package o; import o.C15716hvG; import o.InterfaceC6669cZl; /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public final class bDS extends ZI { private final C17127uD a; public EnumC1274Zk b; public final C16075kv c; public final C15978kB d; public final Fnl e; /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ @InterfaceC13391fZD public bDS(C15978kB c15978kB, C16075kv c16075kv, Fnl fnl, C17127uD c17127uD, C16903sI c16903sI) { super(c16903sI); C14957gcv.e(c15978kB, ""); C14957gcv.e(c16075kv, ""); C14957gcv.e(fnl, ""); C14957gcv.e(c17127uD, ""); C14957gcv.e(c16903sI, ""); this.d = c15978kB; this.c = c16075kv; this.e = fnl; this.a = c17127uD; } @Override // o.ZI public final void w_() { this.d.a(); this.c.a(); super.w_(); } public static /* synthetic */ void b(bDS bds, InterfaceC6669cZl.ojQ ojq) { C14957gcv.e(bds, ""); if (!bds.d.c.d()) { ojq.d(); return; } if (bds.d.c.d()) { bDY bdy = new bDY(bds); if (bds.f != 0) { bdy.e(bds.f); } } ojq.e(); } public static /* synthetic */ void a(bDS bds, InterfaceC6669cZl.ojQ ojq) { C14957gcv.e(bds, ""); EnumC1274Zk enumC1274Zk = bds.b; if (enumC1274Zk != null) { C15716hvG.RVV rvv = C15716hvG.d; C14957gcv.e(enumC1274Zk, ""); ojq.e(C15716hvG.RVV.d("mfonboard_landing", enumC1274Zk)); } } public static /* synthetic */ void d(String str, InterfaceC6669cZl.ojQ ojq) { String str2 = str; if (str2 == null || str2.length() == 0) { ojq.b(mfY.MF_DISCOVER_NONE_ACCOUNT); } else { ojq.e(str, mfY.MF_DISCOVER_NONE_ACCOUNT); } } public static /* synthetic */ void e(boolean z, bDS bds, InterfaceC6669cZl.ojQ ojq) { C14957gcv.e(bds, ""); if (z) { ojq.a("l7cf73c52af3f44d3b93214098718a28a5", mfY.MF_DISCOVER_NONE_ACCOUNT, bds.a.c(mfY.MF_DISCOVER_NONE_ACCOUNT)); } else { ojq.a(); } } }