package androidx.window.layout; import; import android.content.ComponentCallbacks; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.os.IBinder; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.view.Window; import android.view.WindowManager; import androidx.window.sidecar.SidecarDeviceState; import androidx.window.sidecar.SidecarDisplayFeature; import androidx.window.sidecar.SidecarInterface; import androidx.window.sidecar.SidecarProvider; import androidx.window.sidecar.SidecarWindowLayoutInfo; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import o.C14851gaI; import o.C14866gag; import o.C14953gcr; import o.C14957gcv; import o.DcR; import o.gQi; import o.gdZ; import o.oEt; import o.xxy; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class SidecarCompat implements gQi { public static final LWm c = new LWm(null); private final SidecarInterface a; private final Map b; private gQi.Sts d; private final DcR e; private final Map f; public SidecarCompat(SidecarInterface sidecarInterface, DcR dcR) { C14957gcv.e(dcR, ""); this.a = sidecarInterface; this.e = dcR; this.f = new LinkedHashMap(); this.b = new LinkedHashMap(); } /* JADX WARN: 'this' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public SidecarCompat(Context context) { this(SidecarProvider.getSidecarImpl(context.getApplicationContext()), new DcR()); C14957gcv.e(context, ""); } @Override // o.gQi public final void b(gQi.Sts sts) { C14957gcv.e(sts, ""); this.d = new HBt(sts); SidecarInterface sidecarInterface = this.a; if (sidecarInterface != null) { sidecarInterface.setSidecarCallback(new DistinctSidecarElementCallback(this.e, new TranslatingCallback(this))); } } public final oEt CO_(Activity activity) { C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); IBinder CS_ = c.CS_(activity); if (CS_ == null) { return new oEt(C14851gaI.c); } SidecarInterface sidecarInterface = this.a; SidecarWindowLayoutInfo windowLayoutInfo = sidecarInterface == null ? null : sidecarInterface.getWindowLayoutInfo(CS_); SidecarInterface sidecarInterface2 = this.a; SidecarDeviceState deviceState = sidecarInterface2 != null ? sidecarInterface2.getDeviceState() : null; if (deviceState == null) { deviceState = new SidecarDeviceState(); } return DcR.e(windowLayoutInfo, deviceState); } @Override // o.gQi public final void CP_(Activity activity) { C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); IBinder CS_ = c.CS_(activity); if (CS_ != null) { CR_(CS_, activity); } else { activity.getWindow().getDecorView().addOnAttachStateChangeListener(new RVV(this, activity)); } } public final void CR_(IBinder iBinder, Activity activity) { SidecarInterface sidecarInterface; C14957gcv.e(iBinder, ""); C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); this.f.put(iBinder, activity); SidecarInterface sidecarInterface2 = this.a; if (sidecarInterface2 != null) { sidecarInterface2.onWindowLayoutChangeListenerAdded(iBinder); } if (this.f.size() == 1 && (sidecarInterface = this.a) != null) { sidecarInterface.onDeviceStateListenersChanged(false); } gQi.Sts sts = this.d; if (sts != null) { sts.CV_(activity, CO_(activity)); } CM_(activity); } private final void CM_(Activity activity) { if (this.b.get(activity) == null) { Sts sts = new Sts(this, activity); this.b.put(activity, sts); activity.registerComponentCallbacks(sts); } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static final class Sts implements ComponentCallbacks { final SidecarCompat a; final Activity d; @Override // android.content.ComponentCallbacks public final void onLowMemory() { } Sts(SidecarCompat sidecarCompat, Activity activity) { this.a = sidecarCompat; this.d = activity; } @Override // android.content.ComponentCallbacks public final void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration configuration) { C14957gcv.e(configuration, ""); gQi.Sts sts = this.a.d; if (sts != null) { Activity activity = this.d; sts.CV_(activity, this.a.CO_(activity)); } } } @Override // o.gQi public final void CQ_(Activity activity) { SidecarInterface sidecarInterface; C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); IBinder CS_ = c.CS_(activity); if (CS_ == null) { return; } SidecarInterface sidecarInterface2 = this.a; if (sidecarInterface2 != null) { sidecarInterface2.onWindowLayoutChangeListenerRemoved(CS_); } CN_(activity); boolean z = this.f.size() == 1; this.f.remove(CS_); if (!z || (sidecarInterface = this.a) == null) { return; } sidecarInterface.onDeviceStateListenersChanged(true); } private final void CN_(Activity activity) { activity.unregisterComponentCallbacks(this.b.get(activity)); this.b.remove(activity); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x002c A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:22:0x0055 