package o; /* JADX WARN: Enum visitor error jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException: Init of enum field 'TOP_UP_FUNCTION' uses external variables at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.createEnumFieldByConstructor( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.processEnumFieldByRegister( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.extractEnumFieldsFromFilledArray( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.extractEnumFieldsFromInsn( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.convertToEnum( at jadx.core.dex.visitors.EnumVisitor.visit( */ /* JADX WARN: Failed to restore enum class, 'enum' modifier and super class removed */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class YE { private static final YE[] $VALUES; public static final YE ACTIVATE_ORDER_CHEQUE_FUNCTION; public static final YE BILL_PAYMENT_FUNCTION; public static final YE BOND_FUNCTION; public static final YE BSCANC_SOURCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE CARDLESS_ATM_FUNCTION; public static final YE CHEQUE_STATUS_ISSUED_FUNCTION; public static final YE CHEQUE_STATUS_RECEIVED_FUNCTION; public static final YE DEBIT_CARD_FUNCTION; public static final YE DEEJUNG_TRANSFER_FUNCTION; public static final YE DIRECT_DEBIT_SOURCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_MAIN_FUNCTION; public static final YE ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_SOURCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE E_DONATION_FUNCTION; public static final YE FAST_PAY_FUNCTION; public static final YE LEVELUP_PAYMENT_FUNCTION; public static final YE LOAN_PAYMENT_FUNCTION; public static final YE PREPAID_CARD_REQUEST_SOURCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE QRXBORDER_SOURCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE REMITTANCE_FUNCTION; public static final YE STOP_CHEQUE_STATUS_FUNCTION; public static final YE TOP_UP_FUNCTION; public static final YE TRANSFER_AND_FIXED_TRANSFER_FUNCTION; public static final YE TRANSFER_FUNCTION; public static final YE UNKNOWN_FUNCTION; private String functionValue; public Boolean showDisclaimerValue; public static YE valueOf(String str) { return (YE) Enum.valueOf(YE.class, str); } public static YE[] values() { return (YE[]) $VALUES.clone(); } static { Boolean bool = Boolean.TRUE; Boolean bool2 = Boolean.FALSE; YE ye = new YE("TOP_UP_FUNCTION", 0, "TOPUP", bool); TOP_UP_FUNCTION = ye; YE ye2 = new YE("TRANSFER_FUNCTION", 1, "TRANSFER", bool); TRANSFER_FUNCTION = ye2; YE ye3 = new YE("TRANSFER_AND_FIXED_TRANSFER_FUNCTION", 2, "TRANSFER_AND_FIXED_TRANSFER", bool); TRANSFER_AND_FIXED_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = ye3; YE ye4 = new YE("BILL_PAYMENT_FUNCTION", 3, "BILLPAYMENT", bool); BILL_PAYMENT_FUNCTION = ye4; YE ye5 = new YE("LEVELUP_PAYMENT_FUNCTION", 4, "LEVELUP", bool); LEVELUP_PAYMENT_FUNCTION = ye5; YE ye6 = new YE("CARDLESS_ATM_FUNCTION", 5, "CARDLESS", bool2); CARDLESS_ATM_FUNCTION = ye6; YE ye7 = new YE("CHEQUE_STATUS_RECEIVED_FUNCTION", 6, "DISPLAY_RECEIVE_CHEQUE", bool2); CHEQUE_STATUS_RECEIVED_FUNCTION = ye7; YE ye8 = new YE("CHEQUE_STATUS_ISSUED_FUNCTION", 7, "DISPLAY_ISSUE_CHEQUE", bool2); CHEQUE_STATUS_ISSUED_FUNCTION = ye8; YE ye9 = new YE("LOAN_PAYMENT_FUNCTION", 8, "LOANPAYMENT", bool2); LOAN_PAYMENT_FUNCTION = ye9; YE ye10 = new YE("STOP_CHEQUE_STATUS_FUNCTION", 9, "DISPLAY_STOP_CHEQUE", bool2); STOP_CHEQUE_STATUS_FUNCTION = ye10; YE ye11 = new YE("E_DONATION_FUNCTION", 10, "E_DONATION_FUNCTION", bool); E_DONATION_FUNCTION = ye11; YE ye12 = new YE("ACTIVATE_ORDER_CHEQUE_FUNCTION", 11, "DISPLAY_ORDER_CHEQUE", bool2); ACTIVATE_ORDER_CHEQUE_FUNCTION = ye12; YE ye13 = new YE("BOND_FUNCTION", 12, "BOND", bool2); BOND_FUNCTION = ye13; YE ye14 = new YE("ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_SOURCE_FUNCTION", 13, "ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_SOURCE", bool2); ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_SOURCE_FUNCTION = ye14; YE ye15 = new YE("ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_MAIN_FUNCTION", 14, "ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_MAIN", bool2); ETB_SET_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_MAIN_FUNCTION = ye15; YE ye16 = new YE("FAST_PAY_FUNCTION", 15, "FAST_PAY_FUNCTION", bool2); FAST_PAY_FUNCTION = ye16; YE ye17 = new YE("UNKNOWN_FUNCTION", 16, "UNKNOWN_FUNCTION", bool2); UNKNOWN_FUNCTION = ye17; YE ye18 = new YE("DEEJUNG_TRANSFER_FUNCTION", 17, "DEEJUNG_TRANSFER_FUNCTION", bool2); DEEJUNG_TRANSFER_FUNCTION = ye18; YE ye19 = new YE("DEBIT_CARD_FUNCTION", 18, "DEBIT_CARD", bool2); DEBIT_CARD_FUNCTION = ye19; YE ye20 = new YE("BSCANC_SOURCE_FUNCTION", 19, "BSCANC_SOURCE_FUNCTION", bool2); BSCANC_SOURCE_FUNCTION = ye20; YE ye21 = new YE("PREPAID_CARD_REQUEST_SOURCE_FUNCTION", 20, "PREPAID_CARD_REQUEST_SOURCE", bool2); PREPAID_CARD_REQUEST_SOURCE_FUNCTION = ye21; YE ye22 = new YE("REMITTANCE_FUNCTION", 21, "REMITTANCE", bool2); REMITTANCE_FUNCTION = ye22; YE ye23 = new YE("DIRECT_DEBIT_SOURCE_FUNCTION", 22, "DIRECT_DEBIT_SOURCE", bool2); DIRECT_DEBIT_SOURCE_FUNCTION = ye23; YE ye24 = new YE("QRXBORDER_SOURCE_FUNCTION", 23, "QRXBORDER_SOURCE", bool2); QRXBORDER_SOURCE_FUNCTION = ye24; $VALUES = new YE[]{ye, ye2, ye3, ye4, ye5, ye6, ye7, ye8, ye9, ye10, ye11, ye12, ye13, ye14, ye15, ye16, ye17, ye18, ye19, ye20, ye21, ye22, ye23, ye24}; } private YE(String str, int i, String str2, Boolean bool) { this.functionValue = str2; this.showDisclaimerValue = bool; } @Override // java.lang.Enum public final String toString() { return this.functionValue; } }