package; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class Tnaf { private static final BigInteger MINUS_ONE; private static final BigInteger MINUS_THREE; private static final BigInteger MINUS_TWO; public static final byte POW_2_WIDTH = 16; public static final byte WIDTH = 4; public static final ZTauElement[] alpha0; public static final byte[][] alpha0Tnaf; public static final ZTauElement[] alpha1; public static final byte[][] alpha1Tnaf; public static byte getMu(int i) { return (byte) (i == 0 ? -1 : 1); } public static byte[] tauAdicWNaf(byte b, ZTauElement zTauElement, byte b2, BigInteger bigInteger, BigInteger bigInteger2, ZTauElement[] zTauElementArr) { boolean z; if (b != 1 && b != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1"); } int bitLength = norm(b, zTauElement).bitLength(); byte[] bArr = new byte[bitLength > 30 ? bitLength + 4 + b2 : b2 + 34]; BigInteger shiftRight = bigInteger.shiftRight(1); BigInteger bigInteger3 = zTauElement.u; BigInteger bigInteger4 = zTauElement.v; int i = 0; while (true) { if (bigInteger3.equals(ECConstants.ZERO) && bigInteger4.equals(ECConstants.ZERO)) { return bArr; } if (bigInteger3.testBit(0)) { BigInteger mod = bigInteger3.add(bigInteger4.multiply(bigInteger2)).mod(bigInteger); if (mod.compareTo(shiftRight) >= 0) { mod = mod.subtract(bigInteger); } byte intValue = (byte) mod.intValue(); bArr[i] = intValue; if (intValue < 0) { intValue = (byte) (-intValue); z = false; } else { z = true; } if (z) { bigInteger3 = bigInteger3.subtract(zTauElementArr[intValue].u); bigInteger4 = bigInteger4.subtract(zTauElementArr[intValue].v); } else { bigInteger3 = bigInteger3.add(zTauElementArr[intValue].u); bigInteger4 = bigInteger4.add(zTauElementArr[intValue].v); } } else { bArr[i] = 0; } BigInteger shiftRight2 = bigInteger3.shiftRight(1); BigInteger add = b == 1 ? bigInteger4.add(shiftRight2) : bigInteger4.subtract(shiftRight2); BigInteger negate = bigInteger3.shiftRight(1).negate(); i++; bigInteger3 = add; bigInteger4 = negate; } } public static byte[] tauAdicNaf(byte b, ZTauElement zTauElement) { if (b != 1 && b != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1"); } int bitLength = norm(b, zTauElement).bitLength(); byte[] bArr = new byte[bitLength > 30 ? bitLength + 4 : 34]; BigInteger bigInteger = zTauElement.u; BigInteger bigInteger2 = zTauElement.v; int i = 0; int i2 = 0; while (true) { if (bigInteger.equals(ECConstants.ZERO) && bigInteger2.equals(ECConstants.ZERO)) { int i3 = i2 + 1; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i3]; System.arraycopy(bArr, 0, bArr2, 0, i3); return bArr2; } if (bigInteger.testBit(0)) { byte intValue = (byte) ECConstants.TWO.subtract(bigInteger.subtract(bigInteger2.shiftLeft(1)).mod(ECConstants.FOUR)).intValue(); bArr[i] = intValue; bigInteger = intValue == 1 ? bigInteger.clearBit(0) : bigInteger.add(ECConstants.ONE); i2 = i; } else { bArr[i] = 0; } BigInteger shiftRight = bigInteger.shiftRight(1); BigInteger add = b == 1 ? bigInteger2.add(shiftRight) : bigInteger2.subtract(shiftRight); BigInteger negate = bigInteger.shiftRight(1).negate(); i++; bigInteger = add; bigInteger2 = negate; } } public static ECPoint.AbstractF2m tau(ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m) { return abstractF2m.tau(); } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:18:0x0066, code lost: if (r5.compareTo( < 0) goto L25; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:22:0x0083, code