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x0063 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:30:0x007e */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x008c A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:38:0x00a7 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:41:0x00b4 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TRY_LEAVE, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:69:0x016a A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:71:0x00a8 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:75:0x0176 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:77:0x0080 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:81:0x0182 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:83:0x0057 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:87:0x018e A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:89:0x0020 A[Catch: all -> 0x019a, TryCatch #2 {all -> 0x019a, blocks: (B:3:0x0001, B:9:0x0024, B:11:0x002c, B:13:0x0030, B:14:0x0033, B:16:0x0037, B:17:0x003a, B:23:0x005b, B:25:0x0063, B:31:0x0084, B:33:0x008c, B:39:0x00ac, B:41:0x00b4, B:44:0x00ba, B:45:0x00f0, B:47:0x010c, B:52:0x010f, B:54:0x0140, B:56:0x014a, B:57:0x0151, B:58:0x0152, B:59:0x0159, B:61:0x00bd, B:63:0x00e8, B:65:0x015a, B:66:0x0161, B:67:0x0162, B:68:0x0169, B:69:0x016a, B:70:0x0175, B:71:0x00a8, B:72:0x0091, B:74:0x0097, B:75:0x0176, B:76:0x0181, B:77:0x0080, B:78:0x0068, B:80:0x006e, B:81:0x0182, B:82:0x018d, B:83:0x0057, B:84:0x003f, B:86:0x0045, B:87:0x018e, B:88:0x0199, B:89:0x0020, B:90:0x0008, B:92:0x000e), top: B:2:0x0001, inners: #0, #1 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:8:0x001e */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final boolean a() { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 411 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: androidx.window.layout.SidecarCompat.a():boolean"); } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class RVV implements View.OnAttachStateChangeListener { private final SidecarCompat b; private final WeakReference e; public RVV(SidecarCompat sidecarCompat, Activity activity) { C14957gcv.e(sidecarCompat, ""); C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); this.b = sidecarCompat; this.e = new WeakReference<>(activity); } @Override // android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener public final void onViewAttachedToWindow(View view) { C14957gcv.e(view, ""); view.removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(this); Activity activity = this.e.get(); IBinder CS_ = SidecarCompat.c.CS_(activity); if (activity == null || CS_ == null) { return; } this.b.CR_(CS_, activity); } @Override // android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener public final void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View view) { C14957gcv.e(view, ""); } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class TranslatingCallback implements SidecarInterface.SidecarCallback { final SidecarCompat b; public TranslatingCallback(SidecarCompat sidecarCompat) { C14957gcv.e(sidecarCompat, ""); this.b = sidecarCompat; } public final void onDeviceStateChanged(SidecarDeviceState sidecarDeviceState) { SidecarInterface c; C14957gcv.e(sidecarDeviceState, ""); Collection values = this.b.f.values(); SidecarCompat sidecarCompat = this.b; for (Activity activity : values) { IBinder CS_ = SidecarCompat.c.CS_(activity); SidecarWindowLayoutInfo windowLayoutInfo = (CS_ == null || (c = sidecarCompat.c()) == null) ? null : c.getWindowLayoutInfo(CS_); gQi.Sts sts = sidecarCompat.d; if (sts != null) { DcR unused = sidecarCompat.e; sts.CV_(activity, DcR.e(windowLayoutInfo, sidecarDeviceState)); } } } public final void onWindowLayoutChanged(IBinder iBinder, SidecarWindowLayoutInfo sidecarWindowLayoutInfo) { C14957gcv.e(iBinder, ""); C14957gcv.e(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo, ""); Activity activity = (Activity) this.b.f.get(iBinder); if (activity == null) { return; } DcR unused = this.b.e; SidecarInterface c = this.b.c(); SidecarDeviceState deviceState = c == null ? null : c.getDeviceState(); if (deviceState == null) { deviceState = new SidecarDeviceState(); } oEt e = DcR.e(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo, deviceState); gQi.Sts sts = this.b.d; if (sts != null) { sts.CV_(activity, e); } } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class HBt implements gQi.Sts { private final WeakHashMap a; private final ReentrantLock c; private final gQi.Sts d; public HBt(gQi.Sts sts) { C14957gcv.e(sts, ""); this.d = sts; this.c = new ReentrantLock(); this.a = new WeakHashMap<>(); } @Override // o.gQi.Sts public final void CV_(Activity activity, oEt