package o; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.Log; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /* loaded from: classes2.dex */ final class RHR extends AbstractRunnableC16156liu { private AbstractC15992kKB b; private Long c; private byte[] d; private TaskCompletionSource e; private EOf h; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public RHR(EOf eOf, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource, byte[] bArr, Long l, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource2, AbstractC15992kKB abstractC15992kKB) { super(taskCompletionSource); this.h = eOf; this.d = bArr; this.c = l; this.e = taskCompletionSource2; this.b = abstractC15992kKB; } @Override // o.AbstractRunnableC16156liu public final void e() { try { InterfaceC17264vMx interfaceC17264vMx = (InterfaceC17264vMx) this.h.c.l; EOf eOf = this.h; byte[] bArr = this.d; Long l = this.c; Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("", eOf.a); bundle.putByteArray("nonce", bArr); bundle.putInt("playcore.integrity.version.major", 1); bundle.putInt("playcore.integrity.version.minor", 2); bundle.putInt("playcore.integrity.version.patch", 0); if (l != null) { bundle.putLong("cloud.prj", l.longValue()); } ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(); arrayList.add(new ZxC(System.currentTimeMillis())); bundle.putParcelableArrayList("event_timestamps", new ArrayList<>(C0870QjG.b(arrayList))); interfaceC17264vMx.NE_(bundle, new PXs(this.h, this.e)); } catch (RemoteException e) { C16916sOz c16916sOz = this.h.d; Object[] objArr = {this.b}; if (Log.isLoggable("PlayCore", 6)) { C16916sOz.c(c16916sOz.d, "requestIntegrityToken(%s)", objArr); } this.e.trySetException(new IntegrityServiceException(-100, e)); } } @Override // o.AbstractRunnableC16156liu public final void e(Exception exc) { if (exc instanceof { super.e(new IntegrityServiceException(-9, exc)); } else { super.e(exc); } } }