lost: if (r5.compareTo( >= 0) goto L34; */ /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:28:0x008c, code lost: if (r7.compareTo( < 0) goto L34; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public static round( r7, r8, byte r9) { /* int r0 = r7.getScale() int r1 = r8.getScale() if (r1 != r0) goto La9 r0 = -1 r1 = 1 if (r9 == r1) goto L19 if (r9 != r0) goto L11 goto L19 L11: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException r7 = new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException java.lang.String r8 = "mu must be 1 or -1" r7.(r8) throw r7 L19: java.math.BigInteger r2 = r7.round() java.math.BigInteger r3 = r8.round() r7 = r7.subtract(r2) r8 = r8.subtract(r3) r4 = r7.add(r7) if (r9 != r1) goto L34 r4 = r4.add(r8) goto L38 L34: r4 = r4.subtract(r8) L38: r5 = r8.add(r8) r5 = r5.add(r8) r8 = r5.add(r8) if (r9 != r1) goto L4f r5 = r7.subtract(r5) r7 = r7.add(r8) goto L57 L4f: r5 = r7.add(r5) r7 = r7.subtract(r8) L57: java.math.BigInteger r8 = int r8 = r4.compareTo(r8) r6 = 0 if (r8 < 0) goto L69 java.math.BigInteger r8 = int r8 = r5.compareTo(r8) if (r8 >= 0) goto L75 goto L71 L69: java.math.BigInteger r8 = int r8 = r7.compareTo(r8) if (r8 < 0) goto L74 L71: r1 = r6 r6 = r9 goto L75 L74: r1 = r6 L75: java.math.BigInteger r8 = int r8 = r4.compareTo(r8) if (r8 >= 0) goto L86 java.math.BigInteger r7 = int r7 = r5.compareTo(r7) if (r7 < 0) goto L91 goto L8e L86: java.math.BigInteger r8 = int r7 = r7.compareTo(r8) if (r7 >= 0) goto L90 L8e: int r7 = -r9 byte r6 = (byte) r7 L90: r0 = r1 L91: r7 = new long r8 = (long) r0 java.math.BigInteger r8 = java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(r8) java.math.BigInteger r8 = r2.add(r8) long r0 = (long) r6 java.math.BigInteger r9 = java.math.BigInteger.valueOf(r0) java.math.BigInteger r9 = r3.add(r9) r7.(r8, r9) return r7 La9: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException r7 = new java.lang.IllegalArgumentException java.lang.String r8 = "lambda0 and lambda1 do not have same scale" r7.(r8) throw r7 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled:,, byte)"); } public static ZTauElement partModReduction(BigInteger bigInteger, int i, byte b, BigInteger[] bigIntegerArr, byte b2, byte b3) { BigInteger add = b2 == 1 ? bigIntegerArr[0].add(bigIntegerArr[1]) : bigIntegerArr[0].subtract(bigIntegerArr[1]); BigInteger bigInteger2 = getLucas(b2, i, true)[1]; ZTauElement round = round(approximateDivisionByN(bigInteger, bigIntegerArr[0], bigInteger2, b, i, b3), approximateDivisionByN(bigInteger, bigIntegerArr[1], bigInteger2, b, i, b3), b2); return new ZTauElement(bigInteger.subtract(add.multiply(round.u)).subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(2L).multiply(bigIntegerArr[1]).multiply(round.v)), bigIntegerArr[1].multiply(round.u).subtract(bigIntegerArr[0].multiply(round.v))); } public static SimpleBigDecimal norm(byte b, SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal, SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal2) { SimpleBigDecimal subtract; SimpleBigDecimal multiply = simpleBigDecimal.multiply(simpleBigDecimal); SimpleBigDecimal multiply2 = simpleBigDecimal.multiply(simpleBigDecimal2); SimpleBigDecimal shiftLeft = simpleBigDecimal2.multiply(simpleBigDecimal2).shiftLeft(1); if (b == 1) { subtract = multiply.add(multiply2); } else { if (b != