParamsFromUrl(String str) { String zzah = zzcz.zzah(str); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(zzah)) { return this; } Map zzaf = zzcz.zzaf(zzah); zza("&cc", zzaf.get("utm_content")); zza("&cm", zzaf.get("utm_medium")); zza("&cn", zzaf.get("utm_campaign")); zza("&cs", zzaf.get("utm_source")); zza("&ck", zzaf.get("utm_term")); zza("&ci", zzaf.get("utm_id")); zza("&anid", zzaf.get("anid")); zza("&gclid", zzaf.get("gclid")); zza("&dclid", zzaf.get("dclid")); zza("&aclid", zzaf.get("aclid")); zza("&gmob_t", zzaf.get("gmob_t")); return this; } public T setCustomDimension(int i, String str) { set(zzd.zzd(i), str); return this; } public T setCustomMetric(int i, float f) { set(zzd.zzf(i), Float.toString(f)); return this; } public final T set(String str, String str2) { if (str != null) {, str2); } else { zzch.zzac("HitBuilder.set() called with a null paramName."); } return this; } private final T zza(String str, String str2) { if (str2 != null) {, str2); } return this; } public final T setAll(Map map) { if (map == null) { return this; } HashMap(map)); return this; } public Map build() { HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(; ProductAction productAction = this.zzrx; if (productAction != null) { hashMap.putAll(; } Iterator it = this.zzrz.iterator(); int i = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { hashMap.putAll(; i++; } Iterator it2 = this.zzsa.iterator(); int i2 = 1; while (it2.hasNext()) { hashMap.putAll(; i2++; } int i3 = 1; for (Map.Entry> entry : this.zzry.entrySet()) { List value = entry.getValue(); String zzm = zzd.zzm(i3); int i4 = 1; for (Product product : value) { String valueOf = String.valueOf(zzm); String valueOf2 = String.valueOf(zzd.zzl(i4)); hashMap.putAll(product.zzn(valueOf2.length() != 0 ? valueOf.concat(valueOf2) : new String(valueOf))); i4++; } if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(entry.getKey())) { hashMap.put(String.valueOf(zzm).concat("nm"), entry.getKey()); } i3++; } return hashMap; } public T addImpression(Product product, String str) { if (product == null) { zzch.zzac("product should be non-null"); return this; } if (str == null) { str = ""; } if (!this.zzry.containsKey(str)) { this.zzry.put(str, new ArrayList()); } this.zzry.get(str).add(product); return this; } public T addPromotion(Promotion promotion) { if (promotion == null) { zzch.zzac("promotion should be non-null"); return this; } this.zzrz.add(promotion); return this; } public T setPromotionAction(String str) {"&promoa", str); return this; } public T addProduct(Product product) { if (product == null) { zzch.zzac("product should be non-null"); return this; } this.zzsa.add(product); return this; } protected T setHitType(String str) { set("&t", str); return this; } protected String get(String str) { return; } public T setProductAction(ProductAction productAction) { this.zzrx = productAction; return this; } } }