oet) { C14957gcv.e(activity, ""); C14957gcv.e(oet, ""); ReentrantLock reentrantLock = this.c; reentrantLock.lock(); try { if (C14957gcv.b(oet, this.a.get(activity))) { return; } this.a.put(activity, oet); reentrantLock.unlock(); this.d.CV_(activity, oet); } finally { reentrantLock.unlock(); } } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static final class DistinctSidecarElementCallback implements SidecarInterface.SidecarCallback { private SidecarDeviceState a; private final SidecarInterface.SidecarCallback b; private final ReentrantLock c; private final DcR d; private final WeakHashMap e; public DistinctSidecarElementCallback(DcR dcR, SidecarInterface.SidecarCallback sidecarCallback) { C14957gcv.e(dcR, ""); C14957gcv.e(sidecarCallback, ""); this.d = dcR; this.b = sidecarCallback; this.c = new ReentrantLock(); this.e = new WeakHashMap<>(); } public final void onDeviceStateChanged(SidecarDeviceState sidecarDeviceState) { C14957gcv.e(sidecarDeviceState, ""); ReentrantLock reentrantLock = this.c; reentrantLock.lock(); try { SidecarDeviceState sidecarDeviceState2 = this.a; if (!C14957gcv.b(sidecarDeviceState2, sidecarDeviceState)) { if (sidecarDeviceState2 != null && sidecarDeviceState != null) { C14957gcv.e(sidecarDeviceState2, ""); int d = DcR.RVV.d(sidecarDeviceState2); int i = 0; if (d < 0 || d > 4) { d = 0; } C14957gcv.e(sidecarDeviceState, ""); int d2 = DcR.RVV.d(sidecarDeviceState); if (d2 >= 0 && d2 <= 4) { i = d2; } } this.a = sidecarDeviceState; this.b.onDeviceStateChanged(sidecarDeviceState); C14866gag c14866gag = C14866gag.c; } } finally { reentrantLock.unlock(); } } public final void onWindowLayoutChanged(IBinder iBinder, SidecarWindowLayoutInfo sidecarWindowLayoutInfo) { C14957gcv.e(iBinder, ""); C14957gcv.e(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo, ""); synchronized (this.c) { SidecarWindowLayoutInfo sidecarWindowLayoutInfo2 = this.e.get(iBinder); if (!C14957gcv.b(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo2, sidecarWindowLayoutInfo)) { if (sidecarWindowLayoutInfo2 != null && sidecarWindowLayoutInfo != null) { List a = DcR.RVV.a(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo2); List a2 = DcR.RVV.a(sidecarWindowLayoutInfo); if (a != a2) { if (a != null && a2 != null && a.size() == a2.size()) { int size = a.size() - 1; if (size >= 0) { int i = 0; while (true) { int i2 = i + 1; SidecarDisplayFeature sidecarDisplayFeature = a.get(i); SidecarDisplayFeature sidecarDisplayFeature2 = a2.get(i); if (!C14957gcv.b(sidecarDisplayFeature, sidecarDisplayFeature2)) { if (sidecarDisplayFeature != null) { if (sidecarDisplayFeature2 != null) { if (sidecarDisplayFeature.getType() == sidecarDisplayFeature2.getType()) { if (!C14957gcv.b(sidecarDisplayFeature.getRect(), sidecarDisplayFeature2.getRect())) { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } else { break; } } if (i2 > size) { break; } else { i = i2; } } } } } } this.e.put(iBinder, sidecarWindowLayoutInfo); this.b.onWindowLayoutChanged(iBinder, sidecarWindowLayoutInfo); } } } } /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static final class LWm { private LWm() { } public final xxy d() { try { String apiVersion = SidecarProvider.getApiVersion(); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(apiVersion)) { return null; } xxy.IeS ieS = xxy.b; if (apiVersion == null) { return null; } String str = apiVersion; if (gdZ.d((CharSequence) str)) { return null; } Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(\\d+)(?:\\.(\\d+))(?:\\.(\\d+))(?:-(.+))?").matcher(str); if (!matcher.matches()) { return null; } String group =; Integer valueOf = group == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(group)); if (valueOf == null) { return null; } int intValue = valueOf.intValue(); String group2 =; Integer valueOf2 = group2 == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(group2)); if (valueOf2 == null) { return null; } int intValue2 = valueOf2.intValue(); String group3 =; Integer valueOf3 = group3 == null ? null : Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(group3)); if (valueOf3 == null) { return null; } int intValue3 = valueOf3.intValue(); String group4 = != null ? : ""; C14957gcv.c((Object) group4, ""); return new xxy(intValue, intValue2, intValue3, group4, (byte) 0); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | UnsupportedOperationException unused) { return null; } } public final IBinder CS_(Activity activity) { Window window; WindowManager.LayoutParams attributes; if (activity == null || (window = activity.getWindow()) == null || (attributes = window.getAttributes()) == null) { return null; } return attributes.token; } public /* synthetic */ LWm(C14953gcr c14953gcr) { this(); } } public final SidecarInterface c() { return this.a; } }