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1"); } subtract = multiply.subtract(multiply2); } return subtract.add(shiftLeft); } public static BigInteger norm(byte b, ZTauElement zTauElement) { BigInteger subtract; BigInteger multiply = zTauElement.u.multiply(zTauElement.u); BigInteger multiply2 = zTauElement.u.multiply(zTauElement.v); BigInteger shiftLeft = zTauElement.v.multiply(zTauElement.v).shiftLeft(1); if (b == 1) { subtract = multiply.add(multiply2); } else { if (b != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1"); } subtract = multiply.subtract(multiply2); } return subtract.add(shiftLeft); } public static ECPoint.AbstractF2m multiplyTnaf(ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m, ZTauElement zTauElement) { return multiplyFromTnaf(abstractF2m, tauAdicNaf(getMu(((ECCurve.AbstractF2m) abstractF2m.getCurve()).getA()), zTauElement)); } public static ECPoint.AbstractF2m multiplyRTnaf(ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m, BigInteger bigInteger) { ECCurve.AbstractF2m abstractF2m2 = (ECCurve.AbstractF2m) abstractF2m.getCurve(); int fieldSize = abstractF2m2.getFieldSize(); int intValue = abstractF2m2.getA().toBigInteger().intValue(); return multiplyTnaf(abstractF2m, partModReduction(bigInteger, fieldSize, (byte) intValue, abstractF2m2.getSi(), getMu(intValue), (byte) 10)); } public static ECPoint.AbstractF2m multiplyFromTnaf(ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m, byte[] bArr) { ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m2 = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m) abstractF2m.getCurve().getInfinity(); ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m3 = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m) abstractF2m.negate(); int i = 0; for (int length = bArr.length - 1; length >= 0; length--) { i++; byte b = bArr[length]; if (b != 0) { abstractF2m2 = (ECPoint.AbstractF2m) abstractF2m2.tauPow(i).add(b > 0 ? abstractF2m : abstractF2m3); i = 0; } } return i > 0 ? abstractF2m2.tauPow(i) : abstractF2m2; } public static BigInteger getTw(byte b, int i) { if (i == 4) { return b == 1 ? BigInteger.valueOf(6L) : BigInteger.valueOf(10L); } BigInteger[] lucas = getLucas(b, i, false); BigInteger bit = ECConstants.ZERO.setBit(i); return ECConstants.TWO.multiply(lucas[0]).multiply(lucas[1].modInverse(bit)).mod(bit); } public static BigInteger[] getSi(ECCurve.AbstractF2m abstractF2m) { if (!abstractF2m.isKoblitz()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("si is defined for Koblitz curves only"); } int fieldSize = abstractF2m.getFieldSize(); int intValue = abstractF2m.getA().toBigInteger().intValue(); byte mu = getMu(intValue); int shiftsForCofactor = getShiftsForCofactor(abstractF2m.getCofactor()); BigInteger[] lucas = getLucas(mu, (fieldSize + 3) - intValue, false); if (mu == 1) { lucas[0] = lucas[0].negate(); lucas[1] = lucas[1].negate(); } return new BigInteger[]{ECConstants.ONE.add(lucas[1]).shiftRight(shiftsForCofactor), ECConstants.ONE.add(lucas[0]).shiftRight(shiftsForCofactor).negate()}; } public static BigInteger[] getSi(int i, int i2, BigInteger bigInteger) { byte mu = getMu(i2); int shiftsForCofactor = getShiftsForCofactor(bigInteger); BigInteger[] lucas = getLucas(mu, (i + 3) - i2, false); if (mu == 1) { lucas[0] = lucas[0].negate(); lucas[1] = lucas[1].negate(); } return new BigInteger[]{ECConstants.ONE.add(lucas[1]).shiftRight(shiftsForCofactor), ECConstants.ONE.add(lucas[0]).shiftRight(shiftsForCofactor).negate()}; } protected