package; import java.math.BigInteger; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ class SimpleBigDecimal { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; private final BigInteger bigInt; private final int scale; public String toString() { if (this.scale == 0) { return this.bigInt.toString(); } BigInteger floor = floor(); BigInteger subtract = this.bigInt.subtract(floor.shiftLeft(this.scale)); if (this.bigInt.signum() == -1) { subtract = ECConstants.ONE.shiftLeft(this.scale).subtract(subtract); } if (floor.signum() == -1 && !subtract.equals(ECConstants.ZERO)) { floor = floor.add(ECConstants.ONE); } String obj = floor.toString(); char[] cArr = new char[this.scale]; String bigInteger = subtract.toString(2); int length = bigInteger.length(); int i = this.scale - length; for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { cArr[i2] = '0'; } for (int i3 = 0; i3 < length; i3++) { cArr[i + i3] = bigInteger.charAt(i3); } String str = new String(cArr); StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(obj); stringBuffer.append("."); stringBuffer.append(str); return stringBuffer.toString(); } public SimpleBigDecimal subtract(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { return add(simpleBigDecimal.negate()); } public SimpleBigDecimal subtract(BigInteger bigInteger) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.subtract(bigInteger.shiftLeft(this.scale)), this.scale); } public SimpleBigDecimal shiftLeft(int i) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.shiftLeft(i), this.scale); } public BigInteger round() { return add(new SimpleBigDecimal(ECConstants.ONE, 1).adjustScale(this.scale)).floor(); } public SimpleBigDecimal negate() { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.negate(), this.scale); } public SimpleBigDecimal multiply(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { checkScale(simpleBigDecimal); BigInteger multiply = this.bigInt.multiply(simpleBigDecimal.bigInt); int i = this.scale; return new SimpleBigDecimal(multiply, i + i); } public SimpleBigDecimal multiply(BigInteger bigInteger) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.multiply(bigInteger), this.scale); } public long longValue() { return floor().longValue(); } public int intValue() { return floor().intValue(); } public int hashCode() { return this.bigInt.hashCode() ^ this.scale; } public int getScale() { return this.scale; } public BigInteger floor() { return this.bigInt.shiftRight(this.scale); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof SimpleBigDecimal)) { return false; } SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal = (SimpleBigDecimal) obj; return this.bigInt.equals(simpleBigDecimal.bigInt) && this.scale == simpleBigDecimal.scale; } public SimpleBigDecimal divide(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { checkScale(simpleBigDecimal); return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.shiftLeft(this.scale).divide(simpleBigDecimal.bigInt), this.scale); } public SimpleBigDecimal divide(BigInteger bigInteger) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.divide(bigInteger), this.scale); } public int compareTo(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { checkScale(simpleBigDecimal); return this.bigInt.compareTo(simpleBigDecimal.bigInt); } public int compareTo(BigInteger bigInteger) { return this.bigInt.compareTo(bigInteger.shiftLeft(this.scale)); } public SimpleBigDecimal adjustScale(int i) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("scale may not be negative"); } int i2 = this.scale; return i == i2 ? this : new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.shiftLeft(i - i2), i); } public SimpleBigDecimal add(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { checkScale(simpleBigDecimal); return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.add(simpleBigDecimal.bigInt), this.scale); } public SimpleBigDecimal add(BigInteger bigInteger) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(this.bigInt.add(bigInteger.shiftLeft(this.scale)), this.scale); } public static SimpleBigDecimal getInstance(BigInteger bigInteger, int i) { return new SimpleBigDecimal(bigInteger.shiftLeft(i), i); } private void checkScale(SimpleBigDecimal simpleBigDecimal) { if (this.scale != simpleBigDecimal.scale) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only SimpleBigDecimal of same scale allowed in arithmetic operations"); } } public SimpleBigDecimal(BigInteger bigInteger, int i) { if (i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("scale may not be negative"); } this.bigInt = bigInteger; this.scale = i; } }