package; import java.math.BigInteger; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public abstract class WNafUtil { private static final int[] DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE_CUTOFFS = {13, 41, 121, 337, 897, 2305}; private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTES = new byte[0]; private static final int[] EMPTY_INTS = new int[0]; private static final ECPoint[] EMPTY_POINTS = new ECPoint[0]; public static final String PRECOMP_NAME = "bc_wnaf"; private static int[] trim(int[] iArr, int i) { int[] iArr2 = new int[i]; System.arraycopy(iArr, 0, iArr2, 0, i); return iArr2; } private static byte[] trim(byte[] bArr, int i) { byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i]; System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, bArr2, 0, i); return bArr2; } private static ECPoint[] resizeTable(ECPoint[] eCPointArr, int i) { ECPoint[] eCPointArr2 = new ECPoint[i]; System.arraycopy(eCPointArr, 0, eCPointArr2, 0, eCPointArr.length); return eCPointArr2; } public static WNafPreCompInfo precompute(ECPoint eCPoint, int i, boolean z) { int length; int i2; int coordinateSystem; ECCurve curve = eCPoint.getCurve(); WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = getWNafPreCompInfo(curve.getPreCompInfo(eCPoint, PRECOMP_NAME)); int i3 = 0; int max = 1 << Math.max(0, i - 2); ECPoint[] preComp = wNafPreCompInfo.getPreComp(); if (preComp == null) { preComp = EMPTY_POINTS; length = 0; } else { length = preComp.length; } if (length < max) { preComp = resizeTable(preComp, max); if (max == 1) { preComp[0] = eCPoint.normalize(); } else { if (length == 0) { preComp[0] = eCPoint; i2 = 1; } else { i2 = length; } ECFieldElement eCFieldElement = null; if (max == 2) { preComp[1] = eCPoint.threeTimes(); } else { ECPoint twice = wNafPreCompInfo.getTwice(); ECPoint eCPoint2 = preComp[i2 - 1]; if (twice == null) { twice = preComp[0].twice(); wNafPreCompInfo.setTwice(twice); if (ECAlgorithms.isFpCurve(curve) && curve.getFieldSize() >= 64 && ((coordinateSystem = curve.getCoordinateSystem()) == 2 || coordinateSystem == 3 || coordinateSystem == 4)) { ECFieldElement zCoord = twice.getZCoord(0); twice = curve.createPoint(twice.getXCoord().toBigInteger(), twice.getYCoord().toBigInteger()); ECFieldElement square = zCoord.square(); eCPoint2 = eCPoint2.scaleX(square).scaleY(square.multiply(zCoord)); if (length == 0) { preComp[0] = eCPoint2; } eCFieldElement = zCoord; } } while (i2 < max) { eCPoint2 = eCPoint2.add(twice); preComp[i2] = eCPoint2; i2++; } } curve.normalizeAll(preComp, length, max - length, eCFieldElement); } } wNafPreCompInfo.setPreComp(preComp); if (z) { ECPoint[] preCompNeg = wNafPreCompInfo.getPreCompNeg(); if (preCompNeg == null) { preCompNeg = new ECPoint[max]; } else { i3 = preCompNeg.length; if (i3 < max) { preCompNeg = resizeTable(preCompNeg, max); } } while (i3 < max) { preCompNeg[i3] = preComp[i3].negate(); i3++; } wNafPreCompInfo.setPreCompNeg(preCompNeg); } curve.setPreCompInfo(eCPoint, PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo); return wNafPreCompInfo; } public static ECPoint mapPointWithPrecomp(ECPoint eCPoint, int i, boolean z, ECPointMap eCPointMap) { ECCurve curve = eCPoint.getCurve(); WNafPreCompInfo precompute = precompute(eCPoint, i, z); ECPoint map =; WNafPreCompInfo wNafPreCompInfo = getWNafPreCompInfo(curve.getPreCompInfo(map, PRECOMP_NAME)); ECPoint twice = precompute.getTwice(); if (twice != null) { wNafPreCompInfo.setTwice(; } ECPoint[] preComp = precompute.getPreComp(); int length = preComp.length; ECPoint[] eCPointArr = new ECPoint[length]; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < preComp.length; i2++) { eCPointArr[i2] =[i2]); } wNafPreCompInfo.setPreComp(eCPointArr); if (z) { ECPoint[] eCPointArr2 = new ECPoint[length]; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { eCPointArr2[i3] = eCPointArr[i3].negate(); } wNafPreCompInfo.setPreCompNeg(eCPointArr2); } curve.setPreCompInfo(map, PRECOMP_NAME, wNafPreCompInfo); return map; } public static int getWindowSize(int i, int[] iArr) { int i2 = 0; while (i2 < iArr.length && i >= iArr[i2]) { i2++; } return i2 + 2; } public static int getWindowSize(int i) { return getWindowSize(i, DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE_CUTOFFS); } public static WNafPreCompInfo getWNafPreCompInfo(PreCompInfo preCompInfo) { return (preCompInfo == null || !