static int getShiftsForCofactor(BigInteger bigInteger) { if (bigInteger != null) { if (bigInteger.equals(ECConstants.TWO)) { return 1; } if (bigInteger.equals(ECConstants.FOUR)) { return 2; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("h (Cofactor) must be 2 or 4"); } public static ECPoint.AbstractF2m[] getPreComp(ECPoint.AbstractF2m abstractF2m, byte b) { byte[][] bArr = b == 0 ? alpha0Tnaf : alpha1Tnaf; ECPoint.AbstractF2m[] abstractF2mArr = new ECPoint.AbstractF2m[(bArr.length + 1) >>> 1]; abstractF2mArr[0] = abstractF2m; int length = bArr.length; for (int i = 3; i < length; i += 2) { abstractF2mArr[i >>> 1] = multiplyFromTnaf(abstractF2m, bArr[i]); } abstractF2m.getCurve().normalizeAll(abstractF2mArr); return abstractF2mArr; } public static byte getMu(ECFieldElement eCFieldElement) { return (byte) (eCFieldElement.isZero() ? -1 : 1); } public static byte getMu(ECCurve.AbstractF2m abstractF2m) { if (abstractF2m.isKoblitz()) { return abstractF2m.getA().isZero() ? (byte) -1 : (byte) 1; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("No Koblitz curve (ABC), TNAF multiplication not possible"); } public static BigInteger[] getLucas(byte b, int i, boolean z) { BigInteger bigInteger; BigInteger bigInteger2; if (b != 1 && b != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("mu must be 1 or -1"); } if (z) { bigInteger = ECConstants.TWO; bigInteger2 = BigInteger.valueOf(b); } else { bigInteger = ECConstants.ZERO; bigInteger2 = ECConstants.ONE; } int i2 = 1; while (i2 < i) { i2++; BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger2; bigInteger2 = (b == 1 ? bigInteger2 : bigInteger2.negate()).subtract(bigInteger.shiftLeft(1)); bigInteger = bigInteger3; } return new BigInteger[]{bigInteger, bigInteger2}; } public static SimpleBigDecimal approximateDivisionByN(BigInteger bigInteger, BigInteger bigInteger2, BigInteger bigInteger3, byte b, int i, int i2) { BigInteger multiply = bigInteger2.multiply(bigInteger.shiftRight(((i - r0) - 2) + b)); BigInteger add = multiply.add(bigInteger3.multiply(multiply.shiftRight(i))); int i3 = (((i + 5) / 2) + i2) - i2; BigInteger shiftRight = add.shiftRight(i3); if (add.testBit(i3 - 1)) { shiftRight = shiftRight.add(ECConstants.ONE); } return new SimpleBigDecimal(shiftRight, i2); } Tnaf() { } static { BigInteger negate = ECConstants.ONE.negate(); MINUS_ONE = negate; MINUS_TWO = ECConstants.TWO.negate(); BigInteger negate2 = ECConstants.THREE.negate(); MINUS_THREE = negate2; alpha0 = new ZTauElement[]{null, new ZTauElement(ECConstants.ONE, ECConstants.ZERO), null, new ZTauElement(negate2, negate), null, new ZTauElement(negate, negate), null, new ZTauElement(ECConstants.ONE, negate), null}; alpha0Tnaf = new byte[][]{null, new byte[]{1}, null, new byte[]{-1, 0, 1}, null, new byte[]{1, 0, 1}, null, new byte[]{-1, 0, 0, 1}}; ZTauElement zTauElement = new ZTauElement(ECConstants.ONE, ECConstants.ZERO); ZTauElement zTauElement2 = new ZTauElement(negate2, ECConstants.ONE); ZTauElement zTauElement3 = new ZTauElement(negate, ECConstants.ONE); BigInteger bigInteger = ECConstants.ONE; alpha1 = new ZTauElement[]{null, zTauElement, null, zTauElement2, null, zTauElement3, null, new ZTauElement(bigInteger, bigInteger), null}; alpha1Tnaf = new byte[][]{null, new byte[]{1}, null, new byte[]{-1, 0, 1}, null, new byte[]{1, 0, 1}, null, new byte[]{-1, 0, 0, -1}}; } }