package o; import; import o.Vcx.Sts; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class Vcx { private static int a; private T b; float c; private int d; private Object[] e; private int g; private int j; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static abstract class Sts { int d = -1; protected abstract Sts b(); } public static Vcx d(int i, Sts sts) { Vcx vcx; synchronized (Vcx.class) { vcx = new Vcx(i, sts); int i2 = a; vcx.g = i2; a = i2 + 1; } return vcx; } private Vcx(int i, T t) { if (i <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Object Pool must be instantiated with a capacity greater than 0!"); } this.d = i; this.e = new Object[i]; this.j = 0; this.b = t; this.c = 1.0f; a(1.0f); } private void a(float f) { int i = this.d; int i2 = (int) (i * f); if (i2 <= 0) { i = 1; } else if (i2 <= i) { i = i2; } for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i; i3++) { this.e[i3] = this.b.b(); } this.j = i - 1; } public final void b(T t) { synchronized (this) { if (t.d != -1) { if (t.d == this.g) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The object passed is already stored in this pool!"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("The object to recycle already belongs to poolId "); sb.append(t.d); sb.append(". Object cannot belong to two different pool instances simultaneously!"); throw new IllegalArgumentException(sb.toString()); } int i = this.j + 1; this.j = i; if (i >= this.e.length) { d(); } t.d = this.g; this.e[this.j] = t; } } private void d() { int i = this.d; int i2 = i << 1; this.d = i2; Object[] objArr = new Object[i2]; for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i; i3++) { objArr[i3] = this.e[i3]; } this.e = objArr; } public final T a() { T t; synchronized (this) { if (this.j == -1) { float f = this.c; if (f > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) { a(f); } } t = (T) this.e[this.j]; t.d = -1; this.j--; } return t; } }