(preCompInfo instanceof WNafPreCompInfo)) ? new WNafPreCompInfo() : (WNafPreCompInfo) preCompInfo; } public static WNafPreCompInfo getWNafPreCompInfo(ECPoint eCPoint) { return getWNafPreCompInfo(eCPoint.getCurve().getPreCompInfo(eCPoint, PRECOMP_NAME)); } public static int getNafWeight(BigInteger bigInteger) { if (bigInteger.signum() == 0) { return 0; } return bigInteger.shiftLeft(1).add(bigInteger).xor(bigInteger).bitCount(); } public static byte[] generateWindowNaf(int i, BigInteger bigInteger) { if (i == 2) { return generateNaf(bigInteger); } if (i < 2 || i > 8) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'width' must be in the range [2, 8]"); } if (bigInteger.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } int bitLength = bigInteger.bitLength() + 1; byte[] bArr = new byte[bitLength]; int i2 = 1 << i; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; boolean z = false; while (i3 <= bigInteger.bitLength()) { if (bigInteger.testBit(i3) == z) { i3++; } else { bigInteger = bigInteger.shiftRight(i3); int intValue = bigInteger.intValue() & (i2 - 1); if (z) { intValue++; } z = ((i2 >>> 1) & intValue) != 0; if (z) { intValue -= i2; } if (i4 > 0) { i3--; } int i5 = i4 + i3; bArr[i5] = (byte) intValue; i4 = i5 + 1; i3 = i; } } return bitLength > i4 ? trim(bArr, i4) : bArr; } public static byte[] generateNaf(BigInteger bigInteger) { if (bigInteger.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_BYTES; } BigInteger add = bigInteger.shiftLeft(1).add(bigInteger); int bitLength = add.bitLength(); int i = bitLength - 1; byte[] bArr = new byte[i]; BigInteger xor = add.xor(bigInteger); int i2 = 1; while (i2 < i) { if (xor.testBit(i2)) { bArr[i2 - 1] = (byte) (bigInteger.testBit(i2) ? -1 : 1); i2++; } i2++; } bArr[bitLength - 2] = 1; return bArr; } public static byte[] generateJSF(BigInteger bigInteger, BigInteger bigInteger2) { int max = Math.max(bigInteger.bitLength(), bigInteger2.bitLength()) + 1; byte[] bArr = new byte[max]; int i = 0; int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; while (true) { if ((i | i2) == 0 && bigInteger.bitLength() <= i3 && bigInteger2.bitLength() <= i3) { break; } int intValue = (bigInteger.intValue() >>> i3) + i; int intValue2 = (bigInteger2.intValue() >>> i3) + i2; int i5 = intValue & 1; if (i5 != 0) { i5 -= intValue & 2; if ((intValue & 7) + i5 == 4 && (intValue2 & 3) == 2) { i5 = -i5; } } int i6 = intValue2 & 1; if (i6 != 0) { i6 -= intValue2 & 2; if ((intValue2 & 7) + i6 == 4 && (intValue & 3) == 2) { i6 = -i6; } } if ((i << 1) == i5 + 1) { i ^= 1; } if ((i2 << 1) == i6 + 1) { i2 ^= 1; } i3++; if (i3 == 30) { bigInteger = bigInteger.shiftRight(30); bigInteger2 = bigInteger2.shiftRight(30); i3 = 0; } bArr[i4] = (byte) ((i6 & 15) | (i5 << 4)); i4++; } return max > i4 ? trim(bArr, i4) : bArr; } public static int[] generateCompactWindowNaf(int i, BigInteger bigInteger) { if (i == 2) { return generateCompactNaf(bigInteger); } if (i < 2 || i > 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'width' must be in the range [2, 16]"); } if ((bigInteger.bitLength() >>> 16) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'k' must have bitlength < 2^16"); } if (bigInteger.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_INTS; } int bitLength = (bigInteger.bitLength() / i) + 1; int[] iArr = new int[bitLength]; int i2 = 1 << i; int i3 = 0; int i4 = 0; boolean z = false; while (i3 <= bigInteger.bitLength()) { if (bigInteger.testBit(i3) == z) { i3++; } else { bigInteger = bigInteger.shiftRight(i3); int intValue = bigInteger.intValue() & (i2 - 1); if (z) { intValue++; } z = ((i2 >>> 1) & intValue) != 0; if (z) { intValue -= i2; } if (i4 > 0) { i3--; } iArr[i4] = i3 | (intValue << 16); i4++; i3 = i; } } return bitLength > i4 ? trim(iArr, i4) : iArr; } public static int[] generateCompactNaf(BigInteger bigInteger) { if ((bigInteger.bitLength() >>> 16) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'k' must have bitlength < 2^16"); } if (bigInteger.signum() == 0) { return EMPTY_INTS; } BigInteger add = bigInteger.shiftLeft(1).add(bigInteger); int bitLength = add.bitLength(); int i = bitLength >> 1; int[] iArr = new int[i]; BigInteger xor = add.xor(bigInteger); int i2 = 0; int i3 = 1; int i4 = 0; while (i3 < bitLength - 1) { if (xor.testBit(i3)) { iArr[i2] = i4 | ((bigInteger.testBit(i3) ? -1 : 1) << 16); i3++; i2++; i4 = 1; } else { i4++; } i3++; } int i5 = i2 + 1; iArr[i2] = 65536 | i4; return i > i5 ? trim(iArr, i5) : iArr; } }