package org.bouncycastle.crypto.macs; import; import; import okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.BlockCipher; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.CipherParameters; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.DataLengthException; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.params.ParametersWithIV; import org.bouncycastle.util.Pack; /* loaded from: classes6.dex */ public class Poly1305 implements Mac { private static final int BLOCK_SIZE = 16; private final BlockCipher cipher; private final byte[] currentBlock; private int currentBlockOffset; private int h0; private int h1; private int h2; private int h3; private int h4; private int k0; private int k1; private int k2; private int k3; private int r0; private int r1; private int r2; private int r3; private int r4; private int s1; private int s2; private int s3; private int s4; private final byte[] singleByte; private static final long mul32x32_64(int i, int i2) { return (i & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) * i2; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public int getMacSize() { return 16; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public void update(byte[] bArr, int i, int i2) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { int i3 = 0; while (i2 > i3) { if (this.currentBlockOffset == 16) { processBlock(); this.currentBlockOffset = 0; } int min = Math.min(i2 - i3, 16 - this.currentBlockOffset); System.arraycopy(bArr, i3 + i, this.currentBlock, this.currentBlockOffset, min); i3 += min; this.currentBlockOffset += min; } } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public void update(byte b) throws IllegalStateException { byte[] bArr = this.singleByte; bArr[0] = b; update(bArr, 0, 1); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public void reset() { this.currentBlockOffset = 0; this.h4 = 0; this.h3 = 0; this.h2 = 0; this.h1 = 0; this.h0 = 0; } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public void init(CipherParameters cipherParameters) throws IllegalArgumentException { byte[] bArr; if (this.cipher == null) { bArr = null; } else { if (!(cipherParameters instanceof ParametersWithIV)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poly1305 requires an IV when used with a block cipher."); } ParametersWithIV parametersWithIV = (ParametersWithIV) cipherParameters; bArr = parametersWithIV.getIV(); cipherParameters = parametersWithIV.getParameters(); } if (!(cipherParameters instanceof KeyParameter)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poly1305 requires a key."); } setKey(((KeyParameter) cipherParameters).getKey(), bArr); reset(); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public String getAlgorithmName() { if (this.cipher == null) { return "Poly1305"; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Poly1305-"); sb.append(this.cipher.getAlgorithmName()); return sb.toString(); } @Override // org.bouncycastle.crypto.Mac public int doFinal(byte[] bArr, int i) throws DataLengthException, IllegalStateException { if (i + 16 > bArr.length) { throw new DataLengthException("Output buffer is too short."); } if (this.currentBlockOffset > 0) { processBlock(); } int i2 = this.h1; int i3 = this.h0; int i4 = i2 + (i3 >>> 26); int i5 = this.h2 + (i4 >>> 26); int i6 = this.h3 + (i5 >>> 26); int i7 = i5 & 67108863; int i8 = this.h4 + (i6 >>> 26); int i9 = i6 & 67108863; int i10 = (i3 & 67108863) + ((i8 >>> 26) * 5); int i11 = i8 & 67108863; int i12 = (i4 & 67108863) + (i10 >>> 26); int i13 = i10 & 67108863; int i14 = i13 + 5; int i15 = (i14 >>> 26) + i12; int i16 = (i15 >>> 26) + i7; int i17 = (i16 >>> 26) + i9; int i18 = ((i17 >>> 26) + i11) - zzd.zza; int i19 = (i18 >>> 31) - 1; int i20 = ~i19; this.h0 = (i13 & i20) | (i14 & 67108863 & i19); int i21 = (i12 & i20) | (i15 & 67108863 & i19); this.h1 = i21; int i22 = (i7 & i20) | (i16 & 67108863 & i19); this.h2 = i22; int i23 = (i9 & i20) | (67108863 & i17 & i19); this.h3 = i23; this.h4 = (i11 & i20) | (i18 & i19); long j = ((r4 | (i21 << 26)) & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (this.k0 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask); long j2 = (i21 >>> 6) | (i22 << 20); long j3 = this.k1; long j4 = (i22 >>> 12) | (i23 << 14); long j5 = this.k2; long j6 = this.k3; Pack.intToLittleEndian((int) j, bArr, i); long j7 = (j2 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j3 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j >>> 32); Pack.intToLittleEndian((int) j7, bArr, i + 4); long j8 = (j4 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j5 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j7 >>> 32); Pack.intToLittleEndian((int) j8, bArr, i + 8); Pack.intToLittleEndian((int) ((((i23 >>> 18) | (r7 << 8)) & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j6 & KeyboardMap.kValueMask) + (j8 >>> 32)), bArr, i + 12); reset(); return 16; } private void setKey(byte[] bArr, byte[] bArr2) { if (bArr.length != 32) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poly1305 key must be 256 bits."); } int i = 16; if (this.cipher != null && (bArr2 == null || bArr2.length != 16)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poly1305 requires a 128 bit IV."); } int littleEndianToInt = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, 0); int littleEndianToInt2 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, 4); int littleEndianToInt3 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, 8); int littleEndianToInt4 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, 12); this.r0 = 67108863 & littleEndianToInt; int i2 = ((littleEndianToInt >>> 26) | (littleEndianToInt2 << 6)) & 67108611; this.r1 = i2; int i3 = ((littleEndianToInt2 >>> 20) | (littleEndianToInt3 << 12)) & 67092735; this.r2 = i3; int i4 = ((littleEndianToInt3 >>> 14) | (littleEndianToInt4 << 18)) & 66076671; this.r3 = i4; int i5 = (littleEndianToInt4 >>> 8) & 1048575; this.r4 = i5; this.s1 = i2 * 5; this.s2 = i3 * 5; this.s3 = i4 * 5; this.s4 = i5 * 5; BlockCipher blockCipher = this.cipher; if (blockCipher != null) { byte[] bArr3 = new byte[16]; blockCipher.init(true, new KeyParameter(bArr, 16, 16)); this.cipher.processBlock(bArr2, 0, bArr3, 0); i = 0; bArr = bArr3; } this.k0 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, i); this.k1 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, i + 4); this.k2 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, i + 8); this.k3 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(bArr, i + 12); } private void processBlock() { int i = this.currentBlockOffset; if (i < 16) { this.currentBlock[i] = 1; for (int i2 = i + 1; i2 < 16; i2++) { this.currentBlock[i2] = 0; } } long littleEndianToInt = Pack.littleEndianToInt(this.currentBlock, 0); long littleEndianToInt2 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(this.currentBlock, 4) & KeyboardMap.kValueMask; long littleEndianToInt3 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(this.currentBlock, 8) & KeyboardMap.kValueMask; long littleEndianToInt4 = Pack.littleEndianToInt(this.currentBlock, 12) & KeyboardMap.kValueMask; int i3 = (int) (this.h0 + (littleEndianToInt & 67108863)); this.h0 = i3; this.h1 = (int) (this.h1 + ((((littleEndianToInt2 << 32) | (littleEndianToInt & KeyboardMap.kValueMask)) >>> 26) & 67108863)); this.h2 = (int) (this.h2 + (((littleEndianToInt2 | (littleEndianToInt3 << 32)) >>> 20) & 67108863)); this.h3 = (int) (this.h3 + ((((littleEndianToInt4 << 32) | littleEndianToInt3) >>> 14) & 67108863)); int i4 = (int) (this.h4 + (littleEndianToInt4 >>> 8)); this.h4 = i4; if (this.currentBlockOffset == 16) { this.h4 = i4 + Http2Connection.OKHTTP_CLIENT_WINDOW_SIZE; } long mul32x32_64 = mul32x32_64(i3, this.r0) + mul32x32_64(this.h1, this.s4) + mul32x32_64(this.h2, this.s3) + mul32x32_64(this.h3, this.s2) + mul32x32_64(this.h4, this.s1); long mul32x32_642 = mul32x32_64(this.h0, this.r1); long mul32x32_643 = mul32x32_64(this.h1, this.r0); long mul32x32_644 = mul32x32_64(this.h2, this.s4); long mul32x32_645 = mul32x32_64(this.h3, this.s3); long mul32x32_646 = mul32x32_64(this.h4, this.s2); long mul32x32_647 = mul32x32_64(this.h0, this.r2); long mul32x32_648 = mul32x32_64(this.h1, this.r1); long mul32x32_649 = mul32x32_64(this.h2, this.r0); long mul32x32_6410 = mul32x32_64(this.h3, this.s4); long mul32x32_6411 = mul32x32_64(this.h4, this.s3); long mul32x32_6412 = mul32x32_64(this.h0, this.r3); long mul32x32_6413 = mul32x32_64(this.h1, this.r2); long mul32x32_6414 = mul32x32_64(this.h2, this.r1); long mul32x32_6415 = mul32x32_64(this.h3, this.r0); long mul32x32_6416 = mul32x32_64(this.h4, this.s4); long mul32x32_6417 = mul32x32_64(this.h0, this.r4); long mul32x32_6418 = mul32x32_64(this.h1, this.r3); long mul32x32_6419 = mul32x32_64(this.h2, this.r2); long mul32x32_6420 = mul32x32_64(this.h3, this.r1); long mul32x32_6421 = mul32x32_64(this.h4, this.r0); long j = mul32x32_642 + mul32x32_643 + mul32x32_644 + mul32x32_645 + mul32x32_646 + (mul32x32_64 >>> 26); long j2 = (j >>> 26) + mul32x32_647 + mul32x32_648 + mul32x32_649 + mul32x32_6410 + mul32x32_6411; this.h2 = ((int) j2) & 67108863; long j3 = mul32x32_6412 + mul32x32_6413 + mul32x32_6414 + mul32x32_6415 + mul32x32_6416 + (j2 >>> 26); this.h3 = ((int) j3) & 67108863; long j4 = mul32x32_6417 + mul32x32_6418 + mul32x32_6419 + mul32x32_6420 + mul32x32_6421 + (j3 >>> 26); this.h4 = ((int) j4) & 67108863; int i5 = (((int) mul32x32_64) & 67108863) + (((int) (j4 >>> 26)) * 5); this.h1 = (((int) j) & 67108863) + (i5 >>> 26); this.h0 = i5 & 67108863; } public Poly1305(BlockCipher blockCipher) { this.singleByte = new byte[1]; this.currentBlock = new byte[16]; this.currentBlockOffset = 0; if (blockCipher.getBlockSize() != 16) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Poly1305 requires a 128 bit block cipher."); } this.cipher = blockCipher; } public Poly1305() { this.singleByte = new byte[1]; this.currentBlock = new byte[16]; this.currentBlockOffset = 0; this.cipher = null; } }